Eat Your Weedies
Maybe THEY do the math using the floor plan and lighting plan you give them and if your watts per sq ft, plants per sq ft and/or grams produced per sq ft do not fall within their parameters, out you go!
You should have at least an interview appointment by now. A friend applied the second to last day and he has an appointment for the first interview March 17. I applied the first day and my packet is complete and I expect final inspection on site one (1) in 2-3 weeks. Have you seen the list of applications? It will show where in line you are for processing.
So- a mobile testing lab is going to make his rounds picking up samples to analyze back at some lab?The results will then be sent via e-mail to be printed out as packaging labels- Or will they do the testing and lable the product for you on the spot. A complete mystery. I'm pretty sure the Producer does NOT take a sample to a lab and that the lab will come to them instead
I hate to be a wet blanket but because of that 2 million sq ft canopy limit, how can they issue any licenses until all the applications have been sorted through and actual floor plans sent in. They issue 2 million sq ft to the first 100 Tier 3 applicants processed and passed and that's it? Tough luck everybody else?Or they issue you a license and come back later and say hey wait a minute you have to reduce your canopy drastically? Nah they are gonna wait. No doubt they are thinking over a lottery as well. So a June start is likely for you as well
they are disqualifying a lot of apps..... especially processors
I hate to be a wet blanket but because of that 2 million sq ft canopy limit, how can they issue any licenses until all the applications have been sorted through and actual floor plans sent in. They issue 2 million sq ft to the first 100 Tier 3 applicants processed and passed and that's it? Tough luck everybody else?Or they issue you a license and come back later and say hey wait a minute you have to reduce your canopy drastically? Nah they are gonna wait. No doubt they are thinking over a lottery as well. So a June start is likely for you as well
It is my understanding that after the first year, they will assess what they have vs what they need. If they determine the 2 million sq ft to be adequate, they will instruct all producers to reduce canopy by the % needed to acquire the targeted limit. So for the sake of easy math... if they have 4 million and want 2 million, they will instruct all producers to reduce production at their facility by 50%.
Hopefully, they realize once they see some actual numbers that their limit is not only ridiculously low, but completely unsustainable.
Has anyone had any luck locating a reasonable seed to sale tracking program? I have found programs for $300-500 a month, which just seems a little steep for me. I am looking into just designing an excel spreadsheet that will track the info for me. I dont know exactly to what degree they want other than, a plant id, date plant id started, watering schedule per id, nutrients added to watering and amount watered per batch of nutrients, weight of clippings removed to be disposed during an ids life cycle, disease (if any listed disease and how treated) per id, date plant id was harvested, weight of usable product per plant id and weight of unusable product to be destroyed per plant id.
I believe that would basically cover what they want and only cost me the time to design the needed spreadsheets. Inserting data wont be done via a scanner like the $300-500 programs but instead will need to be manually entered as you go but that shaves another expense as well. I have looked over other known seed to sale programs and yes they do go into great detail and help with scheduling but ultimately I feel it is a waste of my money that can be used better elsewhere.
Any thought on this? Positive or negative would be appreciated. If you think there is other critical information they have requested that I let slip for tracking please let me know. I believe in the Linux system: Open Source
Another topic I was wondering about was the testing requirements. I am located around the Spokane area and as of yet I have not seen any labs that have opened their doors for new business owners. I am however suppose to list how I am planning on complying with testing and other than stating that I plan on sending off product to be tested, I have no way of naming a business at this time. Has anyone else located around the Spokane area found a testing company that I have overlooked?
As I have searched around for a security system that will be compliant for a tier 2, I find that in all practicality, it is not going to be very helpful for an outdoor producer. Yah sure, I can be compliant with placing cameras around my planned area to capture video up to 20' but what good is it going to be when my location has just been publicly announced to every Joe blow out there and to circumvent my security system detecting who they are, they simply just put on a $5 ski mask. (This in itself is enough for a thread of its own)
My real question is this: Have any of you been able to locate a system that will handle a tier 2? Just a little insight, I plan on having an area that is roughly 130' x 35' and by my calculations I would need 16 cameras to cover my area. 8 Cameras to cover inside the fence line and 8 cameras to cover outside of perimeter. Now I am not all that tech savvy when it comes to video systems but I know for 16 cameras to record 24hrs a day and be stored on the device for 45 days, these devices are going to use up a lot of memory. Most systems I have seen are capable of either a 2 or 3 TB hard drive installed. Is that really enough memory for 8 cameras? I plan on having 2 systems, 1 system for the 8 outside facing cameras, 1 system for inside the fence line. Any input would be helpful either by systems you have found or hard drive storage amounts you have calculated to be adequate would be appreciated.
Overall I think they have crammed in so many rules and regulations to try and regulate everything that they border on failing all together.
Overall I think they have crammed in so many rules and regulations to try and regulate everything that they border on failing all together.
It sure would be nice to know the screen out factors. At what point do they say it's a no go?
My biggest fear is 4th amendment concerns since I converted an unattached outbuilding on my property into a lean and mean growing facility.Wired to code. They may say it is still considered part of my personal residence. Who knows? Then again I have a friend who will let me officially move into her place so my property would no longer BE my official residence, if that is what it takes
Another mystery is the weighing scale that has to be used --surely it is not something I can pick up at WalMart. What brands are people using? And you get it certified by the State Patrol, right?
Thoughts on the WSLCB email earlier saying all producers being limited to one license and all being restricted to 70% production?
Thoughts on the WSLCB email earlier saying all producers being limited to one license and all being restricted to 70% production?
What I read from the story is that a tier one will have the maximum amount of canopy reduced to 1400 sq feet from 2000--- NOT if I applied for 1000 sq feet, I now only get 700. So if I was going to use less than 1400 sq ft anyway I will not be affected?