The fuck is wrong with dope dealers?

To each his own I suppose....ive been around quite a while and in my experience cuttin dope eventually bites u in the ass...ull slowly but surely lose ur customers to the guy down the block w that raw fire even if his packs are smaller....I promise u the dopeheads that are spendin $$...real $$ everyday $$ not tlkn abt payday dopeheads...the real heads aint fkn w the guy cuttin his dope.. fire dope sells itself n keeps em comin bk.

But what would I know.
cutting coke fucks you up as well but they really have too cut dope you see american gangster that shits really what happens when you sell uncut dope your customers drop like flies so they all cut it the greedy ones fuck themselves but you aint buying uncut bags of dope. now coke on the other hand nobody likes blowing lines of stomped on shit. Really its good money either way you look at it only difference is location north east heroin is where the money's at but down south there aint a whole lot of junkies but a lot of crack heads sure there are crack heads up north but I see a whole hell of a lot more junkies. Location location its what it all comes down to maybe if you where from the crack epidemic days then crack probably made more money in the north east but not in 2013.
To each his own I suppose....ive been around quite a while and in my experience cuttin dope eventually bites u in the ass...ull slowly but surely lose ur customers to the guy down the block w that raw fire even if his packs are smaller....I promise u the dopeheads that are spendin $$...real $$ everyday $$ not tlkn abt payday dopeheads...the real heads aint fkn w the guy cuttin his dope.. fire dope sells itself n keeps em comin bk.

But what would I know.

at 80k a kilo for raw dope heroin u have to sell every gram for 120 bux to make 40k... chop that kilo into 3 with dormin, klonopin, and phenobarbital and sell eachs gram for 80.... whats 3000 x 80???? that's money is what that is.... locatin is key.. that same 80k kilo of raw in Chicago will be worth 170k raw in Detroit... and if u cut it up in the D u can see close to half a million off one key
the best cuts for coke are vit. b12 and benzocaine. which do nothing to enhance cokes effect. a main reason u cant stretch yay has far wit cutt
Or sell 3 keys at 100k each,only have to make 3 deals a month and be fine W/ 60k a month profit and be safe..or be joe the dope dealer and be cool and get shot at..waaaaaaay more fun!
Or sell 3 keys at 100k each,only have to make 3 deals a month and be fine W/ 60k a month profit and be safe..or be joe the dope dealer and be cool and get shot at..waaaaaaay more fun!
the point to selling dope atleat for me,, and esp for the powdery substances is to double up.. either with every move u make... or per brick/ounce basis... I wouldn't be cool doing crimes that can land u in jail for life for 60k a month,,, not yet im not hurting that bad... half a million or more a month is a different story.. money is like dope in that's its addictive has hell too...
In your own words 'land you in jail'...doubling or even tripiling is great,but putting yourself out there that much is more dangerous..'slow and steady wins the race' -me
'There are old drug dealers,there are bold drug dealers,there are NO old,bold drug dealers..'-my dad
Make over half a million in 10 months,or make 5 million in ten months and go to jail because everyone on the block know your name and is hatin'!
I guess its all in how you wanna play the game..if I did either I wouldn' be the guy selling your man keys..
In your own words 'land you in jail'...doubling or even tripiling is great,but putting yourself out there that much is more dangerous..'slow and steady wins the race' -me
'There are old drug dealers,there are bold drug dealers,there are NO old,bold drug dealers..'-my dad

that's why u have runners fool.... runners are always replaceable..... they lock up 10 of ur runner u can find 20 more next day shit same day... there is no shortage on crash test dummies... theres people who will risk there freedom for 200 bux a day esp in this economy... im just not one of them :] its best to be in both wholesale and retail... esp retail when there is a drought..
Good luck with those tight lipped runners,I'm sure they'll die before giving up info on you...or your team captain..and I just know hell never say anything when they question his sources...
Ill still be in austria wondering when my next 50 keys will be coming to america. At least that's how I envision this absolutley absurd daydream...
the best cuts for coke are vit. b12 and benzocaine. which do nothing to enhance cokes effect. a main reason u cant stretch yay has far wit cutt

benzocaine numbed but didn't freeze it also cut the back of the throat like broken glass till the numb set in. At least it was heavier than manite.
Point really that those times are over, the glory is gone, you don't get to be the to rockstar coke guy any more.... Oh well.
How much does a busy heroin dealer in New Jersey make in a 24 hour period? Are there busy days, like the weekend that heroin sells faster? How much can a busy, street level H dealer make in a week? These are some good questions...and why don't drug dealers hustle more? no work ethic....
Depends on location,reputation,quality of product and scarcity of said product..also depends on the dealers he dial a dopeing,street slinging,moving mid weight/real weight..on the weekends you'll see crowds of 50 or more line up,and the dope get dropped..everyone will follow like lemmings to an ally,line up,get served,and some dope man just got off a half oz in 10$ bags in less than 5 mins...that's how busy it is normally.get good shit or rep,and they bfollow like minions...
Imp,when I hustled,I was a fucking monster! I had work ethics like fortune 500 copany..not happy,ill make it right..need a problem...I loved the acid guys that said it was 'weak or bunk'..ok then..'eat these 5 if you want your money back'...only one dumbass ever did..and he regretted it.
Crazy! lining up 50 deep! fuck man....unreal man, I saw a documentary ...maybe a drugs inc. where they point the camera down a street in Oakland, CA and the whole street is littered with these colorful ripped open balloons. hundreds and hundreds of balloons all over
Same thing on the east coast but its glass-line bags (stamps) , and old syringes

Dont go walking bare foot down the allys behind the exchanges