The future is at hand........

That's the problem. It's exactly as predicted. Big business will destroy the weed industry. Growers will be begging Trump to crack down on legal states in a year or two, and I really think he should. It's getting fucking stupid. When anything becomes legal and mainstream it's no longer cool. It's not even as much fun smoking weed when it's legal. You no longer feel that you successfully thumbed your nose at the establishment, which now of course wants to horn in on the last thing they hadn't horned in on yet. Maybe growers will start firebombing corporate producers or even the stores themselves. It's gonna be a drug war, between real growers and money grubbing corporate profiteers. There's a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on a decent price for their product and we have these jackasses with wads of cash attempting a hostile takeover, which will drive the price down to where it's not even worth a small grower doing anymore. The general public will vote to legalize, because they don't think about the true outcome. They play right into the establishment's hands.
big business is certainly TRYING ;)
but...they have not had to dealt with us MMJ people before like this..
and so far... the COURTS GAVE IT TO US ALL 8)
We are the pain in LPs behind,,,,,, AND RIGHTFULLY SO. :weed:

FEEDING OFF OUR BACK!! ppphhhhttt!!! :finger:

You're going to have to fight WAY HARDER THAN THIS MOFOS!

cheers no place to go ears.... ;)

Marijuana growers look to cut costs as prices fall
U.S. growers look to adjust their businesses and become more cost efficient as prices fall 48%

This is from the front page of today's Toronto Star. How many LP's will this get rid of ?
Very few, because they're better positioned to take advantage of economies of scale.

The best way to get them is to catch them in a cost squeeze before they've had the chance to recoup their initial investment.
That's the problem. It's exactly as predicted. Big business will destroy the weed industry. Growers will be begging Trump to crack down on legal states in a year or two, and I really think he should. It's getting fucking stupid. When anything becomes legal and mainstream it's no longer cool. It's not even as much fun smoking weed when it's legal. You no longer feel that you successfully thumbed your nose at the establishment, which now of course wants to horn in on the last thing they hadn't horned in on yet. Maybe growers will start firebombing corporate producers or even the stores themselves. It's gonna be a drug war, between real growers and money grubbing corporate profiteers. There's a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on a decent price for their product and we have these jackasses with wads of cash attempting a hostile takeover, which will drive the price down to where it's not even worth a small grower doing anymore. The general public will vote to legalize, because they don't think about the true outcome. They play right into the establishment's hands.

If big box takes the fun out of cannabis for you then you never liked it to begin with..........
For me it is about the plant, I can care less what anyone does. If some newbies want to make fools of them selves go right ahead, I do not care. I am a Master when it comes to Cannabis, I live for new strains, old strains, and flavors. Big box is not going to ruin that fun for me.

Heck if you want to finger the man, grow more then your plant count.
In reality, the price only matter if you are selling, for us home growers, the price has always been low. And no LP can compete with my overhead.
There aren't many other ways to make money in small scale agriculture. Granted there's too many illegal producers too, so I doubt it makes much difference. The heyday of the weed business is apparently over, due to dumb people voting. Now it'll be as boring as the liquor and tobacco industries.
legalization may hurt some growers but it will help MMJ patients and recreational an mmj patient I can grow up to 12 plants for personal use and under question 2 which just went into effect anyone can.I guess illegal growers will just have to get regular jobs like the rest of us
So what's wrong with growing for a living?
nothing is wrong with it but people should not go to jail for using it.many MMJ patients are on a fixed income and can only afford their medicine if they grow their own. before I started growing my own I had a hard time finding it. at my age I don't know many people that sell I have a reliable supply of medicine from my closet grow
That's the problem. It's exactly as predicted. Big business will destroy the weed industry. Growers will be begging Trump to crack down on legal states in a year or two, and I really think he should. It's getting fucking stupid. When anything becomes legal and mainstream it's no longer cool. It's not even as much fun smoking weed when it's legal. You no longer feel that you successfully thumbed your nose at the establishment, which now of course wants to horn in on the last thing they hadn't horned in on yet. Maybe growers will start firebombing corporate producers or even the stores themselves. It's gonna be a drug war, between real growers and money grubbing corporate profiteers. There's a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on a decent price for their product and we have these jackasses with wads of cash attempting a hostile takeover, which will drive the price down to where it's not even worth a small grower doing anymore. The general public will vote to legalize, because they don't think about the true outcome. They play right into the establishment's hands.

I agree. I saw the writing on the wall years ago and still havent come to grips with the whole idea of it. There was a time I thought I could get back to the good times, but with everyone and there brother growing, I am not seeing it. The days of 4000 dollar pounds are just a faded memory at this point. As that arcticle states, indoor growing will be a small scale production only to replaced by more technological advanced greenhouse. Inside grows even with 10000 watts just cant compete with large facility or greenhouse grows.
Fuck yeah. It's time to get a job.

That came off a bit insensitive. But what I mean is that the writing is indeed on the wall. The days of growing shwag at home and selling it for top dollar are really over. Most dealers have to be hurting pretty bad these days if they have no real economy of scale. Those people need to look at new opportunities because the economies of scale are not getting easier...
That's the problem. It's exactly as predicted. Big business will destroy the weed industry. Growers will be begging Trump to crack down on legal states in a year or two, and I really think he should. It's getting fucking stupid. When anything becomes legal and mainstream it's no longer cool. It's not even as much fun smoking weed when it's legal. You no longer feel that you successfully thumbed your nose at the establishment, which now of course wants to horn in on the last thing they hadn't horned in on yet. Maybe growers will start firebombing corporate producers or even the stores themselves. It's gonna be a drug war, between real growers and money grubbing corporate profiteers. There's a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on a decent price for their product and we have these jackasses with wads of cash attempting a hostile takeover, which will drive the price down to where it's not even worth a small grower doing anymore. The general public will vote to legalize, because they don't think about the true outcome. They play right into the establishment's hands.

Trump is all for the states making their own decisions. And against regulation.

The Dems are really grasping at straws now. They seem to be doing everything they accused republicans of doing if Trump had lost.

No side in the game, just a neutral observer.
Trump is all for the states making their own decisions. And against regulation.
"Trump said during his campaign that he planned to keep weed laws at the state level, but many advocates have become worried that his attorney general pick, Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, and other cabinet members could convince him to implement federal law and potentially prosecute states with legal cannabis."
Trump is a wildcard. He continuously says things and then denies saying them. I think the US will actually go back about 30 years with cannabis law reform. I think you guys have much more to worry about than marijuana laws under the pathological lying Orange Clown. From world power to 3rd world country in 4 short years.
The days of 4000 dollar pounds are just a faded memory at this point. As that arcticle states, indoor growing will be a small scale production only to replaced by more technological advanced greenhouse.
Inside grows even with 10000 watts just cant compete with large facility or greenhouse grows.
whats that? :-|
the article states that indoor grows are not as good as large grows?
4000 dollar pounds..WHERE? WHEN?
seen outdoor go down to 6 to 8 hun a p not to many years ago...out in BC

Talk about over grown eh!!!!! ;)
that's what its all about folks! (:
"Trump said during his campaign that he planned to keep weed laws at the state level, but many advocates have become worried that his attorney general pick, Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, and other cabinet members could convince him to implement federal law and potentially prosecute states with legal cannabis."
Trump is a wildcard. He continuously says things and then denies saying them. I think the US will actually go back about 30 years with cannabis law reform. I think you guys have much more to worry about than marijuana laws under the pathological lying Orange Clown. From world power to 3rd world country in 4 short years.

when they sees the fortunes being made by cannada...everyone will jump on board!
I bet Trump is even going one step further and will try and out do cannada any way he possibly can with this NEW MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR COMMODITY..
you'd have to be a moron not to see it.. 8-)
when they sees the fortunes being made by cannada...everyone will jump on board!
I bet Trump is even going one step further and will try and out do cannada any way he possibly can with this NEW MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR COMMODITY..
you'd have to be a moron not to see it.. 8-)
So where do the profits come from? It all has to be sold within Canada so it's Canadians' own money being redistributed from, say, wheat farmers to Canopy Growth Corp. Unless you export it, it's not really helping Canada at all. Supposedly Canopy plans to export also but how big could that market be? Any nation that would use Cannabis would produce it themselves. Canada's climate is no better than most European nations for for. Why would any nation give their money away to Canada for something so easy to produce themselves? I don't see Uruguay getting rich right now. Pharmacists there are afraid to sell it and people who grow for personal don't want to register with the gov't. Would YOU? Who the hell trusts the Gov't, either Uruguay's or Canada's? What if a later Gov't decides to make it illegal again? They have your name and address right there.
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Market prices mean nothing for those growing their own medical, it's only relevant to those looking to sell into the BM. LP's in Canada will never get down to the price level I can grow my own for. And even if they did I'd still grow because I trust LP weed even less than BM weed. Grow your own or get a DG and all this talk about LP's prices will just fade to background noise. Let LP's fight it out in the rec market, when/if that ever happens.