The Great Recession of 2008 Who is Really to Blame?

We've got more government jobs! Woo-Hoo. 16,000 new IRS agents will definitely help get the economy going again.:hump:

no, unlike previous republican administrations, we have shrunk the size of government with less government jobs.

those 5 million new jobs and 31 months of growth have come from the private sector.

welcome to reality, douchebag.

yeah, he's going to inherit 32 months of job growth, 5 million new jobs, al qaeda decimated, bin laden dead, the auto industry thriving, and more equal rights for americans.

what a mess!

we need to go back to the party that left us 800k jobs a month being lost and complete economic collapse!

makes perfect sense...if you're an aborted fetus.

Yea, one person created 5 million new jobs. Ok.
Yea, he also went in and took out bin laden himself. Ok.
Auto industry thriving? lol. Yea ok. Hey guess what, my step dad works for GM, let's pretend you know everything about them by what you read on the internet and hear on the news. Also, I used to work for GM myself, and guess what. I was laid off when Obama came into office. Good call. Guess what else about the auto industry that you think you know so much. The top out rate that used to be around 29 an hour is now at 18. Yea huge growth. Oh wait, you must not have meant for the little people who actually build the vehicles.
You are so predictable. You really can't come up with anything better than saying something about an aborted fetus? You are pathetic. HEY EVERYONE, my fiancee had an abortion. So what? "Freedom Of Choice Bitch" You think that if you continue to mention it that you are somehow cool or that someone respects you for it?

You are nothing but a little bitch ass pussy.
Grow a pair you degenerate animal killer. The best part of you ran down your dads leg.
Yea, one person created 5 million new jobs. Ok.
Yea, he also went in and took out bin laden himself. Ok.
Auto industry thriving? lol. Yea ok. Hey guess what, my step dad works for GM, let's pretend you know everything about them by what you read on the internet and hear on the news. Also, I used to work for GM myself, and guess what. I was laid off when Obama came into office. Good call. Guess what else about the auto industry that you think you know so much. The top out rate that used to be around 29 an hour is now at 18. Yea huge growth. Oh wait, you must not have meant for the little people who actually build the vehicles.
You are so predictable. You really can't come up with anything better than saying something about an aborted fetus? You are pathetic. HEY EVERYONE, my fiancee had an abortion. So what? "Freedom Of Choice Bitch" You think that if you continue to mention it that you are somehow cool or that someone respects you for it?

You are nothing but a little bitch ass pussy.
Grow a pair you degenerate animal killer. The best part of you ran down your dads leg.

you had the freedom of choice to abort your offspring.

i have the freedom of speech to talk about how you paid to have your defenseless offspring killed.

the ironic part is that you are advocating for the candidate who would quash your freedom to abort your defenseless offspring.

too facile.
you had the freedom of choice to abort your offspring.

i have the freedom of speech to talk about how you paid to have your defenseless offspring killed.

the ironic part is that you are advocating for the candidate who would quash your freedom to abort your defenseless offspring.

too facile.

Hey dumbass, go find a post where I even once claimed to be supporting Romney. Never happened. So your argument has just become null and void.
And I sure as hell won't support a fuck tard that is trying to take away my 2nd amendment rights.
You are right, We did have the choice to do just that.
Your freedom of speech is going to get your ass killed one of these days. Open you mouth like you do in a forum to someone on the street and see what happens. Better yet, go to an abortion clinic and spout off the bullshit you try and say to me in front of someone making the hardest decision of their life and see what happens to your little pussy ass. I bet you don't have the balls.
Hey dumbass, go find a post where I even once claimed to be supporting Romney. Never happened. So your argument has just become null and void.
And I sure as hell won't support a fuck tard that is trying to take away my 2nd amendment rights.
You are right, We did have the choice to do just that.
Your freedom of speech is going to get your ass killed one of these days. Open you mouth like you do in a forum to someone on the street and see what happens. Better yet, go to an abortion clinic and spout off the bullshit you try and say to me in front of someone making the hardest decision of their life and see what happens to your little pussy ass. I bet you don't have the balls.

obama quashed your second amendment rights by expanding them to national parks and amtrak?


yeah, you're a douchebag.

also, you totally never get angry. ever. you were so right.

your child-to-be is now a pile of medical waste rotting in a landfill somewhere. be proud of your dollars at work.
obama quashed your second amendment rights by expanding them to national parks and amtrak?


yeah, you're a douchebag.

also, you totally never get angry. ever. you were so right.

your child-to-be is now a pile of medical waste rotting in a landfill somewhere. be proud of your dollars at work.

You're a jackass. Yea parks allow you to have guns. Hmmm. That is up to the park and not your precious president. No parks around me allow guns. Obama knows for a fact that he will never be able to take guns from us. Let him try.. He is trying to get random places to buy up all the ammo thinking it will have an effect. :lol: You keep believing what you want.
When are you going to come up with something new? Are you really so simple minded that you can't think up anything besides me getting mad or something about abortion which you know nothing about? I already agreed that I get mad when dumb ass little pussies like you talk shit about my family. You are doing nothing but making yourself look like an idiot.
Also, how can you claim you support obama when he supports abortion and yet you try and talk shit?
And one last time, pay attention you simple minded little shit. Aborted fetuses are incinerated. They don't lay in a pile of medical waste as you seem to think.

Look everyone, I'm a psychic. UncleBuck will try and say something else about abortions in his next post to me....
You're a jackass. Yea parks allow you to have guns. Hmmm. That is up to the park and not your precious president. No parks around me allow guns.

national parks did not allow you to carry guns before obama took office. now they do.

that is not up to the park, that was a decision left to the president. and he expanded your gun rights. you fucking idiot.

Aborted fetuses are incinerated. They don't lay in a pile of medical waste as you seem to think.

ok, fine.

you paid to have your child to be killed and incinerated. happy now?
national parks did not allow you to carry guns before obama took office. now they do.

that is not up to the park, that was a decision left to the president. and he expanded your gun rights. you fucking idiot.

ok, fine.

you paid to have your child to be killed and incinerated. happy now?

Ok, so somehow you have it in your head that Obama came up with the law to let licensed gun owners to carry their concealed weapons into national parks? Do a little bit more research and stop believing everything you hear. "If that is even possible."
You need to thank the NRA for getting guns allowed into "National Parks" and not that dumb ass president of yours. And guess who voted more for the guns to be allowed. Republicans. Oh noes.. Run for your lives.. :lol:
Also, not all national parks allow it.

And yes, I am very happy that you proved my last post correct that you are a simple minded fuck tard that cant come up with anything new. My prediction was correct.

Next post to me ub will mention something else about abortion. And in another thread talk about crayons.
At the time, 2008, I read a couple interesting exposes that made some sense to me. Googling now all I come up with is long scholarly pdf papers. What I read was that along with the bubble bursting the BIS, Bank for International Settlements raised the reserve rates for all participating central banks. That sole action severely tightened the money supply and hurt us all deeply.
You need to thank the NRA for getting guns allowed into "National Parks" and not that dumb ass president of yours.

who signed the bill into law instead of vetoing it?

how does that comport with your retarded assertion that he was taking away your second amendment rights?

seems to me that someone who was taking away your second amendment rights would not have expanded your second amendment rights.

you fucking dumbass.

i will not mention how you paid to turn your child into a pile of burnt medical waste.
who signed the bill into law instead of vetoing it?

how does that comport with your retarded assertion that he was taking away your second amendment rights?

seems to me that someone who was taking away your second amendment rights would not have expanded your second amendment rights.

you fucking dumbass.

i will not mention how you paid to turn your child into a pile of burnt medical waste.

Do some research you fucking twit.
You are so predictable.
And on another note:
Now talk about more abortions like a good little bitch. "Every time you do, you show everyone that you are my bitch" :lol:
who signed the bill into law instead of vetoing it?

how does that comport with your retarded assertion that he was taking away your second amendment rights?

seems to me that someone who was taking away your second amendment rights would not have expanded your second amendment rights.

you fucking dumbass.

i will not mention how you paid to turn your child into a pile of burnt medical waste.
Iv heard they "use" them for other bits and bobs too, pretty gruesome shit.
no, unlike previous republican administrations, we have shrunk the size of government with less government jobs.

those 5 million new jobs and 31 months of growth have come from the private sector.

welcome to reality, douchebag.

Unemployment Rate Plummets to 4.3%--For Government Workers

( - The best news anywhere in the U.S. economy over the past three months has been in the government sector, where unemployment has dropped dramatically from 5.7 percent in July to 5.1 percent in August to 4.3 percent in September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Both the federal and state governments increased their employees in July, August and September.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"
The huffington post is a liberal news media outlet.

As always, rather than deal with fact - or untruth, the the lazy debater blames the source as being biased, using that as a refutation. Here is news, the right or the left is capable of presenting fact and when they do it is up to the debater to deal with the message and not indict the source.

That HUFFPO is liberal does not negate it's statements, nor (to a lesser extent) does should the FACTs themselves be negated by their having eminated from FOX.
who is to blame? the people that forced banks to give loans out to people who were extremely high risk so they could buy houses and other nice things that they couldn't afford and the people who perpetuated that practice.

the end

This myth is perpetuated over and over and over again - it wasn't poor people that caused the crash, anyone who does any sort of research knows that. No one was "forced" to make bad loans and the majority of those bad loans were offered by lending institutions that were not regulated or independent from fannie and freddie, nor did fannie and freddie bundle much of their loans for sale.

Unemployment Rate Plummets to 4.3%--For Government Workers

( - The best news anywhere in the U.S. economy over the past three months has been in the government sector, where unemployment has dropped dramatically from 5.7 percent in July to 5.1 percent in August to 4.3 percent in September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Both the federal and state governments increased their employees in July, August and September.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

FAIL. maybe try calling me a nigga instead, clayton.

  • Public_sector.png

I didn't get burned at all! LOL
If we didn't increase the debt ceiling we would have had to cut spending, big damn deal!

Do you even know what the debt ceiling is beenthere? It is not a point beyond which we will spend no more as that is what you seem to be thinking.