These just sound too good and shit I'd say. Way to weird, especially your profiles being Just created. I hope and pray regardless you all are Servants. True Servants. But all of you trying to take our GOD Blessed Citizenship away, come and take it, because you won't take it from me. It will be fought with The True Sword THE WORD and if any try to Usurp my and our Rights as Citizens and Human beings, you will end up making a poor decision. Peace and Love to you all, Including you Federal Agents, which shit you're probably International Agents in reality.
Nothing but peace and love back to you
@cannakis . Thanks though, you made me LMAO.
"international agent" (that's the part that made me LMAO).
You're not the first person to meet Christ. Generally those that truly meet Him know Him to be humble and full of love. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen! It's not uncommon to see followers of Jesus talk about Him in the same way.
I met Christ 16 years ago and have been blessed in knowing him since. I might be quite a bit older than you, who knows.
I took acid for the first time when I was way too young, but I was an incredibly curious and especially spiritually curious kid. I had already been doing psychedelic for 3+ years before I met Christ and I didn't meet Him while high In anything outside my own body.
I've never done a thumbprint or even seen crystal LED, but I've held many sheets in my days. The most I've ever eaten, this was family silver acid on white blotter, was 30+ hits. I ate three ten strips then whatever random cut doses I had left.
Unless the international agency is now requiring ego death experience, and so much experience with your own mind body and soul that you can meditate in a near instant (that's been a side effect of lots of lsd use for me) I think im probably unqualified. Besides I would way fail the piss test!
You're suffering from some paranoia friend, unless you're doing something stupid, and if that's the case,

in the name of Christ and the international agency.
If They want you they're not coming for you through a board. You'll have the militarized police at your door.
At this point I'm just a family man and I want none of your shenanigans!
If we meet it will be on dad's fun time, and I'll probably be at a "show" offering you some shrooms after smoking you out.