Bloody robbers, i paid 20e for 10 and got your man to throw in some coconut husks for free. If you ever want ill get you some down here and post them to ya. No point wasting 15e on nothing.
You should def consider throwing something out. Nothing better than on a hot day digging, cutting hedges, climbing through brambles and getting a fright when something runs past you in the undergrowth and when all your hard work is done you have your own little spot of heaven. Getting the outdoor ready is as much fun as the not as sad as i sound lol.
Im still considering throwing out some autos, i cant get enough of it. Grass-o-matic Critical mass is taking my fancy...Just a word of warning, my buddy got some Dutch Pasiion Tundra- its autoflower x passion#1. Sicne passion#1 grows well here thought it would be good. But apparently it goes by light cycle and isnt automatic, shifty basterds.
What auto would you go for?