The Lucid Dream Thread (Post Your Techniques)

I took a low dose of Yohimbe bark (500 mg) this morning and it was like a small cup of coffee. Then I made some Green Tea/Cannabutter Muffins for Caffeine and L-Theanine and EGCG. So tonight I will take 480 mg of Yohimbe bark to stimulate my brain for dreaming, and the Caffeine leaving my system from earlier should make it extra easy to fall asleep, especially since I never really drink Caffeine.

10:38 PM, Taking 2 Capsules of Yohimbe bark totaling 480 mg.

11:05 PM, I think I feel a slight stimulating effect but it might be placebo. I have also been smoking Marijuana.

11:24 PM, I am definitely feeling the Marijuana more than the Yohimbe. I probably also have some Cannabutter in my system from the Muffins too.

11:50 PM, Not noticing much effects, maybe a light stimulation and I had the idea to make a big table of contents for all these posts. I am writing a book so these Herbs and Rituals will be one big chapter and I will Record everything for at least 30 days but probably longer.

I didn't expect much effects from this, the effects are expected at night. But I still don't think I will Lucid Dream because I have not done any rituals. I am just testing herbs for now. I will go to sleep in an hour or so and I will record any dreams in the morning.

I didn't do any rituals so I don't remember my dream specifically but I know I had one. And I know that the over all theme was that people were going to buildings where they could dream and be healed, similar to the ancient Greek Asclepieon. And I was looking for someone but I don't know who.
I know specific things did happen, but I don't remember them.
Wormwood was originally used to treat Worms (during World War One I think) but the British soldiers would drink it recreationally because they liked the effects and then when they came back home they share the recipe with other people and it became the popular "Green Fairy" drink known as Absinthe. Wormwood is known to contain Thujone and it is closely related to Mugwort which is a pretty well known herb for dreaming. So I will test it out tonight and see if it induces dreams. People also see wormwood plants in their dreams and that is supposed to be an Omen (I think a good one). They seem to be easy to grow, I have not tried it yet but they are actually pretty common as a Garden herb.

Absinthe has been known to cause mild Hallucinations, but I won't be taking that much Wormwood. I might try to make some Absinthe during this giant dream experiment thing I am doing, but for now I will just be making Tea and Capsules, and/or Smoking it.

10:26 AM, Rolling a joint of Wormwood now.

10:31 AM, Just lit it and it is a bitter smoke, not terrible though.

10:34 AM, I feel some effects I think, but it might be placebo.

10:38 AM, I definitely feel effects. Very stoney, I took like 1 hit of Medical Marijuana this morning (I am a patient) but I feel like I smoked like a bowl, so the Wormwood definitely has its own stoney effect.

10:51 AM, I have not smoked any more Marijuana and I do feel a stoney effect. I am going to roll another Wormwood joint now.

10:55 AM, Taking a hit of Marijuana. Even with just one hit I can tell these 2 plants like each other. I am going to get a few Green Tea/Cannabutter Muffins.

10:59 AM, I got 2 and 1/2 Muffins. They contain Green Tea, Cannabutter and Lemon Zest. And the Lemon zest has Lemonene which itself has been shown to have light effects on the brain. Eating them now.

11:09 AM, I've got 1 muffin left, so I am going to smoke the Wormwood joint now.

11:12 AM, About half way thought the joint and there are definite stoney effects,

11:14 AM, The joint is finished and I can feel it both in my body and head.

11:19 AM, It is very relaxing.

11:21 AM, Eating the last muffin.

11:32 AM, It is kind of making me a little tired, but I am still able to do things, I am not impaired.

11:43 AM, Not as tired but still a little tired.

11:44 AM, Rolling one last Wormwood joint just so everyone can know what happens at that point.

11:48 AM, Lighting the joint now.

11:50 AM, The muffins are probably digesting by now, and I am about half way through the joint and can feel effects.

11:53 AM, the Joint is finished and my eyes definitely feel heavier. I am not sure if it is just the Wormwood for if it is the L-Theanine from the Green Tea mixed with the Wormwood, or the Cannabis mixed with Wormwood. But whatever it is it will be good on tonight's trial when I am actually about to go to sleep.

I think that is the extent of what the effects are going to be, I will try Wormwood again tonight and record any dreams in the morning.
It is good practice to rethink about dreams you have had before in order to get back into dreaming. So I guess this is the 2nd Ritual I am doing. First Ritual was when I started recording my dreams.

So the most important dream is of my brother. He died in 2013 at the age of 10 and I had a dream where he visited me. I did not realize I was dreaming and he was there and I was confused that he was alive and he was talking about things, then I asked him "How are you here?" because I realized that he shouldn't be there. And he said "I have to leave soon". Then I asked him "What is it like to be dead?" and he told me "You know like when you have to go poop REALLY bad? Then you get to a toilet. It's like that.". Then I woke up.

Then I had another dream where he was making board games, and I was just really sad that he was dead and I couldn't get past the idea that he was dead. Even though he was right in front of me.

Then there are a few other random dreams like one with an Ancient Temple and a bunch of Columns and everything and we were looking through drawers for some special paperclip. And a few other random ones.

I know people want to think "Oh, you are sad about your brother, that is why you aren't atheist" or "Oh, your brother died, that is why you are not Christian". My brother had nothing to do with my religion and I have not changed theology based on him. I have always been proud of the dead, not sorry for them. My heroes are all dead and I don't feel like we lost them. So please do not try to project any of your ideas about death on to me. I am not mad at God, in fact I have a great relationship with God, I smoke Marijuana every day for God. And I was an Atheists when I was like 14 and converted out of that when I was like 15, so my brother had nothing to do with Atheism in my life. If my brother effected anything in my theology, it is only my desire to remember my dreams and the feeling of togetherness I feel with people who are no longer alive. I can almost get into the head of historical figures if I read about them losing family members and stuff.

But the longest dream I can remember is this:

I was like 8 years old or something when I had this dream. But I remember it just as well as the dreams where I saw my brother.

I was in a dark city and in a place with a bunch of concrete buildings and graffiti, and I went inside one of the buildings. When I got inside there were pictures on the wall that were like movie posters with lights around the edges, those were on the left wall, then to my right there were Columns made of cement and between the Columns there were benches and trash cans. And all down the hallway there were Columns, Benches and Trashcans on the right with Pictures lit up like movie posters on a wall. And I was basically walking down the Hallway that was formed by those. At the end of the Hallway there was a door and in the door there were stairs, so I went up the stairs. And the next floor was the exact same as the floor before it. Then at the end of that Hallway there was a door with stairs, and it went on and on like this for a ton of floors. Then eventually I got to the top floor and there were a bunch of other kids there (I was like 8 ) and there was a kid that was older than all of us that was talking to all the kids like he was like in charge of them. And then suddenly he ran away from us and we all chased him because he was in charge of us. But when we followed him we got to a room where there were a bunch of tubes that were different colors that were like hallways. So all the kids paired up and went down tubes, but me and my friend (it was my friend from school in real life) noticed that all the tubes had someone checking them, so we looked around and found some Cafeteria tables (the kind that like 40 kids can sit at, but then they fold up to only take up like 7 square feet). We moved the tables and we found a tube that was Maroon colored. So we walked down the tube and got to a concrete room. The room had a concrete staircase, and the walls started wide, but then narrowed to the stairs, We started walking towards the stairs, then I looked up and there was a guy hanging from the ceiling like a bat, and he shrieked and jumped towards me when I saw him, and I woke up.
The Wormwood made me tired earlier, so I decided to wait until later than I usually do for the night time test. As explained before, Wormwood is what is in the drink called Absinthe and contains Thujone. It is also related to the well known dream herb called Mugwort. Absinthe can give you slight Psychedelic effects in high doses which has gotten it the name "Green Fairy". I won't be doing that much.

11:21 PM, Joint lit.

11:24 PM, About half way through and I might feel effects.

11:27 PM, The Joint is finished and I do feel the effects. Very stoney.

11:30 PM, Rolling a second joint.

11:32 PM, Lighting the joint.

11:38 PM, The joint is finished and I definitely feel effects. Kind of stoney, I am going to take a hit of Marijuana with hash.

11:40 PM, They definitely go well together. Very relaxing and comfortable.

11:42 PM, I am not getting tired like before, so it may have been the L-Theanine in the Green Tea working with the Thujone to make a tiring effect. Or the Cannabutter

11:43 PM, Rolling a third joint now.

11:47 PM. Joint lit. It's stuffed bigger than the last 2.

11:50 PM, Half way through, very stoney.

11:54 PM, Joint finished. It might be making me tired but not like this morning so it might not have been the Wormwood. I can feel it in my body and head.

11:55 PM, Took a hit of Marijuana with hash. These two go very well together. I might be getting tired but not like before at all.

11:57 PM, Took another hit of Marijuana. The Wormwood definitely adds to the Marijuana. Very good relaxing comfortable feeling. And I might be getting tired. I am pretty sure I could go lay down and fall asleep pretty quick if I tried right now.

12:01 AM, I am tired like before now. My eyes want to close.

I don't think the effects will build from here, I will probably go to sleep in like 30 minutes. I will record any dreams in the morning.

I don't remember specifics like Characters or anything, but I remember that the whole world or town or whatever it was, was growing plants. I was talking to different people and they were all growing different kinds of plants, and there was some kind of competition going on that they were growing for and they all wanted to have the best plants for. That is all I remember though.

I do not expect dreams to get really vivid until I do more rituals. For now I am just testing Dream Herbs.
Indian Sarsaparilla has been used in India as a medicine and beverage for a long time and it is where the modern drink "Root Beer" comes from, it used to actually be made from the Root of the Sarsaparilla plant. Originally when "Soda Shops" were around in America, they actually were selling Medicine (or Soda to put your medicine in) and Root Beer made from actual Sarsaparilla root has been a Medicine for a long time. It contains Terpenes and Alkanes and all kinds of stuff. There have been reports of it being used as a Lucid Dream Herb also.

The recipe I found online says 1 Teaspoon (or less if you want) is added to however much water you want (it suggests 8 oz). And steep for 10 minutes.

12:14 PM (just after noon), Putting 1 Teaspoon of root in a sauce pan on the stove to boil now.

12:19 PM, 1 Teaspoon seemed way too small to me, so I added 1/2 of a Teaspoon. So 1 and 1/2 Teaspoons total.

12:33 PM, It is straining now. Strains much better than the Green Tea Matcha did, but not as well as the Imphepho.

12:38 PM, I used less water than suggested so it is bitter, but I added some sugar and it tastes good. It is not terrible tasting, I think with more water and the same amount of sugar it would be better, so I will add more water next time. Just testing for now.

12:40 PM, Finished drinking it. I think I am going to eat some of the Green Tea muffins now too. Going to get some now.

12:47 PM, I am pretty sure there are not going to be any Day Time effects from the Sarsaparilla. If there are I will come edit this to be longer and have like an extra hour. I will make another Tea tonight and record any dreams in the morning. So this was basically just a recipe.
I explained some things about Sarsaparilla in the day time test, but I am not using it for Medicine I am trying to use it for Dreaming. According to some people it is a strong Dream inducer so I am about to make a tea before I go to sleep.

11:00 PM, 1 and 1/2 Teaspoons put in a sauce pan on the stove.

11:15 PM, The Tea is Straining through a Coffee filter.

11:32 PM, I got busy, but I just went and got the Sarsaparilla and it is strained. I added some sugar and I am drinking it now. Adding more water does make it taste better, since it's not so concentrated this time.

11:40 PM, Finished drinking it.

11:43 PM, I might be feeling some relaxing effects, but I don't expect anything from the Sarsaparilla until I go to sleep. It has been reported to be a powerful dream herb by some people. It will hit my stomach in about 30 minutes and I will go to sleep within the next 1-2 hours and I will report any dreams in the morning.

I don't remember where I was or who I was with, but everyone was discovering and naming new Galaxies, I think using Telescopes and computers but I don't remember. But they would also bring up God every once in a while and there would be an argument between all of them.
I have not really started doing rituals yet except writing down dreams, so I don't expect them to get vivid yet.
Echinacea Purpurea (aka Purple Coneflower) leaves have been used as an immune system booster by people in modern times as well as for many other things by Native Americans. It has been used to treat coughs, wounds, burns, insect bites tooth aches, snake bites and other things. In Rats it has been shown to increase the action of L-DOPA which is in the Dopamine family and is natural in your brain.

I am going to try smoking it just to see if it has effects, then tonight I will make a tea and drink it before I go to sleep tonight and I will see if it induces dreams. It's action on L-DOPA could cause dreams if it works the same way in humans as it does for rats. There are tons of studies on the stuff that is in this plant, but I have not done much research yet. I know this plant is commonly taken by people who want to be healthier though, it is supposed to boost your immune system. I have also heard it may contain Cannabinoids, which makes sense because your Cannabinoid receptors actually stimulate your immune system. They are called the CB1 and CB2 receptors.

12:25 PM (just after noon), Joint rolled.

12:27 PM, Lighting the joint. Not a good flavor, pretty harsh smoke.

12:28 PM, Just 3 hits and I might feel something, it might be placebo.

12:30 PM, Half way through and I would say there are effects but I am not sure if it is placebo. Head and body. I also smoked Marijuana this morning, I am a Medical Patient. So this might be adding to that.

12:33 PM, The joint is finished. I definitely feel stoney effects in my head and body. I am not sure if it is adding to the Marijuana or if it has its own effects, but I would say it has its own effects. I am going to smoke a hit of Marijuana now.

12:35 PM, I almost want to say I felt a "rush", but I was also coughing pretty hard, so I am not sure. But these 2 plants do go well together, I am definitely feeling stoney and very comfortable effects in my head and body.

12:37 PM, Taking another hit of Marijuana. The two plants are definitely liking each other, and they work together. I am going to roll another joint of Echinacea to see what happens.

12:42 PM, First hit, still harsh. This is probably best taken in capsules.

12:45 PM, About half way through. Definite effects.

12:47 PM, Finished. Very stoney, body and head. I am not positive if it is adding to the Marijuana or has its own effects, but I would say it has its own effects. Taking one last hit of Marijuana and I will close out this report.

Definitely goes well with Marijuana, Tastes horrible. I expect the Tea to not be very good.
Earlier I tried that Echinacea smoked and it added to the Marijuana effects. It probably has its own effects and definitely adds to the effects of Marijuana. Now I will be trying it in a tea. It has been used traditionally and in modern times to boost the immune system as well as for other things like coughs.

I weighed out 4 Grams of Echinacea and I am going to make it in to tea.

11:34 PM, Echinacea put into saucepan on the stove.

11:49 PM, Tea finished and strained. Sugar added, I am guessing it will be nasty, the smoke was bitter.

11:50 PM, It's still boiling hot (super easy to strain) so I only took a sip, but I think there is enough sugar to cover the bitterness.

11:55 PM, Drank some and it is definitely not too bitter.

11:57 PM, I took a hit of Marijuana and I might feel more than Marijuana but it might be Placebo.

12:05 AM, I think I feel something extra, but still it could be Placebo. Finished the tea.

12:08 AM, I think the Echinacea is working faster than most plants, it should not work for 45 minutes but I think I already feel it adding to the Marijuana at the very least. It may be Placebo though.

12:13 AM, Rolling an Echinacea joint.

12:16 AM, Lighting the joint.

12:18 AM, Only a few hits and I would say I am feeling it.

12:23 AM, Finished the joint and I would say their are definite effects.

12:25 AM, Stretching feels good. Probably good for Yoga.

12:26 AM, Warm sensation on my skin. It has been there for a while I just didn't know how to define it.

12:27 AM, Closing my eyes feels good. I am going to close my eyes and kind of meditate for a few minutes.

12:30 AM, Opened my eyes, time has been passing slowly for the last few posts. I feel very comfortable and possibly lethargic/tired. The tea should be hitting my stomach and starting effects over the next 20 minutes. I could go to sleep right now if I wanted for sure.

12:33 AM, Took another hit of Marijuana and the Echinacea definitely adds to the body effects of Marijuana. It also adds to the head effects, but mostly the body.

12:38 AM, Enchinacea does have effects on CYP Enzymes, so maybe that is where the effects are coming from. Definitely effects in the head and body though, very stoney and very warm. Look up "Oilahuasca" to learn about the effects of Echinacea. I will be trying some Oilahuasca dream mixtures eventually, I just want to get reports on everything with just Marijuana first though.

12:42 AM, It feels really good, but I don't think it is going to build from here. So I am going to end here and probably go to sleep in about 30 minutes and I will report any dreams in the morning. I will add to this report if effects change enough to be recorded. I am pretty sure it will be easy to fall asleep.

Last night I remember there were Atheists involved, no specific Atheists, just people who were atheist. And then there were people growing Herbs in order to heal people. The Atheists would come cause problems with the Herbs and would talk about how the herbs were "faith healing" even though they were real medicine with real alkaloids and terpenoids and everything. Then they kept bringing up God, as if somehow the Herb growing was a promotion of God and therefore also not good. They were very wrong throughout the whole thing and in the end we had monkeys working with us. But then I woke up.
I do not expect Vivid or Lucid Dreams until I start rituals but this is the most Vivid dream I have had so far. I am going to visit my family today so Herbal tests will restart tomorrow.

Just got back from my parents house. I might have had a dream last night but I was not home to record it.
Tonight I will be trying Apple Juice which many people report causes Vivid or Lucid Dreams.
TONS of people online report dreams from Apple Juice but no one is sure what makes it work. There are theories about B Vitamins or Sugar helping indirectly with Acetylcholine. There are also people who say it only works if it is not from Concentrate. And I have heard of a few people taking it with Cinnamon. So tonight I am going to drink a red cup of Apple Juice before I go to sleep. I got Apple Juice from concentrate just to see what happens.

This will probably be the most empty Dream Herb Report because I am just drinking Apple Juice.

11:11 PM, Poured a cup of Apple Juice and I'm drinking it.

I will go to sleep in 1 or 2 hours, and I will report any dreams in the morning.
This is cool, I've not read much about lucid dreams or meditation for that matter but I do understand it. I learned as a young child how to "force" a dream, like if I wanted to have a nice dream about some pretty girl in class I could, really cool trick if you can turn your mind off, which is much harder as I age.

The mind / body are crazy machines, I freak people out with the ability to control my heart rate, I know its not a rare or special thing but it still trips folks out. Forced hallucinations are pretty cool too :)

This time my dream was kind of a real life dream of mine. It was mostly just me making essential oils with a still like I do while I am awake, but then I went to a dispensary and they had Marijuana Distilled and Separated extract, known as "Marijuana Absolute". I have never seen this in a real dispensary, but I am sure they must have it somewhere.
I have not started rituals yet so vivid dreams are not expected, I am just testing dream herbs.
This is cool, I've not read much about lucid dreams or meditation for that matter but I do understand it. I learned as a young child how to "force" a dream, like if I wanted to have a nice dream about some pretty girl in class I could, really cool trick if you can turn your mind off, which is much harder as I age.

The mind / body are crazy machines, I freak people out with the ability to control my heart rate, I know its not a rare or special thing but it still trips folks out. Forced hallucinations are pretty cool too :)
I am not good at it yet, I have done this once before though for like 27 days, and I have taken dream herbs before. But this will be the longest experiment, with the most info, and with the most herbs.

So I will be sharing tons of info. I am also getting a book about ancient Greek Dream Temples, so I am going to make some medical grade dream methods.
Mulungu has been called "Nature's Valium" and is used to treat people with Benzo (Xanax, Klonapin, Valium, etc) withdrawals. I have tried it one time before and I was not sure if I felt effects but I was using whole bark and not powder, so when I made the tea I probably did not get much out of it. This time I have powder so it should work better, and I definitely recognize the smell it has a very recognizable smell. There have been tons of reports online that it does have effects, but there is one report where someone reported crazy dreams. And this might make sense. During a dream your body is in a light paralysis state which allows your mind to wander while you body stays tranquilized. Mulungu works as a light tranquilizer, the same route as Xanax or Valium, so I could see how maybe it would add to the sleep paralysis state and allow your mind to wander off while dreaming. It has crazy leaf flower things so some people actually grow it in their garden.

10:25 AM, 1 Teaspoon Mulungu powder put into a saucepan on the stove and water added. Not boiling yet but the stove is on.

10:28 AM, Smoking a few hits of Medical Marijuana, I am a patient in Colorado.

10:42 AM, Tea is finished and strained. I tasted it and it definitely is bitter. Added sugar.

10:44 AM, Tastes a lot better with the sugar.

10:48 AM, I am almost done with the tea and I might be feeling something, but I am almost positive it is placebo.

10:51 AM, Finished the tea.

10:55 AM, Effects should not hit until digestion (45 minutes) but I do think I feel more relaxed and maybe something in my body and head. It could just be placebo though.

11:03 AM, I think I can feel it already but it should not be working yet. If it is, it definitely goes well with Marijuana.

11:11 AM, I feel really relaxed and I would say there are effects in my body that feel good and maybe effects in my head that are a little tranquil. I think Mulungu works faster than other things, I am pretty sure I feel it already.

11:25 AM, I think I am feeling more relaxing effects in my body.

11:32 AM, I think the Mulungu made me hungry, I am getting some food now.

11:39 AM, According to how digestion works I should start feeling it starting 9 minutes ago, but I am pretty sure I have been feeling it for a while now. Very relaxing, very comfortable body feeling, relaxing mental effects.

I don't think it is going to build from here, if it does I will come in and edit this, but I don't think I will. Very relaxing, goes well with Marijuana.
hi finny :)
i believe weve had this talk before .
the herbs r shit , professional lucid dreamers use tecniqs like you mentioned ( mild etc) but this doesnt happen overnight it takes time.
they use galantime and choline tablets .... BECAUSE THEY WORK UNLIKE THE HERBS :)

your wasting your time with this herb stuff... trust me :)

buy the real stuff finny and stop wasting ur time..... youll be surprisded:)

some freindly advice :)
This is cool, I've not read much about lucid dreams or meditation for that matter but I do understand it. I learned as a young child how to "force" a dream, like if I wanted to have a nice dream about some pretty girl in class I could, really cool trick if you can turn your mind off, which is much harder as I age.

The mind / body are crazy machines, I freak people out with the ability to control my heart rate, I know its not a rare or special thing but it still trips folks out. Forced hallucinations are pretty cool too :)
why did you change your dreams .... did they scare you?