Day 35 - June 19, 2012 (WEEK 5 - Day 7)
Distance: 2.32 mi
Duration: 33:28
Calories burned: 236
Average speed: 4.16 mi/h
Pace: 14:26 min/mi
Total distance for week 5 (skipped 2 days): 11.6 miles
Total accumulated duration: 2 hours 50 minutes
Total calories burned: 1,124
Difference in total distance: -8.47 mi
Difference in total accumulated duration: -1 hour 55 minutes
Difference in total calories burned: -802
Significant decrease in duration and distance for this week, but I've been working on increasing endurance and stamina and experimenting with the barefoot running.
Day 36 - June 20, 2012 (WEEK 6 - Day 1)
Distance: 4.31 mi
Duration: 1:04:44
Calories burned: 347
Average speed: 3.99 mi/h
Pace: 15:01 min/mi
Day 37 - June 21, 2012 (WEEK 6 - Day 2)
Distance: 2.71 mi
Duration: 37:00
Calories burned: 261
Average speed: 4.40 mi/h
Pace: 13:39 min/mi
Awesome, ran the mile with no stops for the first time since last year yesterday. No shoes. Definitely getting a pair of those shoes we were talking about earlier. My calves are sore as shit today, so I might skip the run.