Ok..I gotta do it...what exactly am I to learn from growing mushrooms? Its like telling a pothead to grow pot..it will make him learn something..patience is all I can come up with.. being a science guy,its cut and dry..organism+food+environment=offspring/fruit..just like in everyday situations.
Yea its a great experiment,but for the average guy,its a headache when you comapare kits to sterilization,innoculation ect..plus the little startup material(I agree,you can go to a goodwill store and have everything but the substrate)...so exactly what are the shrooms gonna tell me..I'm my opinion they will tell me I spent 200$ on the same materials I could get prepackaged,suited for my need,at a 3rd of the cost..cost analysis says 2oz(average) for a 60$ investment means more for the penny..if ya wanted to make it a hobby..sure..buy a. P.c. and a syringe,shittons of popcorn and some rubbermaid containers..if. ya just want a headstash of shrooms to crunch after a hectic day at work,without the hassle..I mean..kits are for that office guy..that's my opinion..if there is some magical wisdom bestowed upon the grower,id like to know..Ill fire up the pc tomorro..I'm not trying to be abrasive,I'm just trying to figure this out..the only thing I can equate it to is making my own lsd and eating it..and even then I wouldn't learn anything other than I can make good lsd..