The I-502 Application Process and Operating plan

More on testing:Is there going to be a mobile lab making his testing rounds and will he lable the product you have stored in jars for you?-- after he tests a sample that HE takes? And how much will this sample test cost? This makes the most sense to me to keep things honest
About 1000 applied for tier 3. If they knocked out a third for various and sundry reasons - 1000 ft fule, no existing building, no viable business plan , no money, etc--and they limited the survivors to 70% of their max canopy, those two things alone knock down the max Tier 3 canopy from 30 million to 14 million sq ft
And Tier 2 drops from 10 million max to 4.7
Still way above 2 million allowed for all tiers--but a lot closer!
Yeah good points. I'd get into cloning but I believe that would be deemed off subject
So--YOU are doing weekly succession plantings too instead of going for 3 or 4 big crops a year? I love that strategy
I can concentrate my harvest to one day a week. The same day I plant new seeds, transplant seedlings move plants around, fertilize, put the dried pot in jars -a week drying works out great!-- and take the product to market while picking up new supplies on the way back. And do the paperwork. The rest of the week I just water, 2 hours a day max

Having everything down to a weekly routine I felt was best for me as a family man to keep family life running smooth. Also worked out to about a 1.5-2.5 lbs./week harvest while keeping to the 99 limit. Just one big weed assembly line of sorts!

41-13.jpg This is what my architect pictured it as. The .pdf with my floorplan is too big to upload, but it essentially partitioned my interior into 4 separate grows and if you look closely, you'll notice the roof is glass! :weed:
More on testing:Is there going to be a mobile lab making his testing rounds and will he lable the product you have stored in jars for you?-- after he tests a sample that HE takes? And how much will this sample test cost? This makes the most sense to me to keep things honest

I'm only speculating on the testing, but a mobile setup would make sense and he would be taking the sample for quality control and chain of custody purposes. This is why I say if you have started all your plants from seed, he will be sampling ALL your plants. Figure anything on a per hour or per item basis and obviously clones start to make the most sense.

If you want to talk clones, I have a post about some I did some time back if you want to pick it up there. Or start a new thread on it and I'll join you there! :joint:
Did some research. By limiting growers to one location they knocked out 33% of the tier three canopy space. Thin the herd by another third for other reasons and limit the survivors to 70% and you are down a whopping 71% in max tier 3 canopy space
Having everything down to a weekly routine I felt was best for me as a family man to keep family life running smooth. Also worked out to about a 1.5-2.5 lbs./week harvest while keeping to the 99 limit. Just one big weed assembly line of sorts!

View attachment 3003749 This is what my architect pictured it as. The .pdf with my floorplan is too big to upload, but it essentially partitioned my interior into 4 separate grows and if you look closely, you'll notice the roof is glass! :weed:
Cool solar power!That knocks the main cost- electricity- way down. Can't really do that where I live in W.Wa. due to trees and clouds
I expect about the same harvest from my 99 plants. I get 1.5 pounds a week I'll be as happy as a clam
Just listened to the LCB meeting of Feb 16. They are indeed cutting the Tier max by 30% ,not the individual applicant
The New Goal is 11 to 13 million sq ft of canopy for Year 1
They had 35 million applied for. 30% are failing the application process. 30% are repeats, and 30% reduction for each tier gets you to that level ---35,000000 x .7 x.7 x.7 = 12,000,000
They said it would take many months to process all 7000 applicants
Having everything down to a weekly routine I felt was best for me as a family man to keep family life running smooth. Also worked out to about a 1.5-2.5 lbs./week harvest while keeping to the 99 limit. Just one big weed assembly line of sorts!

What is your strategy for excessive summer heat?Air conditioning? Swamp Cooler?I am going to try spraying my concrete slab floor with water and let it evaporate on the rare day it gets above 80 where I live near the water. Also went with T5HO instead of halide. LED may be the Ultimate Choice to beat the heat, but pricey!
I'd planned to run split A/C when needed with CO2 enrichment. It's my understanding that you can let temps get up to 95F with proper CO2 levels. The glass roof was for solar power... solar power for the plants that is. We designed a "pool cover" like system for the ceiling that would seal off all light at the prescribed times allowing more harvests while still retaining natural sunlight vs bulbs.
Extortion is actually driving I 502.The illegal growers say include use OR it is black market business as usual!
And the Local Authorities?THEY say give us a bigger slice of the pot pie tax or we zone you out!
Still waiting on SHB 2144 that bans pot bans. Legislature adjorns at the end of next week so we will soon know regardless
I'd planned to run split A/C when needed with CO2 enrichment. It's my understanding that you can let temps get up to 95F with proper CO2 levels. The glass roof was for solar power... solar power for the plants that is. We designed a "pool cover" like system for the ceiling that would seal off all light at the prescribed times allowing more harvests while still retaining natural sunlight vs bulbs.
95F would be nice and not too problematic. Tomatoes take about that just fine
I'd planned to run split A/C when needed with CO2 enrichment. It's my understanding that you can let temps get up to 95F with proper CO2 levels. The glass roof was for solar power... solar power for the plants that is. We designed a "pool cover" like system for the ceiling that would seal off all light at the prescribed times allowing more harvests while still retaining natural sunlight vs bulbs.

70s in flower or you wont be growing buds....more like hair on a stick all fluff no bud
70s in flower or you wont be growing buds....more like hair on a stick all fluff no bud
Would that not be hard to acheive in a cubicle using halides, even with good ventilation? Especially if it is 90F+ outside? T5HO would heat it up a lot less, but even so you are saying A/C is a requirement if you live in a hot place and grow indoors
Our hearing examiner has been very timely and co-operative. Then again, so have we. We applied on the first day and have kept our schedule consistent in that manner.
Well the thing is I was pondering whether or not to spend the money for the application process until the next to last day. Why? because my County zoned me out on Dec 9. Would YOU have made the application knowing that? I decided to be like you say, be an optomist, and just go for it

When it all boils down the reason n for doing something uncertain is the uncertainty itself. The adventure of it! I am sure they will get around to my lowly tier 1 application eventually but it sure is frustrating waiting.
I have a PLAN for the zoning problem. I will only 'grow' marijuana plants in the vegetative stage until they are 6 weeks old and then sell them to the highest legal bidder. As a mother plant they would generate at least 14 clones if you just sliced it all up- thats $225 worth just for clones you could get- or take it to maturity in the space you would have wasted in the veg stage and get a crop to sell in 8 -10 weeks and get at least $600 wholesale at a retail store. What am I bid!? I can still make a good living doing that. THAT way I am not a producer but a wholesale nursery instead, merely propagating and nursing plants. Not a bit of usable pot on site except for my legal ounce. You know for break timer at lunch-- off facility of course!
And i'll just do feminized seeds at $8 a pop , special orders taken! as long as Herbie's sells them. Less space needed because they are ready to transplant into 4 or 5 gallon pots 10 days from sowing
And not much robbery worry either. I figure I can grow 25 , 6 week old plants to sell per week. The price? Que sera sera!
Maybe I'll try E-bay!-- gotta have a producer license is all and there will be thousands of them. A LOT more customers for me than a mere 330 stores-- you pick up, delivery extra.-- maybe just one run a week to Vashon Island on the ferry where there will be producers galore
Spider mites gotcha? Need replacement stock? Why waste space on vegging? I'm your guy!10% of sale goes to a charity of your choice
Some interesting math.
Lets say you have 10 cubicles each holding 10 plants and all on a ten week blooming cycle. That means you could harvest 10 plants a week
BUT you need 1 cubicle for the nursery and veg week 1's 10 plants
And a cubicle for week 2 and 3's 20 plants -spaced closely together because they are still small
And a cubicle for week 4's 10 plants
And a cubicle for week 5's 10 plants

So in reality, to produce those 10 plants a week you need 14 cubicles
IF however you could use all 14 cubicles for blooming and just forget the vegging, you could then harvest 14 plants a week (140/ 10) instead of 10, on a 10 week blooming schedule, a whopping 40% increase. So instead of $6000 a week-- assuming a plant is worth $600 wholesale --you now get $8400 instead, minus your $1400 to me for 14 plants per week gives you an extra $1000 a week, a 16.67% increase in revenue , with no veg or clone hassle . AND each plant in your facility is sucking up 5 weeks less of 24/7 power
A square foot of veggie canopy saved, is a square foot of blooming canopy earned!
Would you partner with me if I told you that by doing so you will increase the yearly harvest in your facility by a third and reduce your power consumption per gram produced in half!?
Well you would if you let me do the first 5 weeks of growing!
Instead of 75 % of your facility in bloom status, 100% of it would be . So instead of 75 whatever, you get 100 whatever , a 1/3 increase of whatever

Let's say you use an average of 100 watts per plant an hour. In 5 weeks of 24 hr veg, you burn up 8400 watts per plant. Then in the 10 week bloom cycle on 12/12 you burn up another 8400 watts per plant. So that's a total of 16,800 watts per plant over 15 weeks
But NOW the plant is only there for the 8400 watt 10 week bloom cycle, a reduction of 50%! Per plant,ounce and/or gram

Whats's in it for me? Well I can provide 5 week old plants to as many people with a producer license I can get and am not bound by any LCB limitations at all as far as size goes. Why? Because I am not adding a single square foot to the production canopy of WA, everything I grow becomes part of someone ELSE'S canopy instead!
How simple can it get? I merely water plants and transplant seedlings, no scale , no shredder for waste, no travel box, no A/C, no charcoal filter for odor, no curing area, no mold worries and less worries about robberies-- and screw the clones, I grow whatever you want on the order form from feminized seed
Not much different really than raising tomatoes for 5 weeks and selling them at a farmer's market-- for $100 a pop!Guaranteed and insured of course
And the Church Lady neighbors could care less because there is never ever a bit of usable pot in the facility except for my 1 ounce personal stash-- umm to be used at lunch time and off facility of course!