• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Getting Back/In Shape Thread


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I'll walk up to the local track, it's about .5 miles away, so the walk there is a pretty decent 'warm up'. While there I'll stretch out, do 25 push ups, 25 sit ups, then run a mile, lately I've been timing it to make sure I increase the time each run, then 25 more of each exercise, then walk back home. I'm not sure if this is intense enough of a work out, that's actually what I did today, it feels good, I feel good after, and each time I keep in mind the previous goal and try to beat that, but I still feel as if I could be utilizing the workout more efficiently... I think I'm going to step it up from now on and focus on the midsection fat I'd like to lose, maybe another 15lbs and I'll be happy. One thing I can positively comment on though is the tan, I run without my shirt on and it's making a visual effect, nice! The top of my head got burned the other day though, fuck!


Well-Known Member
ill do the videos of the crossfit stuff i do cause that can be explained in a short time, but i doubt yall gonna wanna watch me workout for a hour an a half when i weight train. ill put up that routine an just have it detailed as i do them durin the week. i eat really whenever im hungry or i force myself. i try to eat every hour an a half, buts its usually like 3 whole meals then for a in between meal ill eat two cans of tuna somethin easy an quick. food effects my workouts drastically so i try to load up on complex carbs before my workouts, but besides that heavy carb in the mornin an i taper the carb intake down as the day goes by an add more protein based meals as i get into the afternoon/night.

besides my multivitamin an fish oils nothin. i have been tryin this stuff my friend got for the past week its like a new type of pre workout drink that has a lot of vitamin, bcaa's, an some creatine, but thats it. oh an cytogainer to put on that weight! shit thanks for startin the thread dude id bullshit a lot more if i didnt see yall pushin it out!


Well-Known Member
yeah this thread is great its really helping me get motivated again. i get home and think im pretty nutted from work and sit down on the couch then i check my riu and see an update on here and think fuck it i better get up and workout and drag my sorry arse downstairs


Well-Known Member
I'm a smoker and also I suppose quite agoraphobic, as much as I want to go out jogging/gyms yadayada, its quite difficult for me to work up the motivation and get rid of the fear first (its so stupid and irrational which angers me but i cant help what i feel). I know im unfit (not exercising for a long time doesnt help) and i found out my bmi was 25 yesterday but ive always been mainly 22. I'm just wondering what i should start myself off with? I woke up early today and without drinking or eating first tried jogging, didnt go so well lol. did 5 minutes if that and then walked round the block which is 10/15 or so. the small amount of jogging killed me though for real. as im typing this im feeling better but i prob could have thrown up and was dizzy. ugh.. smoking is the worst. ive gone so long without giving a shit about myself but im wanting to change now i think. I can be pretty good with food/drink, should i just be drinking lots of water? what about before a walk/run? just a few tips for a novice of all novicers. and ill keep checking your posts cause theyre inspiring but i doubt ill be that level for a while lol


Well-Known Member
I'm a smoker and also I suppose quite agoraphobic, as much as I want to go out jogging/gyms yadayada, its quite difficult for me to work up the motivation and get rid of the fear first (its so stupid and irrational which angers me but i cant help what i feel). I know im unfit (not exercising for a long time doesnt help) and i found out my bmi was 25 yesterday but ive always been mainly 22. I'm just wondering what i should start myself off with? I woke up early today and without drinking or eating first tried jogging, didnt go so well lol. did 5 minutes if that and then walked round the block which is 10/15 or so. the small amount of jogging killed me though for real. as im typing this im feeling better but i prob could have thrown up and was dizzy. ugh.. smoking is the worst. ive gone so long without giving a shit about myself but im wanting to change now i think. I can be pretty good with food/drink, should i just be drinking lots of water? what about before a walk/run? just a few tips for a novice of all novicers. and ill keep checking your posts cause theyre inspiring but i doubt ill be that level for a while lol
I understand what you feel, and I feel it too.. But in the beginning, I kind of just decided I can't care what people think if I want to get in shape, fuck em.

Jogging when you first start out is completely consistency killing! You think you can do _____ but can hardly do ______.. Trust me, man, I know! It's awful! You feel worthless when you can barely run .5 miles.. But it gets better. With each day, you increase your performance. You start off slow, but eventually increase to unimaginable levels!

What you should be drinking is MAINLY water, you can have a soft drink here and there (as I do) but eventually, if you're working out consistently, you're not going to WANT to anymore. Everytime I drink a soft drink I think it's going to fuck my workout up the following day! They're good, don't get me wrong, a lot better than drinking water all the time, and sometimes you just get a caffeine craving, but you definitely feel it the next day, and that leads you to NOT want to drink them!

Just stay consistent, man! I promise, in 2 weeks time you'll he happy you thought about your overall health! 2 weeks! That's all it will take! Give it a try!

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Shoulder traps and abs done. Always 4 sets of everything with a minimum of 12 reps WITHOUT losing form, if you are struggling to do 12 you are lifting a to heavy weight.
Traps consist of shrugs using the smiths,4 sets ,12 front and 12 back started with 40kg finish with 100kg
Upright one arm row with the cable 24kg finished with 38kg
Wide grip on the smiths upright row ,started with 20kg finish on 57.5kg
Today i did a military press on the smiths starting with 20kg finishing with 65kg
Side raises on the cable, starting with 14kg finishing on 20kg
Front raise on cable 14 kg
Bent over lateral raise using free weights, started on 14 finished on 18kg
The problem i'll have explaining abs is i have no idea what half the stuff i do is called so i'll just put down what i call it
Abs 4 sets of each and 1 of each is 1 round, so i'll do one after the other. I do this mon, wed and fri
Twists on the incline bench ,started with 10kg finish with 15kg x20
Cable crunch 82kg x10
Side leans, started with 15 kg finish with 20kg x10 on each side
Leg raises using the pull up bar, superset so usually about 12
Twist using the cable, started with 23kg finish on 32kg
Then 2 rounds of each of these
Crunch x 30
Reverse crunch 20-30
Individual alternate leg raise x 15 on each leg
Bicycle crunch x 40
I usually do the last 4 on a tues and thurs x3 sets

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
You need to stick it out and once you start to see the benefits then that spurs you on, and the way i see it no one can do it for you and you get out what you put in

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'd like to get some video of your guy's workout routines with some explanations, anybody against that?

If I did one, it would be about an hour, as each workout is about an hour... Maybe a detailed explanation of what you do, what you eat, when, and how it affects your workouts?

Do any of you guys take any supplements or vitamins or just eat relatively healthy and work out each day?

This is becoming a great thread, thanks for all your contributions, fellas!
I do one body part a day, workout usually last 45min to an hour. I down a protein shake and carbs right after my workouts. I take a few supplements. I take a whole food vitamin in the morning and afternoon. I used to take jack3d or something of the sort to get me in the beast mode before I train but haven't taken that in awhile either. I take fish oil and a probiotic and extra vitamin C and E. also take digestive enzymes with my meals. I don't really eat healthy and that's something I really need to work on. I love food, all food! lol also been doing the MMA training for awhile, but lately just doing jiu-jitsu. body's getting older and recovery time ain't what it used to be. also my backs fucked up so sometimes I can't do shit for days if I pinch a nerve. had 2 back surgeries on my discs when I was younger and have never been the same since. I'm a hardgainer. easy to lose weight but hard to put it on. so I gotta keep to my routine, if not, I start to lose the muscle that took me forever to put on. my weight fluctuates but right now I am 192lbs. my height is 5'11"


Active Member
good thread. glad to see people taking charge and getting fit.
i'm also a fitness junky, mostly a runner(i like doing ultra marathons 50+ miles).

Monday - 50 pull ups, 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 30 bicep curls
Tuesday - 10 miles
Wednesday - 50 pull ups, 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 30 bicep curls
Thursday - 10 miles
Friday - chill out
Saturday - 15+ miles
Sunday - chill out

i also only Vape as well in case you're wondering


Well-Known Member
good thread. glad to see people taking charge and getting fit.
i'm also a fitness junky, mostly a runner(i like doing ultra marathons 50+ miles).

Monday - 50 pull ups, 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 30 bicep curls
Tuesday - 10 miles
Wednesday - 50 pull ups, 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 30 bicep curls
Thursday - 10 miles
Friday - chill out
Saturday - 15+ miles
Sunday - chill out

i also only Vape as well in case you're wondering
Damn, you must be cut out of stone! How long you been doing that? I like the simplicity.

Do you do the entire 10 miles non stop?


Active Member
Been at this for about 5 years. I used to be in a rut and then decided to get back into shape and haven't stopped since. Yep, 10 miles without stopping. All I can say is to go at your own pace, its about going the distance and not the speed.


Well-Known Member
god i hope this shit works this time

I'm a smoker and also I suppose quite agoraphobic, as much as I want to go out jogging/gyms yadayada, its quite difficult for me to work up the motivation and get rid of the fear first (its so stupid and irrational which angers me but i cant help what i feel). I know im unfit (not exercising for a long time doesnt help) and i found out my bmi was 25 yesterday but ive always been mainly 22. I'm just wondering what i should start myself off with? I woke up early today and without drinking or eating first tried jogging, didnt go so well lol. did 5 minutes if that and then walked round the block which is 10/15 or so. the small amount of jogging killed me though for real. as im typing this im feeling better but i prob could have thrown up and was dizzy. ugh.. smoking is the worst. ive gone so long without giving a shit about myself but im wanting to change now i think. I can be pretty good with food/drink, should i just be drinking lots of water? what about before a walk/run? just a few tips for a novice of all novicers. and ill keep checking your posts cause theyre inspiring but i doubt ill be that level for a while lol

you just gotta get out there an do it man. just like pad said fuck how far you can run fuck how much you can lift or how many pushups you can do. work at your pace. ive been squattin with 225 on my sets. come to find out i was quad dominate an i wasnt gettin my hamstrings an glutes involved so im droppin my weight to 135 so i can get my form right an do them correctly. id look like an idiot doin that shit cause thats what girls ususally do squats with, but FUCK IT would you rather try an be a bro like the rest of the dudes an fuck your body up or look funny for a little while then you're liftin more an harder than most of the people there. use your gains as your motivation trust me when you can only do a certain amount an when you surpass that number you'll be soo hyped you wont wanna stop!

start of what you can handle, but you have to push yourself like when youre runnin as soon as you're about to stop an take a break push for a little bit longer if you gotta lay down, rest do whatever as long as you get back up an finish! you're on the right track just joggin at a slow pace an do those pushups, pullups, squats.

cindy-5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats=1 rep do as many reps as you can in 20 minutes. run a quarter mile before an after. dont include the run into the time.

(this one fuckin sucks)angie-100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats for time

barbara-20 pullups, 30 pushups, 40 situps, 50 squats(either 5 rounds for time, or 5 rounds with 3 minutes rest between each round)

nicole- runn 400m, pullups to failure not the number of pullups each round. do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

(fuck this one lol)murph- run 1 mile, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, run 1 mile for time.

griff- run 800m, run 400m backwards, 800m, 400m backwards

those are some workouts from crossfit. now i know very few of us can do that many in one workout so scale the big ones down just make sure you keep the intensity. literally set a timer an bust thru that shit like its a challenge an you gonna get a prize at the end. the prize is bein in better shape than most of the planet. thats how i think of it when i do those.

heres some of the ones i just made up

hell-400m run, 25 box jumps, 25 burpees, 25 crunches 4 rounds for time
box jump is exactly what it sounds found somethin to jump on an do it!
burpee is you drop to the ground an do a pushup an use the pushup to stand an jump up for one burpee

nola work- 21-15-9 rep sets for time. handstand pushups, burpees, jumpin squats

vacation-21-15-9 res sets for time. db or whatever weight you can find do squat presses, hangin leg raises, burpees
squat presses isnt the correct name but squat down then snatch an clean the weight to your shoulders then press.


Well-Known Member
werd. i like how this thread has over 2k views an only like 10 of us are active. get yalls lazy stoner asses up an change your life with us! yesterday was a really good back day. all my weights went up.

4 sets of shoulder width lat
4 sets of rows
4 sets of shrugs
4 sets of straight arm lat
4 sets of high pulley rows
3 sets of ab rollers
3 sets of leg throwdowns
4 minutes of rockin crunches(basically i just curl u
p in a semi ball and rock back an forth an in circles)

today was legs/trice

4 sets of light weight squats to get my form correct
4 sets of trice
p rope pulldowns
4 back to back sets of leg extensions/skullcrushers normal an reverse grip
4 back to back sets of leg curls/close grip bench press

oh an tomorrow is my fav day shoulders/tra

saturday ima do the workout of hell the crossfitters call angie. anyone care to join in that
pain? lol
