• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
I came in here expecting to read more about the kundalini, instead I see bible thumpers who think that the earth is 6000 years old.
Well I see you haven't read all fifty five pages this was explained as a common misconception.
Well your very ill informed and on aspects of THE HOLY BIBLE, and history, who ever thought you could take the generations which is mentioned in New Testament from Abraham and add up the generations until SON OF GOD clearly shows the lack of time spent reading THE HOLY BIBLE.
Abraham's line which starts in the new testament is after GOD has destroyed the world and it has been repopulated twice the amount of time between Noah's ark and the people on the boat, form Abraham would be outstanding. Everyone died in the flood but the people on the Ark and they repopulated the world with different nationalities and after the world has millions of people GOD then chooses Abraham to continue HIS will.
So GOD made Adam and Eve
they populate the world,
GOD destroys the world and everyone but Noah and people on Ark.
-----------Time break---------
After the world repopulated GOD chooses Abraham from the billions of people. And then THE HOLY SCRIPTURE continues.
Glad to inform you on this incorrect rumor.


Well-Known Member
Want to address and remind everyone who, what, where, and when they are.

GOD warns about the famine of the HIS word coming in the last chapter of the Old Testament. This is the time we are in, this new cult religion darwinism is taking control of the world so men can sodomite other men, and women can kill their own unborn children.
This appeared without any logical reason or explanation it's only purpose is to try to deny that Sin is in fact evil.
It's appeared in the last couple thousand years, starting right before and after the Son of GOD, just like GOD said it would and it's going to be a terrible shocking awe moment when people who deny GOD''s glory and power and insult HIM and his holyness in HIS own matrix, in HIS universe, in HIS reality, in HIS creation.
And seek to do battle with HIM the ALMIGHTY ONE.
Chose to love GOD, GOD loves those who love HIM.
Don't let people fool you into thinking you can just say "Sorry I didn't know you were real, I trusted this guy named darwin"

So now that we have proven your religion is impossible I hope you all stick around to learn about the power of GOD's sacrifice of HIS only beloved SON LORD JESUS CHRIST. And accept that living this life and dying is Good for us and that HIS will and judgement is always more perfect, glorious, merciful and amazing then anything we being HIS creation could ever fathom. HIS way is right, our way of sin is wrong and is worthy of death and hell fire.
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Well-Known Member
HAHA other possibilities? There is virtually nothing to suggest anything different, and it's completely impossible for anything to come from nothing, unless it's been created by a CREATOR who always was. Rocks, light, marijuana, people, ect could only become through creation.
This is an argument from ignorance, with a twist of special pleading.

Not that I expect you to understand what any of that means. You don't possess the faculties to realize the shittiness of your own arguments.

HAHAHA no they would all die because humans can't live in the water, ever get those "prune" fingers? Try life in the water, your not some super organism that can decide to fly or swim based upon your lifestyle of the generations before you. Nor is there any creature that can set these events into motion based upon there lifestyle.
Prune fingers are caused to give us better grip in water, dumbass.

You like to proclaim what can and can't happen with certainty only an idiot could possess.

The fact you ignore all logic because whales hend bone (which anchors there organs) sometimes have deformities like I had with sever's disease http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sever's_disease is insane.
The fact you think this could be "old legs" is insane
It's a FEMUR bone. That's what it's called. lol

Say it with me now.... FEMUR.

The fact you tried to state a whales came from those other six skeletons, and there are billions years missing between the "links" is absolutely demonic insanity.
The fact that you can't even get the timeline correct after being told half a dozen times is absolutely moronic.

And you feel as it is evidence that GOD doesn't exist, and i'm lying and even though your theory of evolution and "creation always being here" is impossible, this means nothing. Because SOME whales develop abnormalities on there pelvic bone!
That has nothing to do with why god most likely doesn't exist. That is one of the small pieces of evidence in the theory of evolution. Here are some of the other methods we used to determine evolution is true. There is no doubt, at all. Period. It's a fact.

Universal biochemical organization and molecular variance patterns
DNA sequencing
Endogenous retroviruses
Chromosome 2 in humans
Cytochrome c and b
Recent African origin of modern humans
Evidence from comparative anatomy
Evolutionary developmental biology and embryonic development
Homologous structures and divergent (adaptive) evolution
Nested hierarchies and classification
Vestigial structures

Specific examples

Figure 5a: Skeleton of a Baleen whale with the hind limb and pelvic bone structure circled in red. This bone structure stays internal during the entire life of the species.

Figure 5b: Adaptation of insect mouthparts: a, antennae; c, compound eye; lb, labrium; lr, labrum; md, mandibles; mx, maxillae.
(A) Primitive state — biting and chewing: e.g. grasshopper. Strong mandibles and maxillae for manipulating food.
(B) Ticking and biting: e.g. honey bee. Labium long to lap up nectar; mandibles chew pollen and mould wax.
(C) Sucking: e.g. butterfly. Labrum reduced; mandibles lost; maxillae long forming sucking tube.
(D) Piercing and sucking, e.g.. female mosquito. Labrum and maxillae form tube; mandibles form piercing stylets; labrum grooved to hold other parts.

Figure 5c: Illustration of the Eoraptor lunensis pelvis of the saurischian order and the Lesothosaurus diagnosticus pelvis of the ornithischian order in the Dinosauria superorder. The parts of the pelvis show modification over time. The cladogram is shown to illustrate the distance of divergence between the two species.

Figure 5d: The principle of homology illustrated by the adaptive radiation of the forelimb of mammals. All conform to the basic pentadactyl pattern but are modified for different usages. The third metacarpal is shaded throughout; the shoulder is crossed-hatched.

Figure 5e: The path of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in giraffes. The laryngeal nerve is compensated for by subsequent tinkering from natural selection.
Hind structures in whales
Whales possess internally reduced hind parts such as the pelvis and hind legs (Fig. 5a).[54][55] Occasionally, the genes that code for longer extremities cause a modern whale to develop legs. On October 28, 2006, a four-finned bottlenose dolphin was caught and studied due to its extra set of hind limbs.[56] These legged Cetacea display an example of an atavism predicted from their common ancestry.

Insect mouthparts
Other arthropod appendages
Pelvic structure of dinosaurs
Recurrent laryngeal nerve in giraffes
Route of the vas deferens
Evidence from paleontology
Fossil record
Extent of the fossil record

Evolution of the horse

Transition from fish to amphibians
Evidence from geographical distribution
Continental distribution
Island biogeography
Types of species found on islands
Adaptive radiations
Ring species
Distribution of marsupials
Migration, isolation, and distribution of the Camel
Evidence from observed natural selection

Specific examples of natural selection in the lab and in the field

Antibiotic and pesticide resistance
E. coli long-term evolution experiment
Lactose intolerance in humans
Nylon-eating bacteria
PCB tolerance
Peppered moth
Radiotrophic fungus
Urban wildlife
Interspecies fertility or hybridization
Mimulus peregrinus
York groundsel
Evidence from computation and mathematical iteration

Specific examples
Avida simulation[/quote]

and there are many disease that cause abnormalities of bones especially hip bones in whales,
ESPECIALLY in hip bones in whales.... Really?

and all living things can develop abnormalities of bones from diseases like I did when I had http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sever's_disease
Not even remotely the same thing. A disease doesn't cause vestigial limbs and organs you asshat. lol

And then suggest there are millions of missing links between animal A and Y see how they are similar but different!!!
So you ignore all logic and insult people when they thoroughly explain this to you in a polite manner.
You haven't explained anything. You've copy pasted you old posts over and over again, when they didn't explain anything in the first place.

You're a gullible half-wit with no scientific understanding. It's like asking a 3 year old what it's like on the moon.... lol The stories they will tell....

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Well-Known Member
Creation is the only thing possible.

Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY

That is just an assumption you're making. There's absolutely no evidence that ANYTHING in nature was created. The explanation that makes the least amount of assumptions is usually correct.

In this case, you're assuming god exists, and created everything, I'm not.

I'm more likely correct. It's that simple.


Well-Known Member
Ghostdriver do you live Biblically as well? If so, do people mistake some of your beliefs as belonging to Islam?


Well-Known Member
Below: Drawing shows a similar (small) pelvic bone of a Sperm whale with an even smaller abnormal lump of bone fused to it, which abnormality is labeled by evolutionists a ‘vestigial femur.’ However, this tiny blob of bone bears little resemblance to the leg bone of any land animal.
If you have http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sever's_disease (which I had) does this mean my bones on my feet use to have more legs?
Of course not.
Just because you keep calling a frequent abnormality of growth in whales a "femur" doesn't mean it's a femur LOL

You really want to believe the impossible, world and matter came from nothing and people evolve from germs as well as every thing.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live live "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what? wear cloths, play instruments? And became completely exposed to all elements? And elephants decided to want to be big? This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? WHat if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because SOME whales develop abnormalities on there pelvic bone! Not all but some!
Here is a example says Darwin!

The closest thing to the claim which launched our pursuit of this whole trail is where Slijper states, ‘Thus, at Ayukawa Whaling Station (Japan), a Sperm Whale was brought in in 1956, with a 5-inch tibia projecting into a 5½-inch “bump," and a Russian factory ship in the Bering Sea had a similar experience in 1959.’ No photo is provided.
Ignoring for the moment the purely anecdotal nature of the evidence, what is it that is being claimed? Sperm whales are massive—up to about 19m (62 feet) long. A 14 cm (5.5 inch) ‘bump’ on its side would look like an almost unnoticeable pimple. Inside the bump is a piece of bone, some 12.5 cm (5 inches) ‘long.’ There is no evidence given of anything which could reasonably be called a ‘leg.’ Slijper calls the bone inside the ‘bump’ a ‘tibia.’ But we have already seen that it doesn’t take much for evolutionary believers to label abnormal pieces of bone in ways to fit their naturalistic religion.
Even if these poorly documented accounts are true, a fist-sized bump on the side of a whale, with bony tissue inside, bears little resemblance to the report by the popular evolutionist Bakker, quoted earlier. Sadly, many people are being given the idea that there is good scientific evidence of modern whales being born with complete legs dangling from their sides! It seems as if this particular ‘evidence’ for evolution is about the same as that of the occasional human babies which are born with an abnormal lump of fat close to the base of the spine. In spite of the fact that these lumps have no tail-like structures in them, and are often not even on the mid-line, they are still frequently claimed to be ‘throw-backs’ to an alleged evolutionary ancestor with a tail!

The changes required in the evolutionary belief system for a land animal to become a whale are incredibly complex and far reaching. Evolutionist Anthony Martin explains:
‘Principally it meant developing a new mode of locomotion (from walking to swimming), a physiology to cope with a dense medium (water rather than air), new methods of detecting and catching prey, and a means of breathing efficiently at the sea surface.

‘This adaptation was achieved by changing every part of the body, particularly the head … As well as changes to the head, adaptation to an aquatic way of life brought about fundamental alterations to the rest of the body.’3

By contrast, there is nothing about the anatomy of modern whales, including the occasional minor abnormalities, which is difficult to incorporate into a creationist understanding of their origins. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator-made-flesh, indicated in Mark 10:6 that people were made ‘from the beginning of the creation’ (not billions of years after the beginning). Whales, along with other creatures of the sea, were made just one day earlier.4 The same God Who is able to raise a person from the dead was easily able to accomplish this.
-GOD made creation through JESUS CHRIST HIS SON our GOD son of THE MAJESTY MOST HIGH.

If you have http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sever's_disease (which I had) does this mean my bones on my feet use to have more legs?
Of course not.


Well-Known Member
Just because you keep calling a frequent abnormality of growth in whales a "femur" doesn't mean it's a femur LOL

You really want to believe the impossible, world and matter came from nothing and people evolve from germs as well as every thing.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live live "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what? wear cloths, play instruments? And became completely exposed to all elements? And elephants decided to want to be big? This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? WHat if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because SOME whales develop abnormalities on there pelvic bone! Not all but some!
Here is a example says Darwin!

The closest thing to the claim which launched our pursuit of this whole trail is where Slijper states, ‘Thus, at Ayukawa Whaling Station (Japan), a Sperm Whale was brought in in 1956, with a 5-inch tibia projecting into a 5½-inch “bump," and a Russian factory ship in the Bering Sea had a similar experience in 1959.’ No photo is provided.
Ignoring for the moment the purely anecdotal nature of the evidence, what is it that is being claimed? Sperm whales are massive—up to about 19m (62 feet) long. A 14 cm (5.5 inch) ‘bump’ on its side would look like an almost unnoticeable pimple. Inside the bump is a piece of bone, some 12.5 cm (5 inches) ‘long.’ There is no evidence given of anything which could reasonably be called a ‘leg.’ Slijper calls the bone inside the ‘bump’ a ‘tibia.’ But we have already seen that it doesn’t take much for evolutionary believers to label abnormal pieces of bone in ways to fit their naturalistic religion.
Even if these poorly documented accounts are true, a fist-sized bump on the side of a whale, with bony tissue inside, bears little resemblance to the report by the popular evolutionist Bakker, quoted earlier. Sadly, many people are being given the idea that there is good scientific evidence of modern whales being born with complete legs dangling from their sides! It seems as if this particular ‘evidence’ for evolution is about the same as that of the occasional human babies which are born with an abnormal lump of fat close to the base of the spine. In spite of the fact that these lumps have no tail-like structures in them, and are often not even on the mid-line, they are still frequently claimed to be ‘throw-backs’ to an alleged evolutionary ancestor with a tail!

The changes required in the evolutionary belief system for a land animal to become a whale are incredibly complex and far reaching. Evolutionist Anthony Martin explains:
‘Principally it meant developing a new mode of locomotion (from walking to swimming), a physiology to cope with a dense medium (water rather than air), new methods of detecting and catching prey, and a means of breathing efficiently at the sea surface.

‘This adaptation was achieved by changing every part of the body, particularly the head … As well as changes to the head, adaptation to an aquatic way of life brought about fundamental alterations to the rest of the body.’3

By contrast, there is nothing about the anatomy of modern whales, including the occasional minor abnormalities, which is difficult to incorporate into a creationist understanding of their origins. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator-made-flesh, indicated in Mark 10:6 that people were made ‘from the beginning of the creation’ (not billions of years after the beginning). Whales, along with other creatures of the sea, were made just one day earlier.4 The same God Who is able to raise a person from the dead was easily able to accomplish this.
-GOD made creation through JESUS CHRIST HIS SON our GOD son of THE MAJESTY MOST HIGH.
Creationists use special pleading. It's the only way their explanations can work. Also, their explanations have ZERO predictive power, which makes them completely fucking useless.

Evolution is a fact. We've watched it happen, and have extensive fossil and DNA evidence to back it up. No paragraphs written on a pot forum are going to change these facts.

Do you think all modern biologists are just running around labeling things and sticking bones in boxes without knowing what they're doing? That's essentially what you're saying, that you you think all biologists are stupid and that you know better. You claim to know anatomy better than people who study anatomy, you claim to know biological processes better than biologists, and you claim to know about DNA more than geneticists.




Well-Known Member
Your responses leave me in shame over mankind. A small growth sometimes appears in right whales and sperm whales and is typically a inch and you start to deny GOD.
Everhard Johannes Slijper (1907–1968) was professor of general zoology at Amsterdam University, Netherlands. He was the world’s leading authority on whales. Chapter 2 of his classic work is entitled ‘Evolution and External Appearance.’ In it, he talks about a bone in whales that he calls the ‘pelvic bone,’ which is some 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, ‘but unlike the pelvis of normal mammals it is not attached to the vertebral column.’ This bone serves as an anchorage for the male reproductive organs. Slijper goes on to say that sometimes ‘another small bone may be attached to it.’ Being an evolutionist, he naturally interprets this smaller piece of bone as a throw-back to the femur, or thigh bone, of the whale’s evolutionary ancestor. However, he states that in these occasional cases, the bone in question is generally 2.5 cm (just over an inch) in length, and that it is sometimes ‘fused’ with the pelvic bone.

Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy. A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.


Well-Known Member
Your responses leave me in shame over the mankind. A small growth sometimes appears in right whales and sperm whales and is typically a inch and you start to deny GOD.
Everhard Johannes Slijper (1907–1968) was professor of general zoology at Amsterdam University, Netherlands. He was the world’s leading authority on whales. Chapter 2 of his classic work is entitled ‘Evolution and External Appearance.’ In it, he talks about a bone in whales that he calls the ‘pelvic bone,’ which is some 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, ‘but unlike the pelvis of normal mammals it is not attached to the vertebral column.’ This bone serves as an anchorage for the male reproductive organs. Slijper goes on to say that sometimes ‘another small bone may be attached to it.’ Being an evolutionist, he naturally interprets this smaller piece of bone as a throw-back to the femur, or thigh bone, of the whale’s evolutionary ancestor. However, he states that in these occasional cases, the bone in question is generally 2.5 cm (just over an inch) in length, and that it is sometimes ‘fused’ with the pelvic bone.
And thus is the argument of someone who doesn't understand the scientific process.

The coding for 'legs' still exists in whale and dolphin DNA. That's why occasionally one will still actually grow legs. Same reason why humans grow a tail occasionally. It's an evolutionary throw-back.

Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy.
That DNA is a throw-back to when whales had legs. (And they're still FEMUR bones regardless of how often you call them by the wrong name)

A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.
It occurs in whales and dolphins actually. (There are lots of other vestigial organs in other species)



Well-Known Member
Nothing matters because of this mildly occurring abnormality found in some Right and Sperm Whales (actually every living thing sometimes grows bone abnormalities because of disease) ? Small one inch abnormalities? and the fact living and all matter is similar on a molecular level? To YOUR mind means all those impossible events I mentioned can happen? and you don't know how? Or why ? Or how they are related to what we are talking about? But think Matter being made with similar properties on a molecular level, and some mildly frequent one inch average growth on some right, and sperm whales ( all creatures frequently have abnormal bone growth even humans) like http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/scoliosis/basics/definition/con-20030140 which I had.
And http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sever's_disease which I also had. DO you think these are cases of "throw back evolutionary traits"
Pure insanity.

GOD wants people repent to avoid HELL and punishment. For the wicked to turn so that they will live. Not live in the twilight zone and pretend everything is okay and continue to sin and insult GOD, and HIS worshipers. Then have the ALMIGHTY's wraith fall upon you one morning and be forever damned in HELL.
Don't let the devil and your own ego and iniquity destroy you forever.
Don't live in the twilight zone. Wake up
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Well-Known Member
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live live "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what? wear cloths, play instruments? And became completely exposed to all elements? And elephants decided to want to be big? This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? What if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

Real questions for you^
And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because creatures develop abnormalities on there bone!! Not everyone but some in rare occasions



Well-Known Member
Creation is the only thing possible.

You : "No, matter has always existed in some form or another. We have no reason to believe matter can be created or destroyed. "
Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY

You seem forgetful to say the least.
I don't think you smoke marijuana? Do you? - real question
So your'e saying GOD can't create creation and has always been? but the Universe can create and has always been? That's literally believing in something that you claim is impossible.
"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous. The only reason GOD is before everything is because GOD is a living omnipotent being that you cannot fathom. Before the beginning GOD was."- page 43


Well-Known Member
Real questions for you

If your god is so real,then where is he and why has no one ever proven him to exist?

Do you understand that the bible was written by man, which in turn means that it is subject to all of the preferance of the ruling authority of the times in which the book circulated?

How do you know that Lucifer isnt creating the image and voice of god in your "visions"?You know how crafty fallen angels can be right?:roll:
According to dogmatic lore,Lucifer can change form and you are but a mortal to powerless to see through it,,But its just got to be god dosent it?

I think it offensive for someone to go around and preach a religion about love which condemns eternaly.

I also think you need to stop repeating the same old BS and actualy learn some facts about how science is applied, instead of hiding behind your debunked creationist theory.


Well-Known Member
Real questions for you

If your god is so real,then where is he and why has no one ever proven him to exist?

Do you understand that the bible was written by man, which in turn means that it is subject to all of the preferance of the ruling authority of the times in which the book circulated?

How do you know that Lucifer isnt creating the image and voice of god in your "visions"?You know how crafty fallen angels can be right?:roll:
According to dogmatic lore,Lucifer can change form and you are but a mortal to powerless to see through it,,But its just got to be god dosent it?

I think it offensive for someone to go around and preach a religion about love which condemns eternaly.

I also think you need to stop repeating the same old BS and actualy learn some facts about how science is applied, instead of hiding behind your debunked creationist theory.
I have been explaining myself over and over because you bring up the same subject over and over. Do you expect a different answer? Can demons give you demonic suggestion through thoughts absolutely? How Do you know it's not GOD. When GOD THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR talks to you I assure you everyone will know. And according to THE HOLY BIBLE and ALL HOLY SCRIPTURE demons have no power unless your doing evil things and aren't protected by GOD.
Why hasn't anyone proven GOD existed?
Everyone knows GOD exist, mankind's time and Laws is based on GOD. Only insane cult darwin followers think it's logical to deny THE CREATOR. So if you have watched some propaganda of "arguments on darwinism" which leads you to believe that this was possible, and what I'm telling you is some kind of shock to mankind you're completely wrong.
Now since I have answered all your questions how about you answer mine?


Well-Known Member
I have been explaining myself over and over because you bring up the same subject over and over. Do you expect a different answer? Can demons give you demonic suggestion through thoughts absolutely? How Do you know it's not GOD. When GOD THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR talks to you I assure you everyone will know. And according to THE HOLY BIBLE and ALL HOLY SCRIPTURE demons have no power unless your doing evil things and aren't protected by GOD.
Why hasn't anyone proven GOD existed?
Everyone knows GOD exist, mankind's time and Laws is based on GOD. Only insane cult darwin followers think it's logical to deny THE CREATOR. So if you have watched some propaganda of "arguments on darwinism" which leads you to believe that this was possible, and what I'm telling you is some kind of shock to mankind you're completely wrong.
Now since I have answered all your questions how about you answer mine?

I have been explaining myself over and over because you bring up the same subject over and over. Do you expect a different answer?
No I dont, this is what Im talking about,,,YOU claiming absolute knowledge from subjectively provided answers IS NOT THE SAME AS FACT,,,you goon!
It is your opinion that is at the core of your own line of reasoning not the consideration of well proven facts.

Can demons give you demonic suggestion through thoughts absolutely? How Do you know it's not GOD. When GOD THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR talks to you I assure you everyone will know.
That well garbled response made absolutely no sense whatsoever and isnt worth anything short of an insult.

Everyone knows GOD exist, mankind's time and Laws is based on GOD. Only insane cult darwin followers think it's logical to deny THE CREATOR. So if you have watched some propaganda of "arguments on darwinism" which leads you to believe that this was possible, and what I'm telling you is some kind of shock to mankind you're completely wrong.
WTF are you talking about?Its logic to deny creationism based off of scientific evidence that the Earth has been around alot longer than 6000 years.Its logic to question the assumptions and gaps of rational thought that is encouraged by faith in your creator.
I can certainly tell the difference between propaganda and information supported by fact.Arguements for darwinism vs creationism are won by darwinism,because guess what?It is supported by FACTs and evidence,an overwhemling amount of it.Your arguement for creation really cant do this properly,NOR HAS IT EVER!

Seriously,,,lay off of the easy Jesus ghosty,it has skewed your fragile little mind.