theres a video I think it was strain hunters the india one they show the strain hunters how to make charas its not bad if you havent seen it
Yeah its the Strain Hunters India Expedition
By GreenHouseSeeds
I understand totally the value of the video and I recommend it, it is truly a magic experience to spent some time in these valleys (10 to 12,000 ft by the way) and to have a chance to get a pick at it is quite a nice gift. Their guide's knowledge and long terms relations with the local gave them a chance to visit spots that "outsiders/tourists" will never access. I thought they were lucky but I guess money was talking in fact. It is the non respect for what they are actually hunting that I find really disgusting. The non respect for the tradition, culture, for the genetic itself, the best Charas has been coming from these valleys for literally thousands of year, and you need the best to make the best.
.^^^The Malawi/rift expidition has a lot of hash making the old ways in it too.
I've personally tasted some of Frenchy's master pieces. The smoke has body/volume to it that taste unreal. You can taste the effort and passion in his hash. Can't wait to see this thread develop and for us all to learn some of the Frenchy's hash traditions.
Thanks for sharing Frenchy
It is funny tho how Arjan always speaks about preserving those landrace strains that are tucked away back in the mountains that Frenchy is talking about but yet they dont release any of them to the public. Some of those plants from that strain hunter video looked pretty bomb. You know what the cool thing is that those plants from when Frenchy was there have probably changed very little. I get what Frenchy is saying also cause when Arjan shows up in those places he usually has bunches of Feminized seeds to give the local farmers. Then they grow that with there crops not good
They intend on releasing a land race line Fromm all the seeds they got from their expeditions. Feminized of course...
Be very careful when you leave any humidity in your pressed hashish to make your cure in a glass container and to pop it open a few time a day to avoid any mold. Also I may not have mentioned it yet here but i do not separate my trichomes by size. Since I am looking for the all that make the strain I am working with, I use only 70 and 45 microns bags to collect. Please experience the difference of taste by smoking a 120, 90 and 70 microns trichomes separate and then 70 to 120 together. You will taste what I mean. Hand pressing is done without gloves to maximize the heat through friction. Remember to hand press until the smell really come out. You cannot over-press by hand so really go for it. The look and the smell will tell you how good you are doingi made some awesome hash 2 days ago frenchy, waited till it was only about 10 percent moisture left then hand rubbed and pressed it. It turned a lovely blonde brown and stayed very mold able and workable. full melt. i need to post a picture soon. i think i may have agitated the trichs too much but the extraction that i rubbed was only 90 73 and 25 bags interested in doing a bigger run and rubbing the individual microns alone instead of combining them. thanks again frenchy, my boss was very impressed( since it is for a mmj store , i must note it is extremely hard to hand rub hash with gloves on.) il try at home bare skinned.
this is a topic very important for me and all of us. It's personal because I had the chance to work with a lot of landrace during my travel and would love to help protecting anyway I can. So actually THANK YOU for mentioning the videoIf I knew mentioning a video would totally change the direction of this thread I never would have mentioned it. Sorry Frenchy
Lets get back to the French Cannoli Hash Thread