god i ho
pe this shit works this time
I'm a smoker and also I suppose quite agoraphobic, as much as I want to go out jogging/gyms yadayada, its quite difficult for me to work up the motivation and get rid of the fear first (its so stupid and irrational which angers me but i cant help what i feel). I know im unfit (not exercising for a long time doesnt help) and i found out my bmi was 25 yesterday but ive always been mainly 22. I'm just wondering what i should start myself off with? I woke up early today and without drinking or eating first tried jogging, didnt go so well lol. did 5 minutes if that and then walked round the block which is 10/15 or so. the small amount of jogging killed me though for real. as im typing this im feeling better but i prob could have thrown up and was dizzy. ugh.. smoking is the worst. ive gone so long without giving a shit about myself but im wanting to change now i think. I can be pretty good with food/drink, should i just be drinking lots of water? what about before a walk/run? just a few tips for a novice of all novicers. and ill keep checking your posts cause theyre inspiring but i doubt ill be that level for a while lol
you just gotta get out there an do it man. just like pad said fuck how far you can run fuck how much you can lift or how many pushups you can do. work at your pace. ive been squattin with 225 on my sets. come to find out i was quad dominate an i wasnt gettin my hamstrings an glutes involved so im droppin my weight to 135 so i can get my form right an do them correctly. id look like an idiot doin that shit cause thats what girls ususally do squats with, but FUCK IT would you rather try an be a bro like the rest of the dudes an fuck your body up or look funny for a little while then you're liftin more an harder than most of the people there. use your gains as your motivation trust me when you can only do a certain amount an when you surpass that number you'll be soo hyped you wont wanna stop!
start of what you can handle, but you have to push yourself like when youre runnin as soon as you're about to stop an take a break push for a little bit longer if you gotta lay down, rest do whatever as long as you get back up an finish! you're on the right track just joggin at a slow pace an do those pushups, pullups, squats.
cindy-5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats=1 rep do as many reps as you can in 20 minutes. run a quarter mile before an after. dont include the run into the time.
(this one fuckin sucks)angie-100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats for time
barbara-20 pullups, 30 pushups, 40 situps, 50 squats(either 5 rounds for time, or 5 rounds with 3 minutes rest between each round)
nicole- runn 400m, pullups to failure not the number of pullups each round. do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
(fuck this one lol)murph- run 1 mile, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, run 1 mile for time.
griff- run 800m, run 400m backwards, 800m, 400m backwards
those are some workouts from crossfit. now i know very few of us can do that many in one workout so scale the big ones down just make sure you keep the intensity. literally set a timer an bust thru that shit like its a challenge an you gonna get a prize at the end. the prize is bein in better shape than most of the planet. thats how i think of it when i do those.
heres some of the ones i just made up
hell-400m run, 25 box jumps, 25 burpees, 25 crunches 4 rounds for time
box jump is exactly what it sounds found somethin to jump on an do it!
burpee is you drop to the ground an do a pushup an use the pushup to stand an jump up for one burpee
nola work- 21-15-9 rep sets for time. handstand pushups, burpees, jumpin squats
vacation-21-15-9 res sets for time. db or whatever weight you can find do squat presses, hangin leg raises, burpees
squat presses isnt the correct name but squat down then snatch an clean the weight to your shoulders then press.