The Junk Drawer

Live and learn! From Wikipedia:

Republicans decried the change [from the last Thursday of the month to the fourth Thursday], calling it an affront to the memory of Lincoln. People began referring to November 30 as the "Republican Thanksgiving" and November 23 as the "Democratic Thanksgiving" or "Franksgiving".
Be careful what you wish for in an interconnected world and financial markets are the most connected of all. It does keep them busy in their own back yard and their minds off Taiwan. Shit like that happens when you don't have a vote or it doesn't count and you have a president for life, or who wants to be one. Bad things like that happen in Russia too, another place where your vote doesn't count and neither does your life or rights. Voting and making sure your democracy stays alive and functions is much easier than the alternative, like dying in Ukraine for a Russian dictator and his dream of a Russian empire.
I can see companies selling low isoleucine foods to people with those meals delivered things based on this research. It's a long way from being conclusive and is only a correlation study from what I can see, but businesses have been based on less than this and sometimes harmful things. I imagine a vegan diet would be low in isoleucine, but they don't appear to live any longer than anybody else, perhaps healthier for longer though, but I haven't looked into any studies on the matter.

Modern medicine could be skewing this though with treatments for type 2 diabetes and a host of treatments for metabolic conditions that develop as we age.

Had a quick peak


Summary: There is substantial evidence that plant-based diets are associated with better health but not necessarily lower mortality rates. The exact mechanisms of health promotion by vegan diets are still not entirely clear but most likely multifactorial. Reasons for and quality of the vegan diet should be assessed in longevity studies.
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I can see companies selling low isoleucine foods to people with those meals delivered things based on this research. It's a long way from being conclusive and is only a correlation study from what I can see, but businesses have been based on less than this and sometimes harmful things. I imagine a vegan diet would be low in isoleucine, but they don't appear to live any longer than anybody else, perhaps healthier for longer though, but I haven't looked into any studies on the matter.

Modern medicine could be skewing this though with treatments for type 2 diabetes and a host of treatments for metabolic conditions that develop as we age.

Had a quick peak


Summary: There is substantial evidence that plant-based diets are associated with better health but not necessarily lower mortality rates. The exact mechanisms of health promotion by vegan diets are still not entirely clear but most likely multifactorial. Reasons for and quality of the vegan diet should be assessed in longevity studies.
Summary: There is substantial evidence that plant-based diets are associated with better health but not necessarily lower mortality rates.

It's been my opinion for quite some time that veganism doesn't extend life but it makes it feel that way.
Outside chance of a good meteor display tonight

lol If a meteor shower display cannot be seen, did it really happen?

My neck of the woods will be have more than an inch of rain this evening. Enjoy the show for me too.:bigjoint:
lol If a meteor shower display cannot be seen, did it really happen?

My neck of the woods will be have more than an inch of rain this evening. Enjoy the show for me too.:bigjoint:
I’ll try. We got a pretty good cap of cirrus happening here.
But if there really are a bunch, there should be some bright ones.

Summary: There is substantial evidence that plant-based diets are associated with better health but not necessarily lower mortality rates.

It's been my opinion for quite some time that veganism doesn't extend life but it makes it feel that way.

In my mind’s eye, the big Produce sign at the store reads “What Food Eats.”
How Hard Could It Be?
Nearly half of men think they can safely land a plane in an emergency, survey finds
It’s the formula for a box office thriller: The airplane’s pilots become incapacitated, and flight attendants ask passengers if anyone can land the plane. It’s a dramatic scenario on the big screen. But what about in real life? Can the average person, with no previous flight training, land a plane?

Quite a few people, according to a poll by YouGov, think it’s doable. A survey published in January shows about one-third of adult Americans think they can safely land an airliner with the help of air traffic control. And the confidence rate climbed to nearly 50% among male respondents. But is this realistic? MayCay Beeler, a veteran pilot, FAA flight instructor, and the chief transportation correspondent for Nexstar’s WJZY, gives her thoughts.

“It depends. With the guidance of the right air traffic controller, the likelihood of landing safely enough is possible,” Beeler says. “It may not be pretty, and may result in some damage to the aircraft, but it can be done. But a lot of things have to go right.”

This uncommon scenario pops up in the news from time to time, usually in a small plane. Last year, a passenger landed a single-engine aircraft in Florida after his pilot passed out. He managed a successful landing with the help of a flight instructor/air traffic controller, who talked him down over the radio.

“But first, the passenger had to don a headset and locate the mic button in able to talk over the radio with ATC,” Beeler explains. “So being familiar with basic aircraft switches and gauges is key. Knowing where things are. Properly reading and monitoring airspeed, attitude, and altitude instrumentation can make the difference between life and death. The ability to stay calm and follow instructions from ATC is crucial. Having at-home flight simulator experience is a huge bonus since this provides familiarization with a cockpit,” Beeler adds.

How to land a plane from an expert
“It’s not rocket science. Assuming the engine is running when the pilot becomes incapacitated, and the throttle is set to maintain flight, a properly trimmed airplane will fly itself,” Beeler says. “It is inherently stable. It wants to fly.”

The plane should stay level, she adds, until the yoke is pulled or pushed, to make the aircraft ascend or descend.

“Turning is as simple as gently moving the wheel or stick left or right. But things get complicated setting up for the landing,” Beeler emphasizes. “It is imperative to know how to deploy the flaps. They help the plane come down while slowing down,” she says. The landing gear, too, must be deployed — and the pilot needs to know how to extend the landing gear with the proper handle.

Once over the runway, the pilot needs to maintain a “specified airspeed, flying the plane in a gentle descent to about garage-door height above the runway, letting the plane settle down a few more feet, then pulling the power off while leveling the plane. Allowing the main wheels to touch first, with the nose last, should get you safely on the ground.”

Pilots in training, Beeler says, usually practice hundreds of times just to become confident at getting it right.

“And it takes years to become a commercial pilot,” says Beeler. “For an untrained person to land an aircraft safely, it’s all about following instructions if ATC is available.”

Want to be better prepared for this unlikely scenario?

Beeler suggests heading to your local flight school to take a Discovery or Introductory Flight. And at-home flight simulator software is a great way to fly from the comfort of your living room.