• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

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Active Member
One thing I was always taught in theology classes were that the bible and Jesus' teaching were merely guidelines to how to live a proper christian life, Jesus never left blueprints for how the church was suppose to be nor how people were suppose to act. We base his preachings and miracles as a basis of how to live life which is only through LOVE. The bible was never meant to be followed word for word, its a summary and we are suppose to live our lives out like jesus which isn't performing miracles and wondering around preaching, its living life with LOVE and helping others.

Ok Im done sorry. this is about to turn religious and it's my fault.


Active Member
If the above was true: Why would we ever read a book? About anything?
I have most of the books about growing Marijuana. About 80% to 90% of the information in all of them concurs from one book to another. I don't agree that most grow books and guides are worthless or should be taken as mostly hear-say. I have found some to be spot on.

Lets take Jorge Cervantes as an example: He travels the world visiting grow operations, talking to thousands of growers. managing his own green house, and sampling some of the very best bud grown on this earth.
Why would I not want to hear what he has to say about growing weed?

Ok, some say he used information from other authors, this could be true. Was it false information? Or did he want to have that good stuff in his book as well? So he might not be the kinda guy you want to go into business with, but does he know a lot about growing weed? As a new grower, why would I not want to take his words seriously?
I can say the same thing about Greg Green.

Of all the book I have read, when it comes to flushing they all either agree that you must flush or not talk about it at all.

Why does my wife think my unflushed weed taste weird?
  • Perhaps it's my DWC that makes my weed taste funny without flushing.
  • Or it could be the Lucas Formula.
  • It could even be the General Hydroponic Flora Series nutrients.
  • Lets not rule out the CO2 enrichment I run.
  • Or all of the above
  • Or some of the above
To know if I need to flush you would have to smoke some of my weed done both ways. Unless you have done this, you need to take my wife's word for it. None of you can tell me I am doing it wrong without all the facts. I won't tell you to flush if you say it's fine just the way it is.

Do you need to flush before harvest?
Not all of us need to, but some of us do. This is the correct answer in my opinion.
what up rumple, I didn't mean to say that their information is wrong I must have stated that incorrectly. I totally agree that 90% if not most of all the information is correct. Im just saying how hard is it to get all the information needed and how hard is it to perform multiple labratory experiments on Marijuana, can't be that easy. like compared to a book on another plant that has been able to be studied in labratories. Im not discrediting the authors I use their books OFTEN! but my point is not everything in books is correct. Example: flat earth theory, and Newtons calculations on gravity which weren't corrected untill Einstein proved differently. I hear ya on your wife and you are one of the few who notices a difference but like you said your set up is different from mine or others and what works for you certainly isn't the best for me and what works best for me certainly isn't for you. But my point is what kind of screening went into the information in the books Im not saying its wrong by any means! but what if theres the slight chance they just don't know about the differences in flushing so they just put to flush because thats what everyone has done and does and didn't want to risk harresy from the community for doing it differently because he or anyone else would have a really hard time disproving the flushing theory so maybe out of ease its just added because that's the norm. I'm only challenging the norm because I've noticed no difference. And I would love to try your nugs! and have you try mine but I bet we wouldn't get anything resolved except get stoned and clean out my cuboards. lol


Active Member
Do you need a PHD to know the stuff you grow is killer? The very best information and breakthroughs on wine making came from grape farmers and wine makers. I will go with the farmer before Mr.Spock.

Have books given out bad information? You bet, but lets not go out and burn the whole lot.
completely agree! and I will continue to use the information in the books but why is it so absurd of me to question? and ask for evidence? I remember growing up my mom would always till the garden to "loosen up the soil which made plants grow better" but Im now reading a book 'teaming with the microbes' that says the opposite of tradition because you have an intricate soil food web living and breaking it up only slows them down. so which do I follow here? this is another example of a research I set out to find out for myself.

Dude why are you knockin books written by people with PHD's. I apologize if i made it sound like only people with doctrates can right useful books as this isn't the case or what I intended at all but to hold a book written by a marijuana guru with no docteral education in plant biology as scientific isn't completely sound either.


Active Member
Who said it was?
lol ok no one, I assumed (made an ass out of me and well me) I just felt like i had to go on the defense for a moment. I never meant to say their info is wrong in books its just history has proven it possible. and since in my personal experience I never noticed a difference I just wondered why and how this original theory was taken into account and how they were able to figure out it's nutrients in buds causing that taste.

Im just curious I know your wife noticed a difference which plays a very big role in growing lol as my girl has somewhat of a say (already covered) What Im wondering is did you ever notice a differnce? And I honestly am probably not the best one to be starting/continueing this converstaion on pre-harvest flushing as I have only grown soil and don't know the outcomes of hydro.

One thing I really would love to find out if anyone is still reading. What would it take to be able to figure this out? I know they have equipment you can use to check plant tissue and stuff but is it even possible to check nutrient levels in buds and corrolate that with taste?

beating a dead horse...


Well-Known Member
You all hear me on the book thing though right? I mean we can't hold them on a pedistol their more of a guideline than an actual recipe.
Agreed 100%. But same applies to anything said here by some RIU member, so it's funny to hear folks discredit Cervantes, etc. then expect me to listen to them instead. I mean, ANYBODY can create an RIU account and start posting here.

But for me, I never read any of those books and take everything I read here with a grain of salt. But you don't see me putting down published authors either, mostly because I never read their books...

People will listen to whatever feeds their own beliefs, that's why I say if Cervantes was insisting that flushing was bad it would have been cited here 100X by now, it's not the author it's really his opinion that non-flushing folks take issue with.


Well-Known Member
They can't send coffee samples to a PHD to make the best blend. It will be hard to convince me that we can't know good weed without a masters degree.
Yup, and you can't disprove that someone finds a difference in taste between flushed and unflushed bud. I get tired of hearing otherwise even though I didn't find a difference in taste myself...

And no, I don't need to know exactly how a plant works at the molecular level to get thru a harvest with great success. Just took a few tries before I got it right is all. :)

Experience is everything.


Active Member
I have never smoked anything I have grown.
ohh I didn't realize, so you just grow for the wifey? what a nice guy lol keep her on an even keal I get ya! haha

Agreed 100%. But same applies to anything said here by some RIU member, so it's funny to hear folks discredit Cervantes, etc. then expect me to listen to them instead. I mean, ANYBODY can create an RIU account and start posting here.

But for me, I never read any of those books and take everything I read here with a grain of salt. But you don't see me putting down published authors either, mostly because I never read their books...

People will listen to whatever feeds their own beliefs, that's why I say if Cervantes was insisting that flushing was bad it would have been cited here 100X by now, it's not the author it's really his opinion that non-flushing folks take issue with.

WBD I like you here, you don't flush yet stand up to the non flushers questioning the reasoning which is exactly what we all need! unbiased information sharing. It's contending views and statements of others that leads us to a conclusion although one is very unlikly here as we've already pointed out it would be nearly impossible to accomplish.

haha dude your so right about the forum, hell the fact that were 50pages in on my thread that was intended to get a rise out of people more than discover facts, when I clearly don't have any botony experience and have only grown MJ for a few years, compared to others who have been growing over 10! is funny too me but this has turned out to be WAY more informational than I could have ever thought of, hell when I started growing I wish this thread was around I never see good arguments like done here. When I first arrived here a couple years ago (went under a different name, paranoa got to me one day) I thought everyone here was so awesome because of the knowledge everyone had, untill I realized the knowledge thats passed around here is like playing telephone with 30 people. By the time it reaches the end you wonder how the hell it even got so different?! I've frequently came across threads with some of the most outragous advise for a new grower, I used to try and correct it now I just shake my head and leave.

hows it go... first hand experience is everything!


Well-Known Member
If you use a athlete, use a bodybuilder. They flush the last couple of weeks to get all the chemicals/fats out there system so the skin can show off all there define muscles. I would think that flushing would be the same way taking out all the last bit of nutes that flushing actually gets to so your buds will be a little more refined. I'm just thinking out loud and i'm very new to all of this.

By far the best answer I've heard!! very good point and to answer it prolly doesn't.
I just don't like the idea of starving my plant in the last weeks of life.

If your an athelete training for the olympics why would you spend all that time getting ready just to starve yourself in the last weeks before the event. seems counter productive Idk I could be very wrong but I doubt it. I understand how plants uptake nutrients and I know chemicals are not hanging out inside the buds. Why spend months keeping em up so well just to fuck with em at the end? I just prefer to keep em green, healthy and happy. I think when you flush and your plants turn all yellow and leaves fall off it looks disguisting and like it's dying. In my MANY MANY years of experience with gardening I know NO plants look like this when fruiting, My veggies always are full green and healthy. (except for my pumpkins this year, they got some wierd fungus on all leaves) I had a tomato plant that was all yellow wilted and shity the fruit from it was shitty as well. I guess I just corrospond dying plants with a shitty end product.


Well-Known Member
haha dude your so right about the forum, hell the fact that were 50pages in on my thread that was intended to get a rise out of people more than discover facts, when I clearly don't have any botony experience and have only grown MJ for a few years, compared to others who have been growing over 10! is funny too me but this has turned out to be WAY more informational than I could have ever thought of, hell when I started growing I wish this thread was around I never see good arguments like done here. When I first arrived here a couple years ago (went under a different name, paranoa got to me one day) I thought everyone here was so awesome because of the knowledge everyone had, untill I realized the knowledge thats passed around here is like playing telephone with 30 people. By the time it reaches the end you wonder how the hell it even got so different?! I've frequently came across threads with some of the most outragous advise for a new grower, I used to try and correct it now I just shake my head and leave.
Trying to rid the internets of bad information is futile. And not even necessary, really...

RIU and all the other grow forums are an aggregate of information, you cannot listen to just 1 person you listen to 100 and see if a single answer that makes sense to you stands out.

And the general rule is: the more widely disputed something is, the less it probably matters. I mean, you don't read too many 52 pagers about whether plants need sunlight or not. :) :)


Active Member
I was growing and donating for three card holders at one point in time. One moved away and I built grow rooms for the other two.

FYI: I always make new growers that I get setup start out with soil grows. The folks that grow with Vic's Super Soil don't flush (no need to). Hydro growing is another story.
aah nice...

What is so different about nute uptake from soil to hydro? Ive heard you can get plants to grow bigger faster and are done sooner in hydro, why is that? Doesn't the roots take up the nutes the same or does it know theres a difference in mediums? These may be retarded questions (don't do hydro, love the smell of earth) or is it theres just more oxygen to the roots which makes them work better? The reason I ask is because Im curious to know what the differences in flushing are and why their is a difference. sorry if it feels im questioning you if anyone has an answer I'd love to hear it.


Active Member
What other industries use the same ridiculously high amount of fertilizers to produce their crops? None... How many of these non existent industries produce a material you combust and then inhale? None...
Tobacco, prob use a shit load (Im guessing at that part) of nutrients, and they most def "produce a material you combust and then inhale". They dont flush as someone else pointed out.


Well-Known Member
Tobacco, prob use a shit load (Im guessing at that part) of nutrients, and they most def "produce a material you combust and then inhale". They dont flush as someone else pointed out.
Don't try using logic, "some guy" told them to flush so theyll keep doing it even tho it doesn't make a lick of sense and no other industry does it.

Bizarre that Final Flush (a cannabis specific product) is a mixture of 95.5% water and 4.5% glucose and fructose, that should be proof enough but people are just stupid.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
go water a orchid the same way you feed you weed, bet it will die . . . . . .. street logic takes a back seat to science, and it will some day when some ass hole with a PHD decides to do real research not sugar coated shti to prove what they already think
until then any one person who picks a side other than "this is what i do and why i think its right" is a fool
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