The I-502 Application Process and Operating plan

Two Year Old Sasquatch

Well-Known Member
1. Apply, Application window has closed with 2,822 producer (growing) applications, 2,021 processing applications, and 2,207 retailer applications as of 1-28-14.
2. Interview: Your license investigator will ask you personal information including SS#, business entity type and who's involved, where your money is coming from, and a few other questions.
3. You will receive and email with electronic documents you need to fill out including Source of Funds, Financial Statements, and operating plan. You will also receive finger print cards with a list of agencies that can do prints. I asked if that was all inclusive and they said no so I had my local police department do them. Also, the agency doing the prints is required to send them in.

Operating Plan Required Elements - Producer

Submission of an operating plan that demonstrates the applicant is qualified to hold the marijuana license applied for is required as part of the application process listed in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 314-55-020. This operating plan must include a floor plan and/or site plan which illustrates the entire operation being proposed. (WAC 314.55.020(9))

Please describe how your operating plan complies with the requirements listed in the WACs indicated below. Additional sheets utilizing the same format may be attached if necessary.

1. SECURITY (WAC 314-55-083)

a. Employee identification badge (yes/no)

b. Alarm system as shown on the floor plan you are submitting.

c. Video surveillance system and recording device

2. TRACEABILITY (WAC 314-55-083(4))
Describe how you plan to comply with all traceability requirements to include a description of all software and assurance that the system is compatible with the LCB’s approved system.


a. Training plan for new employees

b. Description of team/staff members related experience


a. Packaging of product for transportation

b. Labeling of product for transportation


a. Storage, security, and management of solid and liquid waste

b. Method of disposal for solid and liquid waste

c. Method of rendering plant matter waste unusable prior to leaving facility

d. Final Destination of waste rendered unusable

Describe your scale and any other measuring devices you will use for the traceability and inventory of product.

a. List the number of square feet you will dedicate to plant canopy

b. List the number of square feet you will dedicate to other business activities (such as office, restroom, quarantine room, etc.)

c. Describe your grow operation related to the items listed below:

1. Description of growing media(s)

2. Description of all equipment used in the production process

3. List of soil amendments, fertilizers, other crop production aids, or pesticides used

d. Outdoor production only - describe the physical barrier surrounding your outdoor production areas including the method you will use to obscure public view of the grow premise

7. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROTOCOLS (WAC 314-55-102)Operating Plan Required Elements - Producer

You can find all this and more at but riu won't allow the link so you'll have to cut and paste the URL.
Let's see now, been 2 months since the application window closed and still no phone call
They probably have a max of 10 people processing the applications, each doing 4 a day.That means they are doing 40 a day. 2800 / 40= 70 working days or 14 working weeks. Add a month for local input after that and a LONG time--6-8 weeks before you can get past the final inspection log jam of ten guys inspecting 2500 facilities. It all adds up to I won't be starting my business as a grower any time soon, probably at least August 1
Let's see now, been 2 months since the application window closed and still no phone call
They probably have a max of 10 people processing the applications, each doing 4 a day.That means they are doing 40 a day. 2800 / 40= 70 working days or 14 working weeks. Add a month for local input after that and a LONG time--6-8 weeks before you can get past the final inspection log jam of ten guys inspecting 2500 facilities. It all adds up to I won't be starting my business as a grower any time soon, probably at least August 1

You should have at least an interview appointment by now. A friend applied the second to last day and he has an appointment for the first interview March 17. I applied the first day and my packet is complete and I expect final inspection on site one (1) in 2-3 weeks. Have you seen the list of applications? It will show where in line you are for processing.
The messed up thing is what happens when you apply.
Your address gets posted in the newspaper.

A guy I know has a collective he was going to convert to rec now if he gets rejected the whole town knows where he grows.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!
Oh yeah that is a biggie.They are taking what you oh so secretly hid away and letting the entire world know exacly what is going on on your property.The theives now know exactly where to look - must be in that building with that big honking no one under 21 admitted sign plastered on the front door---and can just knock on your door and tell you shut off that fancy alarm system or else
Must be some form of punishment for stoners- revelation
I have a spread sheet list of applications, but where do you get an interview appointment date from that?? Please clue me in.I have looked everywhere on their website and can't find a damned thing. I am VERY frustrated
So they started on your application on Dec 20 and you get your licence on March 15. 84 days . So your friend- and I --will not be opening shop until at least June 7
You should have at least an interview appointment by now. A friend applied the second to last day and he has an appointment for the first interview March 17. I applied the first day and my packet is complete and I expect final inspection on site one (1) in 2-3 weeks. Have you seen the list of applications? It will show where in line you are for processing.
I am going to assume that you both got a phone call FIRST that set up the appointment date and that that info cannot be found anywhere.The ONLY phone call I got was from someone asking if I planned to use the entire Tier 1 sq footage allowed-about two weeks ago.I will surprised if I make a dime of income before Sept- make it Oct --and HAVE to plan my finances accordingly. I may be living on credit cards by then

What kinds of questions were asked?
I'm sorry but my patience is just f****ing shot. I was first told I would be able to start a business in June 2013 and I will be lucky to get one started in June 2014.
And then there is still the issue of local obstructionism- lots of stress there as well. I applied on the next to last day, thinking for some time why bother if the County can just shut me down- and they still can. Just a BET was all my application really was
Why a producer needs to have a processor license too before he can sell useable pot to a retail store is beyond my logic skills. ALL a producer does is harvest, dry it to get an accurate weight, and store it. Where does the "processing"'come into it?? And you ARE allowed to dry and store it having only a producer's license right?? You can't sell it to ANYBODY until it is dry ,right? And it has to be put SOMEWHERE for quarantine purposes, right? With a test lable on the package. So far no processing that I can discern
They really should change the rules to allow a producer to sell directly to a retailer for whatever the market bears
So- a mobile testing lab is going to make his rounds picking up samples to analyze back at some lab?The results will then be sent via e-mail to be printed out as packaging labels- Or will they do the testing and lable the product for you on the spot. A complete mystery. I'm pretty sure the Producer does NOT take a sample to a lab and that the lab will come to them instead
Will they really issue any producer licenses until the protocol for a retail lottery is set? What if there is some sort of retail license lottery snag -or the weedout process FOR the retail lottery takes months--and there you are with a bunch of pot on your itchy hands just waiting around for the retail lottery to happen. I'm sure the LCB hasn't figured that out yet, best to just be quiet until it is too late and the producer's licenses have already been issued
You should have at least an interview appointment by now. A friend applied the second to last day and he has an appointment for the first interview March 17. I applied the first day and my packet is complete and I expect final inspection on site one (1) in 2-3 weeks. Have you seen the list of applications? It will show where in line you are for processing.

And just how many square feet of canopy ARE you going to be able to grow. IF they followed the rules AND they weeded out everybody until they got down to a minimum of 12 million square feet applied for AND they doubled the amount allowed to 4 million square feet, you perhaps would only be allowed to produce 1/3 of what you thought you would be able to produce.
So a tier 3 who THOUGHT he could produce a minimum of 10,000 square feet and a tier 2 2000 sq ft, would now go from 10,000 - 30000 down to 3330-10000 and a tier2 would go from 2000-10000 down to 666-3333 sq ft.and a tier 1 would be allowed a max of 666 sq ft-- can you handle those cutbacks?
I am betting they will resort to a lottery just like with retail outlets, at least for tiers 2 and 3. Tier 1 is a hill of beans in comparison
Some 12- 42 million in square feet was applied for and somehow it has to be whittled down to 2 million
I am going to assume that you both got a phone call FIRST that set up the appointment date and that that info cannot be found anywhere.The ONLY phone call I got was from someone asking if I planned to use the entire Tier 1 sq footage allowed-about two weeks ago.I will surprised if I make a dime of income before Sept- make it Oct --and HAVE to plan my finances accordingly. I may be living on credit cards by then

What kinds of questions were asked?

Check out my forum for this it might help explain things. My appointment was made via email if I remember correctly. The spreadsheet you looked at has the dates applied. Sort that and it will give you a rough idea when you should be in line for an interview. I hired attorney representation to buffer me from addressing the state's ineptness.
Check out my forum for this it might help explain things. My appointment was made via email if I remember correctly. The spreadsheet you looked at has the dates applied. Sort that and it will give you a rough idea when you should be in line for an interview. I hired attorney representation to buffer me from addressing the state's ineptness.[/QUOTE

I'm about 500 from the bottom of the list, thanks to STUPIDLY letting Kitsap County intimidate me into thinking there was little point in applying for a license due to Draconian zoning restrictions, and so I waited until the last moment
they are disqualifying a lot of apps..... especially processors

It sure would be nice to know the screen out factors. At what point do they say it's a no go?
My biggest fear is 4th amendment concerns since I converted an unattached outbuilding on my property into a lean and mean growing facility.Wired to code. They may say it is still considered part of my personal residence. Who knows? Then again I have a friend who will let me officially move into her place so my property would no longer BE my official residence, if that is what it takes
Another mystery is the weighing scale that has to be used --surely it is not something I can pick up at WalMart. What brands are people using? And you get it certified by the State Patrol, right?
And weapons?Are they going to be allowed on the premises to prevent a robbery? I'll bet no. And if you live on the same property the growing facility is on, will the LCB claim it is just too much of a home invasion threat?
I google Earthed several properties that applied for Tier 3 status in Kitsap County and no way that they have a building that big there. A ten thousand sq. foot canopy would require a building 100 x 100 just for the canopy area alone. So what's up with that?
The Kitsap County commissioners deemed that NO production could be done on a lot zoned Rural Residential due to 4th amendment concerns-- yet the people who rule King and Spokane Counties had no such worries- if a lot was zoned to allow "agricultural uses", so be it as far as they are concerned. And the same criteria should be used for the REST of the State and may well be if ban the pot bans legislation is approved. I think Clark County just passed a 60 year ban on pot businesses. HA!Maybe all the people who hate pot can move THERE!