The fuck is wrong with dope dealers?

150 A GRAM OF CUTT for were ur at isn't that bad..... I know some folks out in Streator would pay 30 bux for a tenth of a gram stepped on with dormin....
or about a dime bag on the westside...... gotta do what u gotta do to not go threw with drawls
ive actually been letting myself hit w drawls on purpose for a few days here lately...just so I can catch some kinda buzz...been on subs for quite a while n fuck do those things work too good...its hard as hell to get hi....even after three four days w no subs its still get hi.
look fellas i was a junk head for 12yrs, almost half as long as ive been alive. i got on methadone 2yrs ago, and can finally live a regular life. sure i gotta dose, but its safe its consistant and it dont matter if im 200mgs or400mgs its $70 a week. im in peoria il. from chicago, the dope game in the city is dying. if u r white the jump out boys will profile and pop ur ass. get out while u can. if u neen info on clinics or whatever p.m. me. im not judging n.e. one my roomate is still using, and if i wasnt at a blocking dose i prolly would b 2. good luck homies hope to c u here a year from now. to many of us wont be. love light and good luck

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
also watch out for krockodile comming out of the chi 3kids in joliet got sold wak bags off a block that were cut with it. its here. if u r not familiar with it, utube it crocodile with a "k" or google images. it is a horrable synthetic dope that rots your skin if u miss. its evil

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
I.get opanas for.$1 a mg....they pack a good punch...a real good one...
That's a pretty damned good price, what formulation? I'd still opt for dope as I prefer to shoot and shooting pills is so much worse for you than dope.
Though my tolerance has gotten low enough that I'd probably be ok with some oral hydrocodone if I wasn't in pain.
That's a pretty damned good price, what formulation? I'd still opt for dope as I prefer to shoot and shooting pills is so much worse for you than dope.
Though my tolerance has gotten low enough that I'd probably be ok with some oral hydrocodone if I wasn't in pain.
moons rite now...30s....the 15s around alot.too....was 40s forever but that stopped.when they started.fkn em up where u cant snort em or shoot em...yeah 1$mg on pans is a good price...but I live in the pill capital of.the country. southern ohio eastern kentucky west Virginia...they make documentaries abt my area...they call us pillbillies..ha...go look up n watch the "wild n wonderful whites of west virginia"(somthing like that) n ull have an idea of what my neck of the woods is like...ha...pans used to b cheaper.than that when they first came aroun I was gettin 40s for $25....
also watch out for krockodile comming out of the chi 3kids in joliet got sold wak bags off a block that were cut with it. its here. if u r not familiar with it, utube it crocodile with a "k" or google images. it is a horrable synthetic dope that rots your skin if u miss. its evil

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
joliet...ha...ive been to that ruff ass place...I the illinois river
That's a pretty damned good price, what formulation? I'd still opt for dope as I prefer to shoot and shooting pills is so much worse for you than dope.
Though my tolerance has gotten low enough that I'd probably be ok with some oral hydrocodone if I wasn't in pain.
duck whats the.trick to gettin hi if ur on subs...just gotta lay em down.for a while?....bangin subs wont do it? when I was on done that was the only get hi was to bang liquid done...I.could take.300mgs orally n it wldnt even touch me...bang 100mgs n id have to take a seat.for a second..ha..btw that was.the best rush n buzz ever ever...bangin liquid done pull it straight outta the heaven.
look fellas i was a junk head for 12yrs, almost half as long as ive been alive. i got on methadone 2yrs ago, and can finally live a regular life. sure i gotta dose, but its safe its consistant and it dont matter if im 200mgs or400mgs its $70 a week. im in peoria il. from chicago, the dope game in the city is dying. if u r white the jump out boys will profile and pop ur ass. get out while u can. if u neen info on clinics or whatever p.m. me. im not judging n.e. one my roomate is still using, and if i wasnt at a blocking dose i prolly would b 2. good luck homies hope to c u here a year from now. to many of us wont be. love light and good luck

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
dump that red juice brooks if u get take homes....better than any dope imo...u gotta use a big ass dog needle tho small rigs wont hold enuf juice
Oh jesus the thought of injecting liquids meant for oral consumption makes my stomach turn.
You can get a rush if you inject a combination of bupe and an antihistamine. For the love of god use a micron filter if you're doing that. And I have no idea about prepping the films for injection.
Oh jesus the thought of injecting liquids meant for oral consumption makes my stomach turn.
You can get a rush if you inject a combination of bupe and an antihistamine. For the love of god use a micron filter if you're doing that. And I have no idea about prepping the films for injection.
oh if u dumped that red liquid methadone ur stomach wld turn an awesome.way..ha...its can just dissolve the strips in warm water
Methadone is way too sedating for me to have ever tried it long term. Probably a good thing.
A micron filter or wheel filter is a term for a syringe filter. If you're injecting drugs you really should be using one. I once ran a shot through a cotton and then through a micron filter to see how much stuff it grabbed that the cotton didn't. The moral of the story is you really want to use the smallest pore size filter you can get once you see the nasty goop that gets left behind.
This is what one looks like: PVDF-Large-Yellow-Syringe-Filter-2.jpg
nah its got a 99% biovalidity(something like that) we get waffers and clear done , depends on how much u wanna pay the clinic. the waffers can be cookek and shot, but our liqued is better swallowed. i tried bangen it for the first few weeks whil adjusting my dose. (the clear liquid)

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
joliet is a shit town but dope is a plague any where in a 3hr radius of the chi. tons of t.v. documentaries on chicago suburbanite dope plagues that shits a dime a fozzen here 75$gs for brown raw 150$gs Karachi/china white, and $100tar gs from st.luis plus some times light gray brownis baige weird shit that makes your brain itch its from som jamacans or hatians, it cooks back blue, dosent hold your sick worth a fuck though.

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
the whole reason i started growing was cause its easyer to get H than good nugs. so i make my own nuggs. lol

everything i post is makebelieve and pretend happy time
IV drugs have a 100% bioavailability by default. I wasn't saying you can't inject oral liquids, I was just saying that you shouldn't inject things that aren't meant for injection. And if it doesn't come in a sealed ampule that says what it is filter it before you shoot it.
Methadone is way too sedating for me to have ever tried it long term. Probably a good thing.
A micron filter or wheel filter is a term for a syringe filter. If you're injecting drugs you really should be using one. I once ran a shot through a cotton and then through a micron filter to see how much stuff it grabbed that the cotton didn't. The moral of the story is you really want to use the smallest pore size filter you can get once you see the nasty goop that gets left behind.
This is what one looks like: View attachment 2875150
fuck that shit ima beast...I use cig butts...haha...

jk bro I know ur tellin me good info...thanks
I grow because there's no way I could afford the amount I consume if I had to pay even a quarter of the local prices.