The fuck is wrong with dope dealers?

ok so on a cubensis note, are thos make your own kits in high times any good? they r like $145 for the whole deal even psilocyben cubensis spores. im itching to get into it, but not sure.

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time

They're a waste of money and you don't learn anything. It's cheaper to just buy your own supplies and do it yourself. There's a sticky here "how to grow mushrooms the easy way" with some good info

I guess if you only want to grow thenm once for a few trips, and have the money to blow, then those kits would be alright.
Canndo did some really neat stuff with micro propagation. Probably closer to what he does with mushrooms in terms of skill set than actually growing weed.
I.saw that.crazy.thread.....I had no idea what he was doin....and stil dont...ha...looked like a stem in a jar of.water
They're a waste of money and you don't learn anything. It's cheaper to just buy your own supplies and do it yourself. There's a sticky here "how to grow mushrooms the easy way" with some good info

I guess if you only want to grow thenm once for a few trips, and have the money to blow, then those kits would be alright.
so work and.they will produce? least an ounce???...dry?
my buddy in texas swears he did it and got 2flushes from the kit one for 3.5oz dry and one for2.25 ozs dry, but i would like to hear it from unbiest oppinions.

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
Well the kits work but the point is if you spend 150 on supplies you'll be able to produce ad nauseaum. The most expensive thing is the pressure cooker and even thats only ~80
Ok..I gotta do it...what exactly am I to learn from growing mushrooms? Its like telling a pothead to grow will make him learn something..patience is all I can come up with.. being a science guy,its cut and dry..organism+food+environment=offspring/fruit..just like in everyday situations.
Yea its a great experiment,but for the average guy,its a headache when you comapare kits to sterilization,innoculation the little startup material(I agree,you can go to a goodwill store and have everything but the substrate) exactly what are the shrooms gonna tell me..I'm my opinion they will tell me I spent 200$ on the same materials I could get prepackaged,suited for my need,at a 3rd of the cost..cost analysis says 2oz(average) for a 60$ investment means more for the penny..if ya wanted to make it a a. P.c. and a syringe,shittons of popcorn and some rubbermaid containers..if. ya just want a headstash of shrooms to crunch after a hectic day at work,without the hassle..I mean..kits are for that office guy..that's my opinion..if there is some magical wisdom bestowed upon the grower,id like to know..Ill fire up the pc tomorro..I'm not trying to be abrasive,I'm just trying to figure this out..the only thing I can equate it to is making my own lsd and eating it..and even then I wouldn't learn anything other than I can make good lsd..
Ok..I gotta do it...what exactly am I to learn from growing mushrooms? Its like telling a pothead to grow will make him learn something..patience is all I can come up with.. being a science guy,its cut and dry..organism+food+environment=offspring/fruit..just like in everyday situations.
Yea its a great experiment,but for the average guy,its a headache when you comapare kits to sterilization,innoculation the little startup material(I agree,you can go to a goodwill store and have everything but the substrate) exactly what are the shrooms gonna tell me..I'm my opinion they will tell me I spent 200$ on the same materials I could get prepackaged,suited for my need,at a 3rd of the cost..cost analysis says 2oz(average) for a 60$ investment means more for the penny..if ya wanted to make it a a. P.c. and a syringe,shittons of popcorn and some rubbermaid containers..if. ya just want a headstash of shrooms to crunch after a hectic day at work,without the hassle..I mean..kits are for that office guy..that's my opinion..if there is some magical wisdom bestowed upon the grower,id like to know..Ill fire up the pc tomorro..I'm not trying to be abrasive,I'm just trying to figure this out..the only thing I can equate it to is making my own lsd and eating it..and even then I wouldn't learn anything other than I can make good lsd..
now.this is what I wanted to hear.....all those so simple mushroom teks aint fkn simple when ur speakin a foreign language to a layman....I have no.idea what yall.are even tlkn abt when I try n read.that orderin a kit....thanks rory
no, theas kits r the shit EZ Gro Mushroom kit

1 mix the grain and psylocybe cubensis spores together without ever having to open the staralized bag.
2 once grain has been colonized mix it with the bag of compost.
put it in a warm place wait a couple for your shrooms to start growing no water no need to even look at it just go away leave it alone. the shrooms grow automatically.
i copied that word for word from the add.

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time


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all i want is a few ozs for a privet stash, screw the other nonsence. lol

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
all i want is a few ozs for a privet stash, screw the other nonsence. lol

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time

A kit would be perfect then. Shrooms don't last long in my possession. I'm too nice. So it's good to grow them myself when I want. And it's really too easy, after you do it you would know. I grew them as a dumb teenager (I'm still dumb) with barely any knowledge on it. Didn't even have a pressure cooker... I sterilized the jars with steam. And that first grow yielded me over a quarter pound dry only using maybe 5-6 jars I can't remember.
That's my point..if you want headstash..its the way to go,unless you're a purist..hell,there's one vendor that gives you a choice of like 10 different strains,you pick 4,pay 200$'ll get approx 8oz(two oz apiece) from each 25$ an oz????!!!!???..and ya sell(trade,bargain is my preference) an oz..50$ a quarter to your best friends and make your $ back..its a george bush(no brainer) for most...
Man doing I miss growing mushrooms! It was such a rewarding hobby. As much as I enjoyed those shared experiences with myself and friends, many reasons prompted me to cease. Between not wanting a felony as it would bar me from my desired employment to not having the time to enjoy consumption as well as previous over indulgment, simply No space in life as of now. Granted I feel like I could use a mental reset.

I have to agree with fuck kits. Mushroom production is a fascinating and easy hobby. For what you'd spend on a kit (minus the pressure cooker which you can get on the cheap, used), you could grow more mushrooms than you know what to do with. Plus I enjoyed making my own prints and spore solutions. Grew different varieties which was fun as well. The science behind mycology is so interesting.

Now I grow cannabis, which to be honest has more failure points and places to make mistakes. Still a rewarding, self sustaining medication source is quite nice, which was one thing mushrooms didn't provide (ya don't do mushrooms everyday, but I certainly smoke everyday).

ETA about $120 worth of supplies including jars/lids, creating a pressure box (for sterility), multiple spore types, clean syringes, vermiculite and brown rice produced dried lbs over the year and a half I was dabbling in growing.
buy canning jars $10
buy substrate $15-20
have FRIEND kick down syringe or spore print...I know you have some friends that can do this for you ;-)

Steam sterilize.....inoculate.....wait.....fruit your cakes or.....break up your in mushroom heaven and can share with EVERYONE (well a lot of people)

For me it seems the kits are just a waste of time and money long has the kit been sitting? Is it really sterile now (was it ever sterile)....why waste your money a lot of us have some of this stuff just sitting around-vermiculite-canning jars, etc.

The real fun comes when you start messing around with your casing or substrate.....and see the difference

Amazonian personal favorite of the dung loving fun guy's

When growing the flesh of the gods its best to tread lightly and treat them with respect....I am normally an empirical knowledge based kinda guy but for mushroom cultivation there is something there I can't put my finger on that tells me the non-commercial, you and the mushroom learning way is best....just me though
u killed my joy. had to call it flesh of the gods and go all mystical on my ass. im big into that stuff. so now i would feal disrespectful cheating. kinda like buying DMT or ayuwaska tea. u gotta speak your intentions yo that stuff while brewing, and there is a level of honor and respect that goes into creating something so powerful. (i.m.h.o.)

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
I feel ya. I'm not mythical at all, but there is a connection to them, especially when you know the whole process start to finish. I'm very scientific/data driven but I also had a "no commercial" aspect to them. Never sold, always loved to share with my dear friends. We had the lovely ability to enjoy the space made by these fascinating fungi.

Glad I have those memories, and since life has gotten busy, many of us have had the time for a mental reboot. We never had a bad time and we always will have that connection with one another in that space.
'More mushrooms than you'll know what to do with'...well that's like buying a primerib and eating a bite
I'm not arguing,I just for someone who wants a meager amout of shrooms,has little space,a nosey roommate,ect..the kits seem the way to go..
Grow a pound,eat a quarter..the rest just set there..not bad,but a waste..
*pend 50$$,grow two can eat 2oz within a small time frame..its all in opinion I guess..I'm gonna go the popcorn method when I grow em..the kit isnt for me,maybe others..,I want
'More mushrooms than you'll know what to do with'...well that's like buying a primerib and eating a bite
I'm not arguing,I just for someone who wants a meager amout of shrooms,has little space,a nosey roommate,ect..the kits seem the way to go..
Grow a pound,eat a quarter..the rest just set there..not bad,but a waste..
*pend 50$$,grow two can eat 2oz within a small time frame..its all in opinion I guess..I'm gonna go the popcorn method when I grow em..the kit isnt for me,maybe others..,I want

No, I feel ya. Its just a couple of factors come to mind. One being concerns about the sterility of the kits. Things can go wrong and spending that kind of money on a kit that fails means you are left with nothing. Make a mistake when diy, no big deal. Simply identify where you went wrong, and redo. My second issue with kits is the concern with safety. Buying an all in one kit will create a record. What happens when (not if, when because it has happened) a vendor is busted and a customer list is sent around to bored small town LEO? While spores are legal (in most places), the fruiting body we want is very much a felony. The diy approach rids one of this concern.

Plus I think growing, or colonizing mycelium is such a great learning experience. Perhaps i simply want to increase my knowledge base, but shouldn't everybody? Particularly in this community with such a fascinating and generally inquisitive nature of the topic at hand.

Now the whole security stealth I do get. While everything worked out while in my instance, I shouldn't have been growing while living under my parent's roof. There was no clue or evidence left around from start to finish, so I do understand.
Maybe if you buy a kit and take daily pics, and it ends up not being sterile, they might hook you up with another one. Idk.

I've never looked into them lol. I have a $400 PC and hundreds of syringes (I never use those really) and hundreds of jars, and over 20 tubs. Best investment I've ever made. Still got some coir and verm around somewhere

I've just been too lazy to do anything with it :(
Get off your ass skuxx!!lol
As far as security..prepayed debit cards and ship em somewhere there are not activites goin on the relocate
And yes if the kits bad it'll suck..just like contam in a 'scratch' I say..its all relative..