THE LOT ~ Music Festival Lifestyle

Owsley spilled the truth through lsd.

But what did the others spill?

I've been a follower and believer in Christ for 16yrs - tightly correlated to my last lsd trip. I actually agree with almost everything you said.
Im with you homie. But for some reason the way he said it had me dyin.
Owsley spilled the truth through lsd.

But what did the others spill?

I've been a follower and believer in Christ for 16yrs - tightly correlated to my last lsd trip. I actually agree with almost everything you said.
the new world order. government secrets. the elite agenda... You aware ?
Glad You are about Christ :) <3
Nah mayun.... I think cannakis is actually on to something here....

Trust me not a cop. In fact, I'm completely convinced now that it's not worth the risk at all to try and meet any of you through this board.

I've got a family man.

I'll see you guys at the shows.

And if you're lucky and don't think Im a cop I'd love to share. I admit I might even look like a cop. That's what happens when you spend 8+ hours around straight people for 10+ years of your life I guess. I work in that kind of environment.
Trust me not a cop. In fact, I'm completely convinced now that it's not worth the risk at all to try and meet any of you through this board.

I've got a family man.

I'll see you guys at the shows.

And if you're lucky and don't think Im a cop I'd love to share. I admit I might even look like a cop. That's what happens when you spend 8+ hours around straight people for 10+ years of your life I guess. I work in that kind of environment.
It was a joke, holmes. :)
Trust me not a cop. In fact, I'm completely convinced now that it's not worth the risk at all to try and meet any of you through this board.

I've got a family man.

I'll see you guys at the shows.

And if you're lucky and don't think Im a cop I'd love to share. I admit I might even look like a cop. That's what happens when you spend 8+ hours around straight people for 10+ years of your life I guess. I work in that kind of environment.
If any of us REALLY thought you were a cop we wouldn't talk to you lol not saying don't be cautious, we sure as fuck will be.
If any of us REALLY thought you were a cop we wouldn't talk to you lol not saying don't be cautious, we sure as fuck will be.

I appreciate that.

The Awesome thing and part that there is no substance I NEED or want from anyone :lol: anything I desire the Lord provides.

That means if your a cop I could even meet you. :cool: It would be a weird conversation and I'd never want to, but yeah could happen and I could hang.

I'm all good I hope you all are too.

Trust me not a cop. In fact, I'm completely convinced now that it's not worth the risk at all to try and meet any of you through this board.

I've got a family man.

I'll see you guys at the shows.

And if you're lucky and don't think Im a cop I'd love to share. I admit I might even look like a cop. That's what happens when you spend 8+ hours around straight people for 10+ years of your life I guess. I work in that kind of environment.
People think i'm in the military. And ive done mad mind-bending drugs. WTF?!
I was BORN ready !!! Especially the day I asked Jesus into My life.

Dude... I do have an over active imagination... but common.... Assassinations happen more often the usually due to the lies that go behind each and every one. Most assassinations are written off as something on the side... The elite plans it out. You really think THEY want people who GET THEIR PLAN to survive and continue to tell people the actual truth ??? NO !!! They want Them dead.
So The make up schemes and hire people to kill Them without it coming off as an assassination or murder... It happens to almost every celebrity that exposes the truth... just like what happens if a freemason exposes what He has been taught in mason meetings.... They are killed.

Owsley Stanley ... car accident..... UM YEAH RIGHT !!!!
Jimi Hendrix... died from choking on His own puke and over dose. "on accident" ya right....
Janis Joplin... overdose "on accident" .... YA RIGHT
Robin Williams.... suicide... umm yeah, cuz He was on HEAVY doses of potent "anti" depressants
Michael Jackson.... over dose intoxication .... ya right.
Tupac and Biggie .... shot because of political/gang related issues... snoop dogg killed them both
Jerry Garcia ... watch The Other One and see Bob Weirs reaction when They ask Him about it.
Jim Morrison. .. over dose.... this one can be argued but stilll was a set up.
Amy Winehouse ... "accidental alcohol poisoning" .... YA FUNKING RIGHT !!!!

i could go on forever...
Amen! That's what it's All about! Letting HIM Guide you and Console you and Comfort you from the Inside out!!!

But honestly they could have... But I also think Things happen.

The REAL Conspiracies to look at are the Federal Reserve, Cannabis Prohibition, Waco Massacre, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, Iran-Contra, Fast and Furios, Taliban creation.... The list goes on forever of Real Conspiracies. And a Lot of those people Were Assassinated.! I'll give some details later, but look into Terry someone a black officer who was Truly the First responder at OCB and he committed suicide by shooting himself Multiple times and dragging himself Over a barb wire fence through a field into the woods... The True Seal team 6 ALL dying in the helicopter right after the Osama raid.!
the new world order. government secrets. the elite agenda... You aware ?
Glad You are about Christ :) <3

My third eye was split wide open a long time ago brother.

The Holy Spirit used LSD to convict me, I learned about Christ, I met Him and i've followed him ever since. Even got mixed up being a silly "Christian" a few times along the way.

Read the bible, don't listen to others teach about the bible. Let Him guide you! Christ brought and brings love, forgiveness and healing. Not hate, judgement and illness. Our western Christian culture has been deceived.
I was BORN ready !!! Especially the day I asked Jesus into My life.

Dude... I do have an over active imagination... but common.... Assassinations happen more often the usually due to the lies that go behind each and every one. Most assassinations are written off as something on the side... The elite plans it out. You really think THEY want people who GET THEIR PLAN to survive and continue to tell people the actual truth ??? NO !!! They want Them dead.
So The make up schemes and hire people to kill Them without it coming off as an assassination or murder... It happens to almost every celebrity that exposes the truth... just like what happens if a freemason exposes what He has been taught in mason meetings.... They are killed.

Owsley Stanley ... car accident..... UM YEAH RIGHT !!!!
Jimi Hendrix... died from choking on His own puke and over dose. "on accident" ya right....
Janis Joplin... overdose "on accident" .... YA RIGHT
Robin Williams.... suicide... umm yeah, cuz He was on HEAVY doses of potent "anti" depressants
Michael Jackson.... over dose intoxication .... ya right.
Tupac and Biggie .... shot because of political/gang related issues... snoop dogg killed them both
Jerry Garcia ... watch The Other One and see Bob Weirs reaction when They ask Him about it.
Jim Morrison. .. over dose.... this one can be argued but stilll was a set up.
Amy Winehouse ... "accidental alcohol poisoning" .... YA FUNKING RIGHT !!!!

i could go on forever...
Amen! That's what it's All about! Letting HIM Guide you and Console you and Comfort you from the Inside out!!!

But honestly they could have... But I also think Things happen.

The REAL Conspiracies to look at are the Federal Reserve, Cannabis Prohibition, Waco Massacre, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City bombing, Pearl Harbor, Iran-Contra, Fast and Furios, Taliban creation.... The list goes on forever of Real Conspiracies. And a Lot of those people Were Assassinated.! I'll give some details later, but look into Terry someone a black officer who was Truly the First responder at OCB and he committed suicide by shooting himself Multiple times and dragging himself Over a barb wire fence through a field into the woods... The True Seal team 6 ALL of the ones of the Osama raid, Died in a helicopter crash. They're families have had a petition and tried to get the Truth, but of course to No Avail. Twa flight 800 crash, same thing, petition to reopen investigation; that Movie is Nuts!!! The piece of shit David Mayer who was the Managing Director of the NTSB for Years until just two years ago, but he was the Head of the NTSB Investigation into the TWA Flight 800 ShootDown and he was Literally Caught redhanded tampering with evidence and moving color coded tags, yet NOTHING happened to him! He RAN NTSB for years after actually
Trust me not a cop. In fact, I'm completely convinced now that it's not worth the risk at all to try and meet any of you through this board.

I've got a family man.

I'll see you guys at the shows.

And if you're lucky and don't think Im a cop I'd love to share. I admit I might even look like a cop. That's what happens when you spend 8+ hours around straight people for 10+ years of your life I guess. I work in that kind of environment.
Shows?! Let me quess...! What kind