The HOG Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
also dont mind the 4 scraggly plants around the outside.

i neglected a few kings kush plants and they got a little stretchy so they wont produce too much but i had to toss em in flowering before they got any bigger.

i tossed in a purple kush bag seed (not in the picture) that i was growin for the fuck of it. never know when youre gonna get some good genetics.


Well-Known Member
i got it from a kind soul for free but id recommnend the single seeds centre.

good prices and no bullshit shipping. make sure its the "guaranteed" shipping. its only a few bucks more than the regular shipping but if it gets lost or seized theyll refund your order and ship it to you for just the price of shipping.


Well-Known Member
ok so alot of moving around the past few days, some scary shit goin down and on to of it a huge storm knocked out the power for part of the day.

So theyre stressin a little but should be fine.

Im pretty sure one of the Kings Kush got pollinated by the PK i swear was female. Looks like we'll have some KKxPK seeds to test out though.

The HOG is lookin amazing! Buds are startin to stop stretching and start fattening up. Over did the nutes a little switchin from organic to synth, so they got a bit toasty, but a few days of plain water with a lil molasses should help a bit.

2 HOGS in veg right now. One is LSTd and will be a mother and the other will be LSTd shortly to be a backup mother.

Got 5 or so clones in the box waitin for roots. So hopefully were here in another 3-4 weeks harvestin and taste testin.

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Well-Known Member
its really puttin on the weight. and smells like classic bubble gum mixed with somethin a little more fruity. Almost like zebra gum and bazooka mixed. Very smooth smelling. Reminds me of strawberry cough in the smoothness of the smell.

Definitely a good yeilder and i havent even harvested. Awesome bud structure. You can really see the ever so slight sativa influence in it if you grow it big.

I plan to do a SOG of about 16 of them in my 4x4 after this. Im bulkin up the mothers right now and should be takin clones in a week or so.

If i werre you id go for critical hog just because its probably a little better than this hog and THseeds has feminized seeds so youll save yourself alot of money and time and energy.


Well-Known Member
Looking really great, Bud! Nice job.I remember my Hog's being probably has to do with lighting (how much and how close to plants)........keep the pic's coming, buddy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i LSTd them and then had them in veg alot longer than i wanted. I think they went through 65-75 days of veg which is a month over what i usually do.

But theyre sure gettin huge. I only have em under a 600w and theyre about 6-10 inches away. i gotta move the light up to take pictures cause the reflector gets in the way. haha

What did yours smell/taste like? Cause this one is very bubblegummie.


Well-Known Member
Heres everything in veg.

Big momma in the middle, left is a neglected KK im gonna throw outside soon, and the right is a younger HOG gettin big for the stripdown thats coming.


I topped this the day i transplanted her from the clone box to the air pot.


Now the flowering HOG:


Most of the pictures are over exposed and since a recent shuffle we had to deal with our temps in the room arent as perfect as i want so they are curlin a bit.

But shes about 2-3 weeks from bein done i think. Really startin to pack on the weight day by day. And smellin sooooooo bubblegummy.


Well-Known Member
So after all the crazy shit that happened we made it to harvest! I took down the last of the Kings Kush. Now its strictly HOG by THseeds.

The mother HOG wont be done for another week or so but shes getting close!

Here are 10 clones i took a few days ago. Gonna be the beginning of my SOG of HOG


Here are 4 clones that i transplanted right before i took the 10 clones above. Therye growin nice already.


Heres the one mother i took the 10 clones from. I LST'd her a bit more (after picture was taken) and threw her into flowering today.


The other momma that was from the 4 clones in veg right now. Tied a few more branches down and tossed her in flower today as well.

And now, big momma HOG. Shes sprawled out all over the tent. Getting fatter and fatter by the day. My ph has been off since all the shit weve had to deal with caused me to not be able to ph my nutes or water so her leaves are prematurely yellowing. Givin her a little molasses and some extra cal-mag just to make sure its none of those defs. Used the last of my Snowstorm Ultra the last watering so ill have to grab some more.

She should be comin down in a week to 10 days.


The last of the Kings Kush hittin the dryin rack. Nothin special because this one was a little more shocked by all the movement she went through. But still some decent lookin and smellin smoke.


Here we are about to wrap up the first run of the HOG and sayin goodbye to another good strain the KK.

I might start a new thread for the SOG of HOG. haha



Well-Known Member
So we got about a quarter over 4 zips off the kings kush which is more than i expected from some lanky, neglected plants that were in far too small of pots. An oz a piece still isnt bad.

The hog will be coming down in about 5 days which should be day 60-65. lost track of the exact count haha


Well-Known Member
So i messaged dyna-grow to get some tester sizes to try out. Messaged them monday, gave em my address tuesday and they were here today! I was more than surprised because ive heard theyd take over 2 weeks sometimes to ship out trial nutes.


Gonna be using these for my 150w hps grow once it gets a little cooler and mother nature can cool my ballast and hood combo.

I really wanna experiment with hydro for the indoor stuff but i like the reliability of pro-mix. We'll see haha.

Other than that the hog momma is just ripening up over these next few days.

I can already see the stretch in the other 2 i put in a week or so ago.

Got 4 clones in air-pots now and growin big, ready to be mothers for the 15-25 plant SOG im about to get rollin once the 2 i put into flower are about done.