THE LOT ~ Music Festival Lifestyle

You are an idiot. Family is Family. And if You start dividing that fact.. You are a fool.
I am not answering because it is a waste of time. You have quite a mouth on You.

If You read that information was provided graciously from chinacat of
I did not write that thread, I simply shared that information and MANY people have enjoyed it for years... You are the first one to come at Me because YOU ARE SO RIGHT mr. Heady

And if You didnt read else where... I stated that anyone is going to find shady people in ANY festival or "family"
And just like I said, your just regurgitating shit you hear other people say or shit you read. You never lived it so shut the fuxknup and stop talking like you have.
Right here you specifically say rainbows can bring out the very shady characters, THEN you say all party's can... Why do you call.out rainbow by name?? Then on your home page tour telling someone that rainbow is the only real.dead family?? If your going to call.out a party as shady why not say camp bisco instead? At least you would be telling the truth? I like how you just avoid my questions with your bullshit nonsence. And so what if chinacat wrote it? Fuxk chinacat too, yea real cool buddy to go on the internet and blab about some deep ass shit that you shouldn't be blabbing about... At least poi poi had the balls to have a debate instead of just sparing off like the spunion you are. Your so fuxking lame.
I'm all for you getting that off your chest homie now that we have come to an understanding but please don't go after chinacat, that's all I have to say about that.
I'm all for you getting that off your chest homie now that we have come to an understanding but please don't go after chinacat, that's all I have to say about that.
Shows what He knows.

I am not here for Me, @MjAeJdIiK .
I got sheet and vials that the world don't know about !!!!

It's almost like homeboy doesn't want Me spreading around the good news... hahaha
And just like I said, your just regurgitating shit you hear other people say or shit you read. You never lived it so shut the fuxknup and stop talking like you have.
I've stolen peoples face's on Mulberry Mountain.
I've twisted wire wrapped crystal jewelry.
I've gifted away almost everything I have ever wanted.
I've stained tye dyes. I've eaten lots of psychedelics.
I've sold, designed, and gifted away hundred of hat pins.
I started a movement that will last forever in history.
I've been put down for speaking My mind.
I've talked to God on Lsd. I've fallen into a k hole and made a fool of myself at electric forest.
I've ripped My clothes off at a music festival and danced with My wang out.

but I have never done a thumbprint [like stated before] and or ever been associated with the real grateful dead family.... aka the people who run the scene and flood YOUR supply of LSD.
Yes I do not know Them but I love Them and
I do all of this for Them to keep fools off Their asses.
@Lotus minded @Poi-Poi and @skuba ...
its disgusting how fake this video is

so have You all heard of voice overs? Alex Jones does it all the time. He hires a professional voice actor to mimic some famous person's voice... Like Joe Rogan for instance.
Here is one of Bob Weir.... That aint His real voice.
Hmm I haven't heard of those. I have seen that clip just didn't know it wasn't him. Now when I listen to it i can hear a change in pitch and there is a popping noise that is only there when Bob is "speaking".. Could be a bad Mic but who knows. I guess they mystery just got deeper!
@Lotus minded the voice isn;t even synched with His lips...
You aren;t telling Me that delay is on accident, are You ???
Yea there is a bit of a gap in there. I had to watch it again cuz the first time I had my phone up to my ear listening to the audio haha. It really wouldn't surprise me if this came from alex Jones right around the time he "infiltrated" the grove.
Do you think Alex Jones really got into the grove to tape the whole cremation of care ceremony while it was filled with the rich and powerful and all their security?
Do you think Alex Jones really got into the grove to tape the whole cremation of care ceremony while it was filled with the rich and powerful and all their security?
I think its all bullshit to manipulate and control people through fear...
Yeah... Alex Jones is totally a good person trying to help to world with"infowars" HA
