Coolham, it sounds so easy on i like your style, Have you got a pic of yours so i get get an idea of what i am looking for.
Males I think. Get rid.
Hey Jingle,
Sorry bro that wasn't for you. I replied to someones post about a hundred pages ago! Silly me!
Can't see the plants well enough to tell from your photos. If you have a close up, I'd be happy to take a look.
They look nice and healthy from here tho.
no they defo wudn rat me out to the garda man that i knw 4 sure and i cant just ask them its not sumting i cud just throw into a convo ma wats 4 dinner by the way can i grow sum gringo in me wardrobe lol... do u really tink a carbon filter and ona will not cover d smell of 2 plants n keep it at least upstairs if not my bedroom?? i smoke weed in my room all the tym it cant be much worse dan dat can it?if there sweet with you smokin, just ask them can you grow.tell them you only plan to grow a couple plants, tell them how much its costin you to buy on the street, and tell them if your ever caught by the cops you will take full responsibility. let them know that if that happens, that you will most likely only get a fine and warning the same as gettin caught with your usual 6gm. you have to talk to them like they are your mates and not parents. dont thro a tantrum, be reasonable. and if they say no, you need to respect that, it is their house, they pay the bills. and yes the smell in flower would be noticeable even with the precautions you said. if you do decide to chance it, you really need to be sure how they would respond to finding your grow, some prents can be cool with their kid smokin weed but can flip the fuck out over finding a grow, to the point the call the cops on you, to show you a lesson.
atb jimmy.
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heres a couple more, I have the 3 of them tied down....will 2 tied then i seen a thing last night where a guy trained it by bending and bending more and more so tried that on one and looks sweet since the light came back on.
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heres a couple more, I have the 3 of them tied down....will 2 tied then i seen a thing last night where a guy trained it by bending and bending more and more so tried that on one and looks sweet since the light came back on.
Pic 2 looks like a female..
Why the droppy leaves...? Maybe cos you just LST'd them...??
Ye that and the light litterly just came on for my 12/12 cycle, sweet cause pic 2 is the big one...Man thats going to be a serious plant, u would want to see the new growth on it. I am trying to resist the urge to have a look at them when i get home, i want to see the differance after 2 bet u i check tonight