The Insanity of the Left


Well-Known Member
What is so dumb about it? And no, I am not in the UK. I am in Cali.

Because all you have done is memorized some leftist anarchist propaganda that really does nothing to engage the issues. Are you quoting the black panther's, if so you should use quotation marks.[/quote]

Haha! Love it, dude! That probably is what it sounded like. Ah, its just "agitating" the situation to give an introduction to what you think. I am passionate about some of my idiologies, so I come off as more of a soap box than a debate. Haha, but you gotta learn to laugh at yourself and your beliefs. I may be passionate about my beliefs, but I am not that dogmatic about them either. I realize that it is just a reality tunnel of any number of reality tunnels. It just makes the most sense to me. Okay, now I'm getting metaphysical. I'll stop.


New Member
It IS a militant Libertarian forum. Commies and Fascists don't stand a chance in here ... there is just way too much logic goin' on. :lol:



Well-Known Member
It IS a militant Libertarian forum. Commies and Fascists don't stand a chance in here ... there is just way too much logic goin' on. :lol:

Haha, well said. I think I'll exit now. If you guys wanna jerk each other off instead of expand on political ideas, then that's cool. I totally support homosexuality.

As the late, great Robert Anton Wilson once said "Don't ever try to argue with a pig. It will only annoy yourself and piss off the pig and nothing will be solved.":peace:


Well-Known Member
Haha, well said. I think I'll exit now. If you guys wanna jerk each other off instead of expand on political ideas, then that's cool. I totally support homosexuality.

As the late, great Robert Anton Wilson once said "Don't ever try to argue with a pig. It will only annoy yourself and piss off the pig and nothing will be solved.":peace:
That last quote can be said for any ignorant fuck in the criminal justice system. As i have been arrested twice for simple possession and am about to have my license taken for 6 months, because i was caught with a whopping 5 grams of a plant.
I know how the system works, and how people in power don't think about other people's position and how the malicious penalties affect hundreds of thousands of people. I believe marijuana is a fucking alien plant, if you look at all of it's uses and benefits. This is a plant that if it's potential was realized, could have prevented the great depression, and given birth to a thriving economy for generations. Mankind has switched to materialism, what is needed is a rebirthing, a major fucking enlightenment on a massive scale.

But, back to talking about politics. I read this article once about how religion and political views just feed unto one's identity, and it molds them into something they should not be., read it.

We live in a society where money and corrupt people in power rule, supposedly the Illuminati, if your into conspiracy theories. The whole idea of the govt trying to reduce the population to 500,000, and creating a microchip population that is easy to control, seems far fetched at the moment.But i think by 2012, a year that is surrounded by theories, people might be a little more enlightened. I want 2012 to be something cool. Not cataclysmic like polar shift, or anything to do with Niburu(sp*), although the idea of a bunch of people dying sometimes entertains my twisted mind. Especially if every cop that has ever incriminated a passive stoner suddenly keeled over and died. I would be like haha, that's what you get. I would say karma will get the best of them one day, but seeing as most cops are ugly, egotistic, and overweight, i'd say it already has.

Everyone needs to keep researching into the future, so we can be well prepared, forget arguing about politics, it doesn't really solve anything. If the majority of congress and the current administration were all marijuana users, we in the U.S. would be so much better off.


Well-Known Member
That last quote can be said for any ignorant fuck in the criminal justice system. As i have been arrested twice for simple possession and am about to have my license taken for 6 months, because i was caught with a whopping 5 grams of a plant.
I know how the system works, and how people in power don't think about other people's position and how the malicious penalties affect hundreds of thousands of people. I believe marijuana is a fucking alien plant, if you look at all of it's uses and benefits. This is a plant that if it's potential was realized, could have prevented the great depression, and given birth to a thriving economy for generations. Mankind has switched to materialism, what is needed is a rebirthing, a major fucking enlightenment on a massive scale.

But, back to talking about politics. I read this article once about how religion and political views just feed unto one's identity, and it molds them into something they should not be., read it.

We live in a society where money and corrupt people in power rule, supposedly the Illuminati, if your into conspiracy theories. The whole idea of the govt trying to reduce the population to 500,000, and creating a microchip population that is easy to control, seems far fetched at the moment.But i think by 2012, a year that is surrounded by theories, people might be a little more enlightened. I want 2012 to be something cool. Not cataclysmic like polar shift, or anything to do with Niburu(sp*), although the idea of a bunch of people dying sometimes entertains my twisted mind. Especially if every cop that has ever incriminated a passive stoner suddenly keeled over and died. I would be like haha, that's what you get. I would say karma will get the best of them one day, but seeing as most cops are ugly, egotistic, and overweight, i'd say it already has.

Everyone needs to keep researching into the future, so we can be well prepared, forget arguing about politics, it doesn't really solve anything. If the majority of congress and the current administration were all marijuana users, we in the U.S. would be so much better off.

I disagree with the premise of the article you linked to.

Politics is not a manifestation that becomes self, it is the outward manifestation of self.

As far as Bronze Age Battles. Yes, if you're talking to a bunch of illiterates then it might cause them confusion as to what side they ought to be rooting for.

The topic of programming languages.

Languages that suck


Languages that are more or less the same
C# - C++ - PHP - Java

Languages that are typically pitted against each other
PHP - Perl
C++ - C# - Java

Of course various languages are better at different things.

If I was going to do Regex I'd use PERL (which would require learning it first)

If I was going to develop a website, PHP

If I was going to develope an app that accesses a database C#

If I was going to try modeling the world in an attempt to prove that I can act just as idiotic as the liberals when it comes to showing how outrageously huge my ego is, C++

A tool for each task

No sense in trying to Hammer with a Screwdriver or Screw with a Hammer, or Hoe with a needle and Sew with a Rake.


New Member
What a bunch of hot air, whoooosh. the TBT scores again. The outlandish bullshit strikes the proverbial fan, whoooosh/splat.


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of hot air, whoooosh. the TBT scores again. The outlandish bullshit strikes the proverbial fan, whoooosh/splat.
Considering that I once again reduced you to attacking my thoughts instead of refuting them I would say that I caught nothing but net.

Don't let the rhetoric fly too far above your head, Medomao.


Well-Known Member
A tool for each task

No sense in trying to Hammer with a Screwdriver or Screw with a Hammer, or Hoe with a needle and Sew with a Rake.
I say just screw the hoe and needle the left, or hit them in the head with the hammer then sew up their lips.


New Member
I say just screw the hoe and needle the left, or hit them in the head with the hammer then sew up their lips.
You righties are so far out in left field, you'll never catch the drift. It must be bliss to be so fucking ignorant. Educated fools from un-educated schools. When you finally wake the fuck up, it will be too late. Us liberal, socialistic commie fascists will have control and we'll fuck all of you to tears,~LOL~. I can hardly wait to get my jackboots and step on your faces. "Hey you, rich ass, get over here, Up against the wall motherfucker". "Empty your wallet and give me your bank book, Oh by the way, I want to fuck your wives and daughters" The reality will sink in soon enough. HAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
You righties are so far out in left field, you'll never catch the drift. It must be bliss to be so fucking ignorant. Educated fools from un-educated schools. When you finally wake the fuck up, it will be too late. Us liberal, socialistic commie fascists will have control and we'll fuck all of you to tears,~LOL~. I can hardly wait to get my jackboots and step on your faces. "Hey you, rich ass, get over here, Up against the wall motherfucker". "Empty your wallet and give me your bank book, Oh by the way, I want to fuck your wives and daughters" The reality will sink in soon enough. HAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~.
It was nice of you to use yourself as an example for this thread I must say that your perfection for the part.
I'm sure that you want to fuck something but nothing wishes to reciprocate your amorous overtures. Why do you think that the dogs had rather stay outside in the heat than come in when your home.
Nature has seen fit to make sure that your procreating days are over and WE ALL THINK NATURE for this, it was a bit to late but at least we can be thankfull that its over, kind of like your wife being thankfull when it was over back in the days and now that its really over.


Rightism is selfish. Its based on individualism. By definition, thats more sociopathic than socialism which is based on sharing. You rednecks talk as if every left leaning person were an employee of the federal government. We aren't, and we make more money than you. Hows that for irony?


America will be centre-right corporatist for generations to come. Life will remain deservedly mediocre for it's inhabitants.


Active Member
Rightism is selfish. Its based on individualism. By definition, thats more sociopathic than socialism which is based on sharing. You rednecks talk as if every left leaning person were an employee of the federal government. We aren't, and we make more money than you. Hows that for irony?
LOL @ that stupid generalized statement.


Active Member
Why would I refute it? I don't care how much you or your liberal buddies make. I just thought it was funny you implied all liberals make more money than conservatives.
For me personally, Money is needed to live but the love of money is where the problem begins. <This is just me...I don't need for you to agree with me.


Well-Known Member
So recently one of the nut jobs on the left had the audacity to accuse me of being a Sociopath. What's ironic is the fact that after reading a description of what constitutes a Sociopath the only conclusion that I was able to reach was that it was a description of people on the left, and most politicians.

I most assuredly do not have that, I can not count the number of times I've been called an ass or some other term meant to illustrate the fact that I don't kiss ass, refrain from expressing myself, or adhere to the insanity of the left in an effort to get along with the left.

This, compared to the vast majority of the left, who while they do not necessarily believe in everything the left wants them to believe in blindly goes along with the rest of the left to "get along." Illustrating that the left, or Socialists, insist on everyone excercising superficial charm to push forth the Agenda of the state.

Yet another description of Socialists.

They want to ignore the Property Rights of others, ignore the right of others to speak their mind, ignore the rights of others to expect that the Federal Government (or any government) will not arbitrarily steal from them.
They are also hostile and domineering using their pseudo-moral high ground in attempts to assassinate the character of those that go against their insane beliefs.

I don't think I need to explain how this describes the left with their continual rants about fairness and how they have a right to steal other peoples money for healthcare. Which according to them is a right not a privilege (of getting off your ass and working.)

Obama? Hillary? Reid? Miller? a lot of other politicians. Of course its not limited to just politicians. Just about any socialist repeatedly lies. They lie by ommission,commission or misdirection. They pretend to be refuting points by making the points and excersize an amazing ability to manipulate what others have said to attack others, despite knowing that the other person did not actually say or mean what they are being accused of having said or meant.

This goes back to the Socialist belief that it is their right to violate the rights of others. Some how there is no immorality in stealing the property of others. According to them there is some kind of justification for "noble" ends that justify the shittiest most immoral means out there.

From my experience I'd actually say that Liberals tend to be bitchy, whiny self-absorbed people that will not hold a door for some one if it means wasting part of their time. Whereas a conservative doesn't even think about doing such things, because they were brought up to treat others with respect (less those that refuse to treat them with the same.)

I've also seen liberals explode over what ultimately is very insignificant. Erupting into infantile like temper tantrums for the most absurd of reasons. Of course, I was guilt of the same, when I was five.

Which explains why they have to express it through materialist means. They want everyone to have a puppy, and a car, and a house, and healthcare and so on and so forth. This of course is because they can not actually express love through non-material means, having not the intelligence to believe in something as ethereal as emotion (the same reason they can't believe in a higher power.)

This goes back to their temper tantrums over arbitrary slights. And with out a doubt liberals are undoubtedly promiscuous. They are after all the ones that brought us the "era" of STDS, err free love.

Another charge that can be placed against them is their Lack of Empathy with their victims (those that have money.) Liberals don't understand that people don't want to have their property stolen, and can't seem to grasp the fact that just because they can "afford" it (a arbitrary judgment made in the typical one size fits all paradigm of the left.) doesn't justify stealing from them.

Ties in to the above.

Well, there's Bill Gates (a crazy liberal) who released a bunch of mosquitos. There's George Soros, who made a sizable portion of his fortune by manipulating the markets.

The left also routinely ignores the rights of other people to not have to worry that the state and the mob pushing it are going to arbitrarily steal more of their money proving their cruelty to their fellow man.

More extreme examples are the environmentalist flakes that believe that the solution is to kill 90% of the population of the world.

Repetition of one of the earlier points.

Can you say "net tax eater" or doesn't pay their actual fair share but insists that everyone else must pay more than their fair share. They are ignorant of the fact that if everyone was to actually pay their "FAIR" share - that is if they were to pay the amount of taxes that would pay for the amount of services they receive - the middle and upper classes would see their taxes drop and the poor would see a drastic tax hike.

Of course, since they also are incapable of empathy they do not understand that fair would mean that everyone pays the same dollar amount for the privelege of living in the United States, not that everyone pays some arbitrary percentage determined by politicians in the various state capitols and in D.C.

Changes the label that they apply to themselves.

(what's next?)

Attempts to repackage their message of enslavement in fluffier terms to mislead the public.

No, I'm afraid that when it comes to anti-social tendencies the left illustrates all the classic behaviors. Promptly followed by politicians (which of course is not surprising.)

Great job. I'd like to add that superficial characteristics are much more pronounced on the Left. First, everything they stand for is designed to make them look good at parties. Liberal policies and beliefs always fail in the real world. Look at affirmative action. At one time every self respecting Liberal was 100% for AA. Now, the whole notion is viewed as an albatross. Why, not because AA was ever well conceived, but because it made the Liberal who supported it look good on the surface.

And let's face it. Conservatives are a boring uncool bunch for the most part. There is nothing trendy or sexy about Conservative views - in fact, they make one look downright anti-social. Liberals on the other hand are the cool kids, the in group and the ones who think the right thoughts as well as wear the right clothes and drive the right cars, etc. Just look at all the celebrities who's job it is to deceive people. They are all Liberals.

Yep, being Liberal is part and parcel of being a superficial cool kid. It is the whole non-judgmental, anything goes, flower child mentality that is made possible by the ability to call mommy and daddy for more money so they can sit around and bitch about the man keeping them down and how unfair the Capitalist patriarchy is.


Well-Known Member
Great job. I'd like to add that superficial characteristics are much more pronounced on the Left. First, everything they stand for is designed to make them look good at parties. Liberal policies and beliefs always fail in the real world. Look at affirmative action. At one time every self respecting Liberal was 100% for AA. Now, the whole notion is viewed as an albatross. Why, not because AA was ever well conceived, but because it made the Liberal who supported it look good on the surface.

And let's face it. Conservatives are a boring uncool bunch for the most part. There is nothing trendy or sexy about Conservative views - in fact, they make one look downright anti-social. Liberals on the other hand are the cool kids, the in group and the ones who think the right thoughts as well as wear the right clothes and drive the right cars, etc. Just look at all the celebrities who's job it is to deceive people. They are all Liberals.

Yep, being Liberal is part and parcel of being a superficial cool kid. It is the whole non-judgmental, anything goes, flower child mentality that is made possible by the ability to call mommy and daddy for more money so they can sit around and bitch about the man keeping them down and how unfair the Capitalist patriarchy is.
Typical of rick to support ignorance. Look good at parties? Cool kids??

You have some issues rick. Did the dodgeball hit your face one too many times in gym class??



Active Member
America will be centre-right corporatist for generations to come. Life will remain deservedly mediocre for it's inhabitants.
Life is what you make of it, enjoy it to the fullest. You don't need to be rich or have your political party in power to have a great life. Hell, we can't even get all liberals to agree on everything...or all conservatives.
Not to mention the people that may fit in the middle somewhere. To me this is what makes America great the freedom to make up your own mind on the things important to you!