The Great “Fake News” Scare of 1530


Well-Known Member
Twist it how you want Buckoldites.
I didn't say it wasn't primarily a gov't tool.
I said it happened in more countries than Russia (which technically Litvinenko didn't die while in).
Tell me your deep knowledge of it's production. ;)
...........which amounts to googling (which has never been known to censor information).
Gonna use those uber-googling skills to do genetic recombination next?
(hint: try reading The White Plague by Frank Herbert to see what was possible in the '80's.)


Well-Known Member
Pizzagate was literally people on instagram and twitter reading the emails, connecting names to profiles on the internet and searching through their photos and websites. It was not a published story. It was merely a collection of information across twitter and instagram accounts that were connected to podesta email leak.
OK, let me correct myself then. The pizzagate story was made up from a wierd interpretation of a stolen wikileaks email from podesta and other shit cobbled together in a fake story. It is libelous and people should be brought to court and made to pay damages to injured parties. It is also dangerous to those affected by the libelous smear.

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Well-Known Member
You are such a liar and a coward. Show me evidence that Hillary and John Podesta were involved in child sex slaves. Maybe the reason you are so sure of it is because you and your husband are a big part of it!

You know what cheese is don't you?
prove him wrong, pie.
Why did Hillary take such a big interest in Laura Silsby and why did Bill Clinton work to get her released?

Why does John podesta enjoy pedophillic art and art depicting torture of children?
You are accused of child sex slavery and all you can do it try to smear somebody else?

Prove baldrick wrong, pie. Prove that you and your husband aren't part of it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You are accused of child sex slavery and all you can do it try to smear somebody else?

Prove baldrick wrong, pie. Prove that you and your husband aren't part of it.
So now im no longer crazy but a pedo for pointing out pedos?

How typical of the radical left to attack the messenger.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
OK, let me correct myself then. The pizzagate story was made up from a wierd interpretation of a stolen wikileaks email from podesta and other shit cobbled together in a fake story. It is libelous and people should be brought to court and made to pay damages to injured parties. It is also dangerous to those affected by the libelous smear.

Maybe if John and James werent so buddy buddy with convicted child molesters, pedo/sacrificial artists, and didn't sexualize children people would not think they were pedophiles.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why do you keep ignoring my question?
Why did Trump fire Micheal Flynn Jr.?
Trump firing micheal flynn does not change my opinion. Either trump wanted to avoid the drama or he wanted to keep things hush. We will see how he treats the anthony weiner case and how sessions treats the remaining investigations. Plus congress is investigating many branches of the government for sexual harassment, pedophilia, and bribes. Plenty of corruption to expose in the next four years.


Well-Known Member
that's kinda like netanyahoo flashing a conspiracy card in his right hand about some secret american plot to generate a vote, while tucking his left hand behind his back.

in his left hand is the card that says he is being criminally investigated for fraud and bribery.

this trick works on simple, stupid minds like yours, pie.

i'm still not convinced that you aren't a part of the pizza pedo ring. my theory is that you are, and you are rolling on all of your partners, FDD style.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if John and James werent so buddy buddy with convicted child molesters, pedo/sacrificial artists, and didn't sexualize children people would not think they were pedophiles.
I'm glad you agree that Pizzagate had no basis in fact. Just innuendo and rumor. But thanks for filling me in on what the rumors were.

Maybe you can now focus on proving that you and your husband aren't child sex traffickers. Your repeated avoidance of this critical accusation is proving to me that you should be investigated.


Well-Known Member
Trump firing micheal flynn does not change my opinion. Either trump wanted to avoid the drama or he wanted to keep things hush. We will see how he treats the anthony weiner case and how sessions treats the remaining investigations. Plus congress is investigating many branches of the government for sexual harassment, pedophilia, and bribes. Plenty of corruption to expose in the next four years.

Why do you keep avoiding my question.
Do you not know why he was fired?