Commander Strax
Well-Known Member
Or u start sayin "my dude"....or using the word "dog" a lot....haha....
"Yo yo yo, what's up my deala"
Or u start sayin "my dude"....or using the word "dog" a lot....haha....
Hey it's hard to remember the days of the week sometimes. There are so many of them![]()
I believe that about the cia
But jersey has large ports as well
Honestly You have to see jersey to believe it _ it's unreal , I live in central long island so driving to jersey I pass thru some of the hotest neighborhoods in NY to get to jersey and it's just knight and day ,
Imp, id be in trouble because I say dog to all my friends..but if someone confronted me over a phrase,id politely explain this is AMERICA...If they still had issues,id dose the shit outt
Liberty..its like that all over..each township has an area or ajacent township where ya hit an exit,hit up the spot and jump back on the freeway..'welcome to mc dopers,may I take your order?' 'You want clean works with that?'
True, but it was causing him to not deliver on days he said he would deliver. And he thought the most inconspicuous time of day to make a sale in public was at 3am in an empty parking lot.
how much does a crack dealer in jersey make in a day?
Damn...dONT know about crack but I used to get a sleive of H for 300-350 thats 100 bags , A brick 1,000 bags goes for 1,200-1,500 thats what I would buy it for.
Most of the time your out their theirs a short line no matter the hour
Of course some are bttr than others but u take the ones worth fkn with n put a daily average on profit...considering the flow of business from day to day depending on which day of the week (fri n sat more tuesdays wed less etc...1st and 3rd of month etc...holidays)...ima say an easy 1200-1500 $ per day...for a corner man /workin thru his fone as well...guys w weight more much does a crack dealer in jersey make in a day?
its a free for all up the east coast right now with dope. crazy how many ppl r hooked and sellingWhat happens is they see you once - your nobody
They see you again they figure your walking the blocks looking to buy - so you get aproached
I am very familar with northern jersey - And I swear it's got to be the H capital of the east coast , Thats wear I bought and thats wear 90% of feinds I know buy from . Circle around the projects and you will see plates from all over the North east coast , It's the only open air drug market I know off
F-ing Jersey
imp id say 500$ easy for got the morning buisness and the 5o'clock buisness and all those office workers...'all the little ants are marching..'