THE LOT ~ Music Festival Lifestyle

Jesus is the reason for the season
My third eye was split wide open a long time ago brother.

The Holy Spirit used LSD to convict me, I learned about Christ, I met Him and i've followed him ever since. Even got mixed up being a silly "Christian" a few times along the way.

Read the bible, don't listen to others teach about the bible. Let Him guide you! Christ brought and brings love, forgiveness and healing. Not hate, judgement and illness. Our western Christian culture has been deceived.
These just sound too good and shit I'd say. Way to weird, especially your profiles being Just created. I hope and pray regardless you all are Servants. True Servants. But all of you trying to take our GOD Blessed Citizenship away, come and take it, because you won't take it from me. It will be fought with The True Sword THE WORD and if any try to Usurp my and our Rights as Citizens and Human beings, you will end up making a poor decision. Peace and Love to you all, Including you Federal Agents, which shit you're probably International Agents in reality.
These just sound too good and shit I'd say. Way to weird, especially your profiles being Just created. I hope and pray regardless you all are Servants. True Servants. But all of you trying to take our GOD Blessed Citizenship away, come and take it, because you won't take it from me. It will be fought with The True Sword THE WORD and if any try to Usurp my and our Rights as Citizens and Human beings, you will end up making a poor decision. Peace and Love to you all, Including you Federal Agents, which shit you're probably International Agents in reality.
You fuckin crack me up homie lmao
These just sound too good and shit I'd say. Way to weird, especially your profiles being Just created. I hope and pray regardless you all are Servants. True Servants. But all of you trying to take our GOD Blessed Citizenship away, come and take it, because you won't take it from me. It will be fought with The True Sword THE WORD and if any try to Usurp my and our Rights as Citizens and Human beings, you will end up making a poor decision. Peace and Love to you all, Including you Federal Agents, which shit you're probably International Agents in reality.

Nothing but peace and love back to you @cannakis . Thanks though, you made me LMAO.

"international agent" (that's the part that made me LMAO).

You're not the first person to meet Christ. Generally those that truly meet Him know Him to be humble and full of love. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen! It's not uncommon to see followers of Jesus talk about Him in the same way.

I met Christ 16 years ago and have been blessed in knowing him since. I might be quite a bit older than you, who knows.

I took acid for the first time when I was way too young, but I was an incredibly curious and especially spiritually curious kid. I had already been doing psychedelic for 3+ years before I met Christ and I didn't meet Him while high In anything outside my own body.

I've never done a thumbprint or even seen crystal LED, but I've held many sheets in my days. The most I've ever eaten, this was family silver acid on white blotter, was 30+ hits. I ate three ten strips then whatever random cut doses I had left.

Unless the international agency is now requiring ego death experience, and so much experience with your own mind body and soul that you can meditate in a near instant (that's been a side effect of lots of lsd use for me) I think im probably unqualified. Besides I would way fail the piss test!

You're suffering from some paranoia friend, unless you're doing something stupid, and if that's the case, ✋ in the name of Christ and the international agency.

If They want you they're not coming for you through a board. You'll have the militarized police at your door.

At this point I'm just a family man and I want none of your shenanigans!

If we meet it will be on dad's fun time, and I'll probably be at a "show" offering you some shrooms after smoking you out.
What does smoking someone out actually entail? I've smoked an oz of my personal flowers in one sitting and I felt like I could have kept going for a while. Landrace sativa and Molokai kush
It's such a stupid leftover term from my childhood :) I know my lungs would give out on me before anything else and that would be much more than it would be worth smoking. Though I've eaten a couple ounces at once in a batch of brownies trying to get high off edibles... No go :cry:

It's a wonder I still make so many when I generally don't eat them anymore.
My 30th birthday party man... Half pound edibles and 2 oz rolled and ready to go, wax on top. Your choice lsd, shrooms, weed. For the straightedgers I had icky alcohol

I had a very real experience with LSD the last time I took it and it wasnt nearly the strongest or most I had ever taken. I haven't done it since. The mushroom gets me there as often as I can go now, though I usually have to settle for microdosing. If I was at your party though, who knows :) I know I'm ready and approved again:) always leave the beer/alcohol alone when tripping but I love me good microbrews.
"Nothin' shakin' on shakedown street? It used to be the heart of town. Don't tell Me this town ain't got no heart. You just gotta poke around."~The Grateful Dead

Family resides at these festivals, @mikek420 . They will treat You as Family. Even if You are introverted, these amazing individuals can bring One out of Their shell. Festival lifestyle is important to taste this day and age to see where We are headed.
Depending on what kind of festival You go to brings the certain crowds, also the artists performing brings certain crowds as well. A lot of rainbow gathering festivals can bring some very shady characters. All festivals can bring sketchy people but most music festivals make up extremely good people with amazing intentions.
And if someone shady is suspected, the whole tribe will inform each other. It is amazing.

The festival community is the most evolved and unified group of people.
Literally the strongest commUNITY of people I have ever seen.
Why do you specifically call out rainbow as bringing shady peeps, but on your home page your telling someone that rainbow IS THE TRUE DEAD FAM?? seriously dude who the fuck are you kid?? i don't believe you have ever been fucking printed, period. all your shit about this fams crystal and that fams crystal blah blah, silver FAM, amber FAM, you sound fuxking stupid!! All the festivals you talk about are just about the most commercial fucking party's you can go to. Yea dude I'm calling you out as a fuxking fraud! Yup. All your doing is regurgitating shit you have heard other peeps say, and shit you read on the internet. You sound like the king of custys!! The fuxking bubblegum Prince!! Oh my god please meet me somewhere dude, any fuxking party you want and I'll go just to call your lame ass out. If you really are FAM and have been printed more than once and laid so much fuxking crystal, then why the fuck are you on the internet blabbing about all this shit?? Do you have any idea wtf is going on in the scene these days?? No I mean the real scene, not sitting at your tent site at fuxking electric Forrest omg... If you were really that deep you wouldnt be talking about it on this site so you can gain some "+rep" this is a fuxking joke.... Fuck dude for real I want to know who you are soni can call you out face to face. This isbreal east coast FAM talking to you right now, and your lame ass threads got me bullsgit right now. I love how you call this thread "the lot" and its about festie life... Lots are at shows you MoMo!! Yea go have fun raging the lot at a festival lmao!!

You are a horrible example of a head, straight the fuck up. Please come to some rainbows this year and tell me to chill, I will straight cold cock you right in the mug you clown. Then have all my junkie sketchy rainbow FAM lot kids steal all your pins
Why do you specifically call out rainbow as bringing shady peeps, but on your home page your telling someone that rainbow IS THE TRUE DEAD FAM?? seriously dude who the fuck are you kid?? i don't believe you have ever been fucking printed, period. all your shit about this fams crystal and that fams crystal blah blah, silver FAM, amber FAM, you sound fuxking stupid!! All the festivals you talk about are just about the most commercial fucking party's you can go to. Yea dude I'm calling you out as a fuxking fraud! Yup. All your doing is regurgitating shit you have heard other peeps say, and shit you read on the internet. You sound like the king of custys!! The fuxking bubblegum Prince!! Oh my god please meet me somewhere dude, any fuxking party you want and I'll go just to call your lame ass out. If you really are FAM and have been printed more than once and laid so much fuxking crystal, then why the fuck are you on the internet blabbing about all this shit?? Do you have any idea wtf is going on in the scene these days?? No I mean the real scene, not sitting at your tent site at fuxking electric Forrest omg... If you were really that deep you wouldnt be talking about it on this site so you can gain some "+rep" this is a fuxking joke.... Fuck dude for real I want to know who you are soni can call you out face to face. This isbreal east coast FAM talking to you right now, and your lame ass threads got me bullsgit right now. I love how you call this thread "the lot" and its about festie life... Lots are at shows you MoMo!! Yea go have fun raging the lot at a festival lmao!!

You are a horrible example of a head, straight the fuck up. Please come to some rainbows this year and tell me to chill, I will straight cold cock you right in the mug you clown. Then have all my junkie sketchy rainbow FAM lot kids steal all your pins
Wow.... Use the internet as a source to vent mcuh ??? hahaha
They really need to be explaining why trey Anastasio was playing lead guitar in the first place... They could have literally had anyone
Why do you specifically call out rainbow as bringing shady peeps, but on your home page your telling someone that rainbow IS THE TRUE DEAD FAM?? seriously dude who the fuck are you kid?? i don't believe you have ever been fucking printed, period. all your shit about this fams crystal and that fams crystal blah blah, silver FAM, amber FAM, you sound fuxking stupid!! All the festivals you talk about are just about the most commercial fucking party's you can go to. Yea dude I'm calling you out as a fuxking fraud! Yup. All your doing is regurgitating shit you have heard other peeps say, and shit you read on the internet. You sound like the king of custys!! The fuxking bubblegum Prince!! Oh my god please meet me somewhere dude, any fuxking party you want and I'll go just to call your lame ass out. If you really are FAM and have been printed more than once and laid so much fuxking crystal, then why the fuck are you on the internet blabbing about all this shit?? Do you have any idea wtf is going on in the scene these days?? No I mean the real scene, not sitting at your tent site at fuxking electric Forrest omg... If you were really that deep you wouldnt be talking about it on this site so you can gain some "+rep" this is a fuxking joke.... Fuck dude for real I want to know who you are soni can call you out face to face. This isbreal east coast FAM talking to you right now, and your lame ass threads got me bullsgit right now. I love how you call this thread "the lot" and its about festie life... Lots are at shows you MoMo!! Yea go have fun raging the lot at a festival lmao!!

You are a horrible example of a head, straight the fuck up. Please come to some rainbows this year and tell me to chill, I will straight cold cock you right in the mug you clown. Then have all my junkie sketchy rainbow FAM lot kids steal all your pins

I've never been family but stayed with family as a kid and not a one acted like you.
I love you too brother, but how about we just dose up together and discuss the cosmos instead lol
You are not open to massage yet ?!?! No homo mayun. Holistic healing is the future !!!
I thought it would be a much better recommendation instead of a beer or smoking weed.... I am way up for discussing the macro and microcosms of life though!!!
especialy with a head full of acid.
You are not open to massage yet ?!?! No homo mayun. Holistic healing is the future !!!
I thought it would be a much better recommendation instead of a beer or smoking weed.... I am way up for discussing the macro and microcosms of life though!!!
especialy with a head full of acid.
Lol nah actually I've been doing a lot of yoga lately and because of that have no need for a massage, though I greatly appreciate the offer. But at some point this summer me and whodat will be out that way, if his ol lady has her way it'll be to come out for the cannabis cup lol either way we'll definitely be out in your neck of the woods SOMETIME this summer. We'll have to meet up and kick it.