New Member
Id tend to think of the view point that I stand on as a realist application of policies based on the events of the past that shape the world today seen and unseen. There was a reason the federal government was empowered in the first place. I see it as failure of Human implementation and you see it as a failure of ideology. That is the most simple point that divides us. Its not all that different but there is a difference and mostly that difference is applied to what actions should be taken. Now a long term downsizing would be more then efficient but most of the arguments made on the other side are based on a knee jerk reaction to shut down government branches tomorrow. Not realizing the implications of the decisions.
Im telling you that the system works, you just have to put the work into it. Not scream total ideological failure because the true instructions of the ideology were NEVER fully implemented.
The failure of citizens to realize we are no longer the ONE MEGA SUPERPOWER of the world but rather the first among equals. Domestic policies severely affect foreign policy and international relationships. You have to look at the whole picture of the system not just some of the moving parts. Want a example. The mishandling of every nationalist entity the U.S. has ran into. China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea and so on.
What your truly afraid of is what Eisenhower warned against in his farewell address.
Your argument does not surprise me, this is really the state writing here to me.(see text in red).... I mean that is in progpadna that leads you to believe this, its not natural, to argue with pure philosophy, it gives you gratification to say hmmphhh philosophy is wrong and ideology is correct. Question, How come ideologies have never worked? How do you plan to make people participate and less dumb? Why and how will this change? Again why would this be the exception to thousands of years? So what is your ideology to change the world?
People with bad intentions, who crave power, who are "evil", what do they think of a monopoly of power that is uncountable for its actions? Governments are like giant piles of shit if these evil people were flies. They are drawn to it, good people don't care about this shit, evil people don't care about ethics.
I will go on to say that Philosophy is not "bitching" or "complaining" nor is it being negative. It is invaluable truths. Look, you can't change the way the world works as ideolgy tries to do but with Philosophy you can really change the world by implementing it into your everyday life, by teaching children for example principles of non-violence, and by bearing that to those in your life. Living liberty isn't something you can just hope to come to you, and you really just can't hope the world will change and become different by an ideology either.
Another philosophical argument against the state, the true power is consensus, this is why we have the brain washing main stream media and state schools, this is why democracy has been perverted. This is why we have people like you with your eyes glazed over reaching for every straw they can find to argue in favor of the state and to dispute pure philosopical truths, This is why there is violence, this is why there is disdain and hatred amongst eachother, You know it is wrong but you are trained to think it is right!
Aside from all that you have sit here and argued with me on plain truths that can not be disputed,I hope you have a better understanding of why you did this now, but I am a shitty writer so I am sure it did not come across correct. Again this is the state talking here. Just look at what your wrote in red. Pathetic and not naturual! (learned/trained behavior and thoughts).
By saying this is the state talking to me I don't mean that as an insult or something. I mean that WE...yes..WE ARE THE STATE! When people support these mafia systems, when they say that their neighbor could be raidied by the SWAT with mp40's for a marijuana plant then they are the ones supporting this! They are the ones that breathe life into this entitity called the governement! We are free everyday, the state doesn't interefere with us, untill the day Mr Smith comes knocking at our door from the federal mafia demanding a check or to take you to jail. Until that day you are free, be free and by happy, but the criminality of this can not be denied! So in essence, for liberty to win, for it to change the world, philosophy must become the consensus and that is how liberty will change the world.