• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Getting Back/In Shape Thread


Well-Known Member
Day 17 - June 1, 2012


Day 18 - June 2, 2012

Distance: 4.04 mi
Duration: 57:00
Calories burned: 402
Average speed: 4 mi/h
Pace: 14:6 min/mi

Increased the reps from 10 to 15 in the sets of push ups, have noticed a slight increase in definition on my arms and chest, increased the reps from 20-30 in the sets of sit ups and added in an 8 lb medicine ball.

To make the 20 mile goal for this week (and if I plan on resting one of the days) I have to do at least 4 miles for each remaining day. I've noticed I have a pretty consistent time of about 56-65 minutes total. I'd like to decrease that too, at that rate it's a pathetic 14-16:25 min/mi, jogging + walking when I get winded to recover. In high school the fastest time I ever ran a mile was 9:15 and last summer I could have probably done it in that time no problem. I still can't run a full mile yet non stop, so I'd like to get there. 40-48 minutes would be a decent start (10-12 min/mi)

Still growing my beard, probably an inch 1/2 now

I'm going to eat some oatmeal and a banana and go get stoned as fuck and run another 4 miles in about an hour, nice and warm outside today, 80F


Active Member
Have you thought about doing sprint intervals? They increase your fast twitch muscules. It seems counter intuitive but they also increase your endurance


Active Member
I'm already in shape and now I'm growing muscle mass. Proper nutrition is key to every health related issue whether its losing weight or gaining weight, improving digestion, sharpening mental capabilities, and creating blemish free skin. Supplements and other so called miracle mixes are just a waste of money and can be potentially harmful.

The first step to giving your body what it needs or blocking what it doesn't need is to avoid genetically modified organisms (GMO), dangerously harmful and widely used pesticides, Monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrogenated vegetable oils or partially hydrogenated oils (aka margarine), and foods with high Trans fat.


Also omit foods containing Preservatives like non organic canned foods and others with a long shelf life and avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup(aka Soda)

Drink water, water, and water. I drink about a gallon a day and it seems to be sufficient. I haven't had a headache for 2 years and I am almost certain it's because of high quality H2O.. Now I'm not talking about chlorine, iron oxide and other toxin filled tap water. I drink reverse osmosis (RO) or steam distilled water only. I will occasionally drink poland spring to get some trace minerals but not often.. Your body needs water more than anything. H2O helps carry away waste and regulates various systems of the body like keeping your skin moisturized and your throat from being dry or hoarse.. Water also carries away lactic acid, a byproduct from muscle growth. So if you are well hydrated from water before your workout you will be less sore than if you drank a Gatorade..

Your brain/body needs the essential fatty acids (EFAs) called Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) an omega 3 fatty acid and Linoleic acid (LA) an omega 6 fatty acid. Essential fatty acids are called essential because the body can not synthesize or produce them by itself and requires you to eat foods containing them in order to obtain the priceless fat.. Wild caught pacific salmon is a great source of "good fats"

My favorite and most miraculous food that I have found is Hemp seeds, yes hemp seeds.. They are high in the good fat and low in the bad fats while delivering calories, protein and dietary fiber. 2 table spoon fulls of shelled hemp seeds in the morning can make you have a much better day mentally and physically.

At first it might seem harder than going to a drive through for your food but it's not that bad once you feel the difference and realize how un-food like fast food is... There is nothing like preparing your own food every day and experimenting with different foods to see whats best for you..

I'll let you guys chew on that for a while... And I'm no doctor so research it yourself, but I am a success story and have cured myself of many problems.. I am always open for suggestions or constructive criticism


Well-Known Member
pads out there gettin it! im in the same boat runnin slow ass miles and i cant even finish em i can jog 3/4's of one IF im with someone who can run it non-stop to push me. i dunno what ima do today, but i was thinkin the same thing as drive doin 50m sprints. i dunno if ima do non-stop for time or do a set amount. ima put a lot of shoulders today cause i feel they're lackin.


Active Member
If you are wondering exactly what your body needs this is the book for you;

It's $16 on amazon and well worth it. Make sure you get the latest edition, currently the second.
Here's the link:

After you have read that I suggest getting Prescription for Nutritional Healing, the 5th edition, by the same author.. This book goes further into detail about combating various problems specifically. Like if you have crohn's disease it will tell you what to eat, what to avoid, and what vitamins, minerals and herbs to consume.. Or arthritis or asthma and so on...


One thing to know when taking vitamins and minerals is that it is important to buy form reputable companies with safe practices. Some vitamin companies use by products and also market cheaper harmful variants of the actual vitamin


Well-Known Member
ive never ran before or done much cardio for that matter besides work. so what should i eat before and how long should i wait after eatin to run?


Well-Known Member
ive never ran before or done much cardio for that matter besides work. so what should i eat before and how long should i wait after eatin to run?
i'd say rolled oats with flax seeds and throw in a little fruit to sweeten it up. and you should be good to run in an hour or less.


Well-Known Member
i'd say rolled oats with flax seeds and throw in a little fruit to sweeten it up. and you should be good to run in an hour or less.
thats one thing i really cannot eat oats or oatmeal its nasty as hell to me to the point even if i force it theres a 40% chance ill throw up.


Well-Known Member
just ate oats dry and they kinda tasted like sunflower seeds with less salt. i think it was cause i ate them with water an not milk is what fucked me up all the times ive tried oats.


Active Member
are you running on the road? perhaps you should try some trail runs you don't even notice you are running you are just moving thru the woods. road running is tough its more mental than physical


Active Member
ive never ran before or done much cardio for that matter besides work. so what should i eat before and how long should i wait after eatin to run?
I usually wake up and drink a full glass of water with fresh lemon juice that I squeeze to detox my liver and hydrate my body.

The best way to start your day is with grains such as whole wheat toast or rolled oats because they are easy to digest and help "turn on" your digestion and also provide dietary fiber, a substance that cleans out the intestines and toxins in the colon. Then an hour after have a serving of fruits for sugar and quick energy. For lunch you want fats and greens and for a boost later followed by another serving of fruits or vegetables.

So you want to wait about 45 min to an hour to start exercising or you will feel heavy and uncomfortable. Make sure you are well hydrated before too or you will be out of breath, your head will be pounding, and you will have to stop before passing out. Gatorade is not a substitute to water and I will post that reason next time I'm on here!

The amount of food in each meal depends on you required caloric intake and the number of calories in the food that is being consumed. For example I am 6'3" 170lbs with zero body fat and a very active lifestyle and I am trying to gain weight so my preferred caloric intake is between 3,600 and 4,000 which is really hard to get in a healthy low fat manner (and expensive). Someone that is trying to lose weight on the other hand wants to limit their caloric intake to somewhere around 2,000 max depending on their activity rate. It's important not to starve yourself because your body does require nutrients to lose weight. Not sure off the top of my head what vitamins and minerals help assimilation of fat but I will look into it..

thats one thing i really cannot eat oats or oatmeal its nasty as hell to me to the point even if i force it theres a 40% chance ill throw up.
Blazin, try making:
1/4 cup of organic quick oats(not instant packages)
a spoon full (or two lol) of organic brown sugar
a drop (or two lol) of organic maple syrup
a good amount of raisins, or frozen blueberries/raspberries, or a chopped up banana
Maybe some organic cane sugar, agave nectar, or Stevia

I like my oats a little softer so i use a dash more water and a splash of almond milk after the sugar has dissolved. You can play around to your taste. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
ima have to try that out kill thanks. i was a certified trainer so i know exercise well, but bein from louisiana an all this awesome food its hard to eat clean. lol

saturday was a rest day

todays hell

4 sets non stop
200ft sprint
20 rep overhead presses(use one of my stock tires off my car)
10 rep hangin ab lifts

3 sets non stop
100 ft walkin lunges
1 set modified handstand presses(wasnt too ready for them)
another 20 rep tire presses
then 4 rounds of 40 bungee band punches every 30 seconds

ima do more abs tonight but all in all a good lil sunday workout! as i said bout that diet im bout to go eat me some chicken gumbo.


Well-Known Member
34 miles on the bike, 14.8 mph average over the course of about 2.5 hours. 1500 calories burned and I pulled a muscle in my back doing hills :dunce:

Tiger won, Celtics won...it's a good day :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yea drive im runnin on the road. to be honest id wanna stick to the road cause you dont wanna go runnin on trails durin the day in louisiana unless you wanna get swarmed by mosquitos. the road doesnt bother me too much ill run till i cant.

just did a quick lil chest/abs 60 push up split in two sets, 30 leg lifts straight an both sides in two sets then 30 side raises for two sets.

ba goin hard on the bike huh haha wtf are hills?


Well-Known Member
Day 19 - June 3, 2012

Distance: 6.67 mi
Duration: 1:12:04
Calories burned: 661
Average speed: 5 mi/h
Pace: 10:48 min/mi

AWESOME! Previous goal reached! And I think it's actually a little better because I skewed off course on this one and went up that 100 staircase + the 4 miles as usual and a minute or two working out at the top of the end of the run!

Massive improvement, I actually tried a cup of that bullshit cereal mentioned earlier in the thread, GODDAMN it was tough to get down! That shit is awful, but the results seem to be obvious. I'll try it again and see what happens, I also had another banana with it, those things seem to be great pre-workout foods. No chafing lately, I've actually been just picking up my shorts all the way and it's helped out a lot.

I saw this pretty attractive 40+ year old woman walking the other day when I was out, I wanted to say something like "wow, you're pretty" but I'm not sure how she would have taken it, I've never done anything like that before, but I thought it would make some 40+ chick's day, and she was sexier than hell, somebody I'd definitely consider sleeping with. How do you think she would have taken that? I figure there's nothing really to lose so why not try that kind of shit while I'm young and most people that age would mark it off as youth, lol.. If I see her again, I'm going to say something for sure! I have yet to do the cougar thing! haha!

I think I'm going to take an off day tomorrow, but I'm about 1-2 miles ahead of schedule right now, awesome! 20 miles in a week seems like a lot on paper but not when you actually do it, and then you consider most people get less than 5 miles of exercise a week, nuts...


Well-Known Member
congrats dude!! gettin to goals is the best. i know i get less than 5 miles in a week. you tryin to show me up bro?!? jk is there any reason why you're goin soo hard with the runnin? you doin anythin besides just runnin? awesome progress man im lookin foward to see your times go down. fuck a schedule you bess not rest tomorrow! lol if you're ahead of schedule then you need a new one. dont stop pushin yourself


Well-Known Member
congrats dude!! gettin to goals is the best. i know i get less than 5 miles in a week. you tryin to show me up bro?!? jk is there any reason why you're goin soo hard with the runnin? you doin anythin besides just runnin? awesome progress man im lookin foward to see your times go down. fuck a schedule you bess not rest tomorrow! lol if you're ahead of schedule then you need a new one. dont stop pushin yourself
Shit I just realized I've already met the 20 mile goal I set for the 3rd week! That's awesome as fuck. So far it's 20.56 miles down this week, with 2 days left, I could literally do fuckin' 30 if I didn't rest tomorrow!! Crazy improvement in just 3 weeks! I'm not even that sore and I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be good to go again!

I'm just trying to keep a constant level of improvement, to make sure I steadily increase everything. 16 miles as a basis, 18 miles as improvement, 20 miles (easily surpassed on JUST the 3rd week!) to keep up the level of improvement. I'm keeping a log like this to show people how much is required to get to the level I'm at. I started out at 15-20 lbs overweight, I've probably lost 5-10 lbs since, and I've got a good schedule for another 8 weeks, the results should be interesting regardless. I hope I don't see a peak in performance, I just hope to keep steadily increasing all the numbers, progress!

I'm getting some tan lines too, but I wear sunblock because fuck sunburns!


Active Member
Smile and wave say good morning or afternoon see how she responds. most women respond well to a smile