room2 looks kind of empty right now, ... I really gotta figure things out so that I can have 8-10 plants like this one every cycle.

She's my SpaceChemo, btw, can anyone (hyroot, psuagro...!!!) tell me if this simply looks like a cal-mag def? hopefully anyway I gave her some more yesterday i just hope she doesnt start fading too much too early!!

Here is my SpaceGrin, I have decided to keep this cutting around for a little while longer, I am noticing she has some potential to bulk up some weight, I ll veg one for a while and grow a really thick bush and see what comes out. The bag appeal of this strain is unreal if you dont mind smaller nugs, smell is very pleasant lemon sumac ...

It feels like my cross of Revolution and Respect might have brought back some ruderalis in the genepool, I assume each strain (Respect and Revolution) have ruderalis in their genetic to increase CBD content but I could be wrong... Anyway one of them I had placed in the budding room to sex and topped/transplanted back to veg tent just kept on flowering, ... I cut all the flowers hoping that it will revert back to vegging but it looks like she is not going to make it. If that's the case I won't bother growing more of this cross. See how this other one is just not getting that boost of growth under 12 hours of light.

In the tent you can see my 3 main keepers for now, SpaceGrin (Spacebomb X Dr.Grinspoon), Respect, and SpaceChemo (Spacebomb X Chemo)
I am trying something new here I planted a couple seed of (Shark X Dr.Grinspoon) hoping for some hybrid vigor and 2 massive female

I am also hoping that crossing the Shark with an old school sativa will increase that CBD content but it's also risky because both strain have tendencies to hermi. I dont know how old are the seeds they could actually be Shark X with spacegrin. Anyway, I took some of the top layer off the plant before planting the seeds and as soon as they show sex I will top dress with more supersoil. The plant is almost done trimming and I will simply cut the stalk low before the top dress.
Another Star in the garden right now my PennyWise #2 which has not been cloned!! Sad news too my male is not looking like it will give a lot of pollen...
Senora Ampero, this one I have a cutting and I am seeing here that I will have to veg her for a long time for better results
Empty room2 ...