The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

what are your thoughts on hand rubbed fresh charas vs. water extracted hand rubbed hash as far as quality, tastes, activation and potency? i have never smoked charas but inm thinking about devouting a plant to a test hand rub. fresh style.
im very interested into the why and your philosphies on the subject! im hoping the book hashish sheds a little light on the matter. i cant wait to try handrubbing some sheesh!
subs bubble movie was what first got my interests sparked, then matts work, then my buddy in the midwest started duplicating the matt results and then i said fuck it i love this, its all i want to smoke! so now im hooked. Frenchy needs a sweatshirt that says HASH NERD. matt too..
Yeah once you fall in love with hash good hash anyway and making it cannabis takes on a whole new form. For me anyway i love the hash because smoking flowers I have to smoke twice as much. I have noticed pressing the hash like when i first started does make it keep longer. The Ice wax i make usually is gone in a few weeks by me smoking it. As i dont have huge amounts of trim to make big amounts of hash that last me a long time. But I think im gonna start devoting one whole plant each run to making hash with. Half Wax and half Frenchy style cannoli to keep for later.
what are your thoughts on hand rubbed fresh charas vs. water extracted hand rubbed hash as far as quality, tastes, activation and potency? i have never smoked charas but inm thinking about devouting a plant to a test hand rub. fresh style.
Charas is totally unique, to caress a live plant totally ripe to collect trichomes in your hands is a beautiful experience. I spent quite a few seasons in India practicing the art in some seriously remote Valleys (Malana & Parvati), some of the best time in my life.
To get close to Charas using ice water you will have to work with fresh trims only, which I discourage to tell you the truth even if it's my first choice. I do it because the high is closer to Charas which is very Sativa as opposed to Hashish.
Yeah once you fall in love with hash good hash anyway and making it cannabis takes on a whole new form. For me anyway i love the hash because smoking flowers I have to smoke twice as much. I have noticed pressing the hash like when i first started does make it keep longer. The Ice wax i make usually is gone in a few weeks by me smoking it. As i dont have huge amounts of trim to make big amounts of hash that last me a long time. But I think im gonna start devoting one whole plant each run to making hash with. Half Wax and half Frenchy style cannoli to keep for later.
Do not devote a plant to Charas but caress lightly your whole crop 2 weeks before harvest, after you remove the biggest leaves around the buds. Charas making is a major waste of trichomes, at best you will collect 20-25% of it per plants. But if you do it gently and pick the right time you will be able to make a little without diminishing your harvest. Tricky to learn by yourself by the way.
Frenchie Canolli hash thread, im subbed.
Here is an coin of some IWE OG kush from a few years back.

I always though pressing was more for long term storage and travel. I do like the points frenchie has made, making me more curious.
do you recommend any books?
Laurence Cherniak " The Great Books of Hashish". There is 3 volumes and they are hard to get. Robert Connell Clarke "Hashish" is kind of mandatory if you are really into it, but there is mistakes and errors and few of the knowledge is personal, mostly collected data. Nonetheless quite good
Frenchy my man you misunderstood im not making charas that no way far too small of plants to make it worth while to do that. Im sure when you where in those remote locations doing the hand rub thing there was fields and plants and plants. Im a small time grower man all my stuff is pretty small compared to that kinda stuff. Im saying im gonna do your press way and make ice wax with the plant. No No man no charas for me just ice water. I bet that would have been awsome tho to be making charas in the mountains. Im sure rubbing those plants up like that is an expierence.
Frenchy my man you misunderstood im not making charas that no way far too small of plants to make it worth while to do that. Im sure when you where in those remote locations doing the hand rub thing there was fields and plants and plants. Im a small time grower man all my stuff is pretty small compared to that kinda stuff. Im saying im gonna do your press way and make ice wax with the plant. No No man no charas for me just ice water. I bet that would have been awsome tho to be making charas in the mountains. Im sure rubbing those plants up like that is an expierence.
Yes! lot of jungle (wild plants) and plenty fields, paradise!!!!!
Frenchy if you have any pics of making charas in the mountains those would be awsome to see. You my friend have lived a blessed life. I would most def give up just about anything to do that kinda stuff. Travel the world doing the hash scene learning about all the different cultures and how the people live. You would defenitly be one of those guys i wouldnt mind sitting next to on a long flight just to listen to some stories.
theres a video I think it was strain hunters the india one they show the strain hunters how to make charas its not bad if you havent seen it

Yeah its the Strain Hunters India Expedition
By GreenHouseSeeds
theres a video I think it was strain hunters the india one they show the strain hunters how to make charas its not bad if you havent seen it

Yeah its the Strain Hunters India Expedition
By GreenHouseSeeds
I know those valleys the Strain Hunters visited better than my backyard my friend. I helped the Italian guide get his cave ready the first year he came to Malana. It really show you places that very few people know about and have been.
I was there 20 years before they shoot their movies and spent 8 seasons getting my PHD on Charas .
My big problem with the Strain Hunters group is that while they look for landrace genetics they bring seeds to the locals and muddy the pool.
I think it is really a F.....g SHAME, excuse my French