The horror of global warming!

Argument for global warming: Polar ice sheets melting (summer arctic ice sheet predicted to be gone in 30 years), huge temperature increase in the last century, 97% of experts believing global warming is a fact, obvious correlation between carbon dioxide increase and recent temperature increase.
Argument against global warming: It's cold out.

Back up your claims... I'm just glad the taxes we're paying are decreasing temperatures, saving the planet and 97% of experts agree with me....
how ironic coming from the guy who claims there is no consensus and will not only fail to back it up, he won't even give the name of a single denier.


no juice.

Kinda like how you back nothing up ever? Buck just do us all a favour and take Mr. Hands with you...

Kinda like how you back nothing up ever?

what claim did i make that i need to back up?

all i have done is mock the dumbasses who claim that anthropogenic climate change is some kind of decades in the making hoax.

to be fair, i have also pointed out that you have not backed up your claim of "no consensus" and that you are too fucking weak to post the name of even one denier.


Buck just do us all a favour and take Mr. Hands with you...

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i was waiting for the relevant and worthwhile "contribution" part of your post, and you did not disappoint. picture and everything.

pictures and coloring books are right about your level.
substantive rebuttal!

every post of yours is like a cool breeze on a hot summer day, a piece of wisdom for the ages.

what would this forum be without you?

A cool breeze on a summer day? bet your missus can smell the coffee from brazil when the wind carries....
A cool breeze on a summer day? bet your missus can smell the coffee from brazil when the wind carries....

oh, i get it! it's because she's a jew and therefore must have a large nose!

anti-semitic stereotypes are fun!

thank you for yet another worthy contribution. without you, this board would be a far worse place.

thank goodness for your anti-semitism to save the day!
I used to give a fuck about this shit, but I've accepted there are too many stupid people who don't to even bother, the only solace I take is knowing I won't be alive, and likely won't have any descendents, but those dumb fucks probably will! LOL! They're fucking up the planet today and are too stupid to use protection, Mike Judge might as well have been a prophet because Idiocracy is exactly what's going to happen. The people saying it's probably a bad idea to introduce shit to the atmosphere that'll make the planet warm up aren't the ones who are going to suffer, the unfortunate descendents of the dummies claiming everything is fine are.

Also, complete thread fail to begin with, annual averages don't say much about decade long patterns. What's next, your herpes settles down for a couple months so you proclaim you're herpes free? It's a good thing stupid is tested against in science.
Well, stop judging the world so irresponsibly.

You are looking at it from the tiny perspective of your own, personal, one 7 billion, over your meager 4 score and 20 years. And the ego of your confusion is touchingly poignant.

It is nothing to me, expect that it messes your Mr. Mind into thinking it can judge this world from its no nothing perspective.

Just realize the perspective and move on.
But, is it good climate change? Or does it herald the last hurrah of the inter-ice age warming period?

Will the seas rise, and wipe out the coastal sand piles of man? And then will it retreat, locked deeper in Ice and leave those that struggle, even many more miles inland.

Or will Atlas simply shrug and we all tumble off into space?
Kind of like the top quote in your sig? You are the king of dishonest selectivity, ma'am.

ii would have put the whole quote if the sig space was sufficient. alas, it was not so i boiled it down to its essence: our white supremacist, anti-semitic friend wanted one quote of him displaying a superior attitude towards non-whites.

i would say the racial slur in the next quote qualifies, as white supremacists don't use the word "nigger" in exaltation.