The forbidden TRUTH

I think perhaps you should educate yourself more, you seem unlearned. Confused by your own thoughts.
I'm sorry if you stumbled, but religion isn't even an excuse or a good answer to whatever problem you may have had. The bible was written by people that were VERY unintelligent. Think of the time period. Read about it, learn!
I keep bringing up intelligence cause you see yourselves as giving something, your not that smart to think that reading over the whole post, your not reading and understanding our posts let alone yours. Do you have any of your own thoughts left. Perhaps something not in the bible.
I'm guessing depression.
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You showed me answers? It was I who showed you the answers, it was you with the questions. You would gain wisdom to reread everything posted.

The answers you gave did nothing to answer my questions.

You aren't capable of answering them, because your arguments don't logically follow. If your arguments don't logically follow there's no reason to take them as credible.
Yes they do, what didn't make sense? You obviously are choosing evil desires over GOD and continue to try to make up excuses for why yet have none. Your not after the truth your here for your own agenda, the truth and answers clearly upset you. I'm trying to have people who want to learn about GOD to ask me questions, not people who do not want to learn and reject the answer only because it conflicts with how you live your life.
What didn't make sense? Free will is not free if I'm punished for it! Quite the opposite, seems confusing. Read slower.
Your answers are almost scripted from the bible, oh we'll that's because of god dis and god dat.
Take control of your own life.
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Listen to your feelings, your lost dood. Feeling = the truth. Not you preacher or any preacher that contradicts themselves.
Hubey you are the one who needs to educate himself. I find it interesting how people who don't want to learn about GOD can't stop commenting making no sense what so ever, and not willing to listen to reason, logic, and the truth about GOD and HIS Son Jesus Christ. This thread is for finding out the truth about GOD and explaining how denominations and religions confuse the masses. Yet all I have gotten is hate mail from people who do not want to worship GOD, and claim that they will not be held responsible for there own actions, I believe that threat was made against me real, in fact considering all of you claim that you will not be held responsible for evil leads me to believe that if you could get away with it legally you would kill me, also hubey if you think raping and killing children is okay, and you will not be punished for your evil acts, what things would you do if you thought you could get away with it legally? The darkness displayed in that statement left me baffled.
If you have children and think this they should be removed from you at once, if you think raping and killing is okay, you probably think rape and incest is okay. You need Jesus Christ Blood to remove those devils from you
Hubey you are the one who needs to educate himself. I find it interesting how people who don't want to learn about GOD can't stop commenting making no sense what so ever, and not willing to listen to reason, logic, and the truth about GOD and HIS Son Jesus Christ. This thread is for finding out the truth about GOD and explaining how denominations and religions confuse the masses. Yet all I have gotten is hate mail from people who do not want to worship GOD, and claim that they will not be held responsible for there own actions, I believe that threat was made against me real, in fact considering all of you claim that you will not be held responsible for evil leads me to believe that if you could get away with it legally you would kill me, also hubey if you think raping and killing children is okay, and you will not be punished for your evil acts, what things would you do if you thought you could get away with it legally? The darkness displayed in that statement left me baffled.
If you have children and think this they should be removed from you at once, if you think raping and killing is okay, you probably think rape and incest is okay. You need Jesus Christ Blood to remove those devils from you
So your not gonna answer?
I was talking to ceepea about being upset.

Yes I know GOD, I figured you didn't worship GOD when you stated that killing and raping children wasn't evil. As for you question why punish people when they die, why wait? Well GOD has given us the beautiful life to learn, love and worship him. Also has given us time to learn the hard way that GOD's way is the right and only way. So even though I have fallen countless times I can be forgiven. The angels however are not blessed with the repentance for they saw heaven, came in the presence of THE MOST HIGH and revolted. Life is a gift of mercy upon us sinners that we may understand and gain repentance after we revolt from GOD
To use this quote. I like the thought (and to bring up your continually need to talk about rapped children) that I could "rape a child" "ask" for forgiveness and such "evil" will be forgotten. In heaven so easy. Into heaven jus like that. Oh shit ill have to go back and check which version of the bible man wrote to see which one we are talking about.
Hubey you are the one who needs to educate himself. I find it interesting how people who don't want to learn about GOD can't stop commenting making no sense what so ever, and not willing to listen to reason, logic, and the truth about GOD and HIS Son Jesus Christ. This thread is for finding out the truth about GOD and explaining how denominations and religions confuse the masses. Yet all I have gotten is hate mail from people who do not want to worship GOD, and claim that they will not be held responsible for there own actions, I believe that threat was made against me real, in fact considering all of you claim that you will not be held responsible for evil leads me to believe that if you could get away with it legally you would kill me, also hubey if you think raping and killing children is okay, and you will not be punished for your evil acts, what things would you do if you thought you could get away with it legally? The darkness displayed in that statement left me baffled.
If you have children and think this they should be removed from you at once, if you think raping and killing is okay, you probably think rape and incest is okay. You need Jesus Christ Blood to remove those devils from you
Oh I'm very educated. I've never "stumbled." You don't know me. Just like I don't know you. Going off what you say and you soun.... Kina......
GOD reveals things to me in awesome wonder and glory. I actually have a relationship with GOD and his son LORD JESUS CHRIST. Man i'm not just posting to you what I think LOL I'm telling you what I know, and I have a feeling you already know a lot of what i'm saying. But that's besides the point, lol no, no one is scared, no one is in fear of being wrong, at least not behind this computer. stomach pains? LOL are you going to be okay man?

It seems that you are so afraid of death that you desperately deluded yourself into believing a fairytale that avoids it. In contrast, it seems atheists do not fear death in this way as they are strong enough to follow the evidence that there is no escape from it. It is a harsh truth, but it seems healthy to grow up and accept this basic fact of life...
Hubey you are the one who needs to educate himself. I find it interesting how people who don't want to learn about GOD can't stop commenting making no sense what so ever, and not willing to listen to reason, logic, and the truth about GOD and HIS Son Jesus Christ.

You and your strawmen. We have told you that we have learned about god, and were christian for a many years. You are the last person to speak about reason, logic and truth, as you haven't demonstrated any of these things. You may fooled yourself into thinking that you have, but it is clear to the rest of us that this isn't the case. This is what engaging with you is like for us -


This thread is for finding out the truth about GOD and explaining how denominations and religions confuse the masses. Yet all I have gotten is hate mail from people who do not want to worship GOD, and claim that they will not be held responsible for there own actions,

I suspect the true purpose of this thread is to you to try and convince yourself of these things. Note how no one agrees with you and that you are not getting through to anyone, and you don't seem to mind. You keep repeating your dogma over and over, it doesn't seem this is for anyone but yourself...

I believe that threat was made against me real,

Apparently, you believe a great many erroneous things. Pad's comment simply meant that only in a western country of such excess could you survive with such a faulty cognitive process, as life here is very easy. You taking this as a death threat only shows how your mind twists the data it receives into something that doesn't exist in reality...

in fact considering all of you claim that you will not be held responsible for evil leads me to believe that if you could get away with it legally you would kill me, also hubey if you think raping and killing children is okay, and you will not be punished for your evil acts, what things would you do if you thought you could get away with it legally? The darkness displayed in that statement left me baffled.
If you have children and think this they should be removed from you at once, if you think raping and killing is okay, you probably think rape and incest is okay. You need Jesus Christ Blood to remove those devils from you

Again, you are not intelligent enough to understand what he meant. Good and evil are man made concepts that do not exist (as far as we know) outside of the human experience. The universe is indifferent to us, it does not know we even exist. All of our suffering, victories, pain and joy is only meaningful to us. In nature, creatures kill and are cruel to others, even kill off entire species. They also nurture, dance, play and demonstrate joy. They do not have the concept of good or evil, things simply are as they are. This is philosophy 101, something you know nothing about as you haven't studied it. You seem to have a strong desire to kneel and submit, to feel that you are a lowly creature that is simply the tool of a invisible, higher creature that is superior to you. Some people are masochistic like that, that's cool. Some of us men have no need or desire to kneel, submit, grovel or crawl on our bellies as we're not into that S&M shit. That must seem strange to you. No matter how hard you try, you can't demonstrate that this idea is anything but idiotic -

What question didn't I answer hubey? I mentioned killing and raping children because you said there is no such thing as evil. Which you then stated wasn't evil, or wrong.
Back again I see with the catholic blasphemer angelus silesius quote still up I see, if you read the whole thread durden it's obvious your the one that wont face the hard truth that is mankind is evil, and we have to stop living in sin, and repent and be born again under LORD JESUS CHRIST. Then no longer run to fornication and sin. Hard to admit you're the only thing holding yourself back, and condemning yourself. Which is why you just post ignorant videos and ignorant insults without talking about what I mentioned or trying to communicate with GOD yourself. You post because your upset not because you want wisdom. This is clear from your post.
The blood of GOD's son has more power then we could ever imagine if you repent in LORD JESUS CHRIST SACRIFICE in his name become born again, never deliberately defile ourselves you will be saved from that sin, if one did commit that sin monkey. Also monkey when you repent in LORD JESUS CHRIST name know that you are forgiven and act as such, celebrate! LORD JESUS CHRIST said that, not word for word of course I didn't put it in quotes.
How is free will truly free if god will punish me for my decision?
I've repeated this, again.
If I kill people and ask for forgiveness I get into fantasy land, I mean heaven? That easy?
Lol what aboot raping children, forgiveness too? After all "stumble" like you said, no mater how many times. So that too right?
I repeat dat for ya too. Til there's logic and truth in your answer.