The Lunacy of Increased Taxes...And "Democracy"


Well-Known Member
*You. Are. The. Smartest. Man. Evar.
Quite sure Delslow intended it that way Carne.
Intended what, genius?
"Evar" is a classic meme which you apparently do not recognize, shame on you sir, shame on you.

1 p0wnzed j00...

Get it now non genius?
As usual you come up with the stupidest shit to troll about. I'm fully aware of the fucking meme. I was using a god damned meme to respond to a meme. It was meant as humor. Then you typically find some stupid ass tangent to focus your trolling on. Get a brain! Moran.
In case you didn't know, your smart government resides between South Korea and China.
just read the rest of the thread. lol.
You're all winners!



Active Member
Survival of the fittest is still strong. Wait til the oil dries up and 70% of the food production is gone.
Yeah, when Mother Nature decides to put the number of humans back in balance, it will be very, very harsh indeed. Much more harsh than any of the painful atroceties mankind has caused. Mother Nature will eventually win out, as She always does. Think of it as "culling", or whatever. Most of you stupid fucks are replying out of emotion, with no regard to logic or the obvious patterns set out by nature. Survival of the fittest has always ruled this planet, and it always will. Mankind has TEMPORARILY circumvented that. But only temporarily.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Wiley, bubbalah! no!, its not "survival of the fittest" thats not what capitalism is about, that kind of language just feeds the socialists and demagogues.

It's the Freedom to Fail!!

America FUCK YEAH!
Here we come to save the Mother Fuckin Day now!


Well-Known Member
You because pure capitalism has worked so well for us, its not like the government has done anything...wait you telling me that with government money and the support of the people we went to the moon...holy fuck since when.


Well-Known Member
Your right like how when detroit as about to fail capatilism came in and saved the mean our government came in and saved the auto companies saving jobs and and entire industry, stopping the resulting collapse because NO ONE was willing or had the capital to save them. You don't say...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when Mother Nature decides to put the number of humans back in balance, it will be very, very harsh indeed. Much more harsh than any of the painful atroceties mankind has caused. Mother Nature will eventually win out, as She always does. Think of it as "culling", or whatever. Most of you stupid fucks are replying out of emotion, with no regard to logic or the obvious patterns set out by nature. Survival of the fittest has always ruled this planet, and it always will. Mankind has TEMPORARILY circumvented that. But only temporarily.
Humans have nukes. We will send mother nature to hell where she belongs!


Well-Known Member
You because pure capitalism has worked so well for us, its not like the government has done anything...wait you telling me that with government money and the support of the people we went to the moon...holy fuck since when.
We've never had PURE capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Your right like how when detroit as about to fail capatilism came in and saved the mean our government came in and saved the auto companies saving jobs and and entire industry, stopping the resulting collapse because NO ONE was willing or had the capital to save them. You don't say...
Private companies, fuck 'em.
FUCK bailouts!
If you can't run your company right, you deserve to go under.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Private companies, fuck 'em.
FUCK bailouts!
If you can't run your company right, you deserve to go under.
I disagree. sometimes a bailout would be good. I'd love to see a bailout on those same terms (0%-2% loans with no term) for family farms. and maybe an exemption from estate taxes for agricultural land and improvements, course that aint never gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for tax exemptions for family farms.

What I'm not for are leaders of corporations receiving ungodly bonuses when their business is going under, and expecting government help.

Helping out the working class family is one thing, not letting a company go under when they ran it into the groung is another.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'm all for tax exemptions for family farms.

What I'm not for are leaders of corporations receiving ungodly bonuses when their business is going under, and expecting government help.

Helping out the working class family is one thing, not letting a company go under when they ran it into the groung is another.
it's not about class structure, its about the unique vulnerability of family farms under our current system.

Consider this

Farmers have no income until a crop is harvested, except through loans from banks. if the combine breaks down 2 days before harvest, you are BONED
Once the crop is harvested, farmers are hostage to the market. if you planted soybeans, and so did everybody else, soybean prices hit the floor, and everybody except the soybean eater is BONED
If a storm, flood, deer infestation, or drunken redneck destroys a significant portion of your crop, unless you have ludicrously expensive crop insurance, you are BONED
If the government decides to punitively tax, or even prohibit your crop mid season, you are BONED (California tobacco farmers learned this one, watch out Virginia and Kentucky...)
Government subsidies may sound like a lot in the nationwide numbers but they really aren't worth two squirts of piss to the small farmer. example: 52 cents a bushel for wheat, at an average harvest of 35-40 bushels per acre. .52 x 40 = $20.80 per acre. aw yeah.
Crop subsidies arent even for the farmer, they are to incentivize farmers to grow crops which are needed in large amounts, even if they are not the most lucrative. Without them you, the purchaser might wind up paying $30 for a sack of corn some years, and $1 others.
Unlike corporations, real farmers can and eventually will die. when they die, all that land, expensive tractors and combines, and even livestock get tallied up, assessed and taxed when it all passes to his heirs. Often this means sellin off land that might have been in the family for generations just to pay the estate tax. The $2 million estate tax exemption doesnt mean shit when your 200 acre farm is assessed at $350 million even if you die with only $10 to your name (farmers are land rich and cash poor)


Well-Known Member
it's not about class structure, its about the unique vulnerability of family farms under our current system.

Consider this

Farmers have no income until a crop is harvested, except through loans from banks. if the combine breaks down 2 days before harvest, you are BONED
Once the crop is harvested, farmers are hostage to the market. if you planted soybeans, and so did everybody else, soybean prices hit the floor, and everybody except the soybean eater is BONED
If a storm, flood, deer infestation, or drunken redneck destroys a significant portion of your crop, unless you have ludicrously expensive crop insurance, you are BONED
If the government decides to punitively tax, or even prohibit your crop mid season, you are BONED (California tobacco farmers learned this one, watch out Virginia and Kentucky...)
Government subsidies may sound like a lot in the nationwide numbers but they really aren't worth two squirts of piss to the small farmer. example: 52 cents a bushel for wheat, at an average harvest of 35-40 bushels per acre. .52 x 40 = $20.80 per acre. aw yeah.
Crop subsidies arent even for the farmer, they are to incentivize farmers to grow crops which are needed in large amounts, even if they are not the most lucrative. Without them you, the purchaser might wind up paying $30 for a sack of corn some years, and $1 others.
Unlike corporations, real farmers can and eventually will die. when they die, all that land, expensive tractors and combines, and even livestock get tallied up, assessed and taxed when it all passes to his heirs. Often this means sellin off land that might have been in the family for generations just to pay the estate tax. The $2 million estate tax exemption doesnt mean shit when your 200 acre farm is assessed at $350 million even if you die with only $10 to your name (farmers are land rich and cash poor)
I understand what you're saying. I was surrounded by farm fields for 30+ years. I know lots of farmers. I've heard numerous times about the tribulations of being a farmer, straight from the farmers mouth.
I'm talking about the auto makers, but you know that.
Let them shut down. Somebody else will get a good deal on the plant, run the operation more efficiently, and make money.

And I don't want to hear about the workers, they were part of the problem.

Know who benefits most from the bailouts? Yep, the UNION.

"So screw them guys........I'm goin home!"

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
And I don't want to hear about the workers, they were part of the problem.

Know who benefits most from the bailouts? Yep, the UNION.
I smell.... COUNTER REVOLUTIONARIES!!! Now you know, workers are selfless and giving angels, who are enslaved by their corporate running dog masters! No worker could possibly be part of any problem (or as The One says, Challenges) excepting of course he is one of the lumpen-proletarians who are fairly crying out for a few turns around a re-education facility. Comrade, i must admit you make me wonder about your commitment to the cause when you say such things!

All the youth today are beguiled by the trappings of decadent capitalist excess. How i long for the days when the glorious 5 year plan moved across the fields and factories, and the workers would sing joyfully of their freedom from the bondage of capitalist materialism.

Why did you hear? a gang of young hooligans strapped a home-made bomb to the statue of Comrade Lenin in St Petersburg, ( and blew off half of his ass!!! It's not so bad though. In the Glorious Socialist Revolution there is no looking back.


Well-Known Member
it's not about class structure, its about the unique vulnerability of family farms under our current system.

Consider this

Farmers have no income until a crop is harvested, except through loans from banks. if the combine breaks down 2 days before harvest, you are BONED
Once the crop is harvested, farmers are hostage to the market. if you planted soybeans, and so did everybody else, soybean prices hit the floor, and everybody except the soybean eater is BONED
If a storm, flood, deer infestation, or drunken redneck destroys a significant portion of your crop, unless you have ludicrously expensive crop insurance, you are BONED
If the government decides to punitively tax, or even prohibit your crop mid season, you are BONED (California tobacco farmers learned this one, watch out Virginia and Kentucky...)
Government subsidies may sound like a lot in the nationwide numbers but they really aren't worth two squirts of piss to the small farmer. example: 52 cents a bushel for wheat, at an average harvest of 35-40 bushels per acre. .52 x 40 = $20.80 per acre. aw yeah.
Crop subsidies arent even for the farmer, they are to incentivize farmers to grow crops which are needed in large amounts, even if they are not the most lucrative. Without them you, the purchaser might wind up paying $30 for a sack of corn some years, and $1 others.
Unlike corporations, real farmers can and eventually will die. when they die, all that land, expensive tractors and combines, and even livestock get tallied up, assessed and taxed when it all passes to his heirs. Often this means sellin off land that might have been in the family for generations just to pay the estate tax. The $2 million estate tax exemption doesnt mean shit when your 200 acre farm is assessed at $350 million even if you die with only $10 to your name (farmers are land rich and cash poor)
In Minnesota E85 is/was the next big thing. Corn fuel. Not only did the farmers receive subsidies to grow corn, but it artifically drove up the price of corn. Win/Win for the farmer.

Do most people buy E85? NO! The shit sucks. For roughly 10% savings in fuel price, I lost 33% in gas mileage. It costs MORE per mile than gasoline.

This is of course only after you were charged extra for the truck with the E85 engine.

Some politicians have plans of totally switching over to E85.

God I love government intervention.


Well-Known Member
I smell.... COUNTER REVOLUTIONARIES!!! Now you know, workers are selfless and giving angels, who are enslaved by their corporate running dog masters! No worker could possibly be part of any problem (or as The One says, Challenges) excepting of course he is one of the lumpen-proletarians who are fairly crying out for a few turns around a re-education facility. Comrade, i must admit you make me wonder about your commitment to the cause when you say such things!

All the youth today are beguiled by the trappings of decadent capitalist excess. How i long for the days when the glorious 5 year plan moved across the fields and factories, and the workers would sing joyfully of their freedom from the bondage of capitalist materialism.

Why did you hear? a gang of young hooligans strapped a home-made bomb to the statue of Comrade Lenin in St Petersburg, ( and blew off half of his ass!!! It's not so bad though. In the Glorious Socialist Revolution there is no looking back.
It's probably because I'm baked,maybe cause old, but I dont understand......?? Stop speaking in tongue.

If you're complimenting me for being anti socialism.......I thank you, sir! LOL!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
In Minnesota E85 is/was the next big thing. Corn fuel. Not only did the farmers receive subsidies to grow corn, but it artifically drove up the price of corn. Win/Win for the farmer.

Do most people buy E85? NO! The shit sucks. For roughly 10% savings in fuel price, I lost 33% in gas mileage. It costs MORE per mile than gasoline.

This is of course only after you were charged extra for the truck with the E85 engine.

Some politicians have plans of totally switching over to E85.

God I love government intervention.
Ahh the ethanol boondoggle. Did you know that the best way to make fuel from corn is to use the STALKS not the grain? Strange but true. When fermenting and distilling alcohol there are 2 main types. Ethanol, which is pretty much just moonshine, and Methanol, which is not.

Ethanol is made from fermenting the corn grain, and is drinkable. Moonshiners used to smuggle it into the city for sale, in their gas tanks. They would run their cars on the shit, with backseats replaced by barrels jerry cans and old beer kegs full of home made whiskey. if the revenuers got behind them, they could just run till they were out of gas, leaving no evidence. A car can run real good on corn whiskey, but you need to richen the mixture at the carburetor, advance the shit out of the ignition timing, add steel or lead seats to the valve surfaces, and when completed you cant run that thing on gasoline ever again. Unless you like catching on fire.

Methanol however, thats a horse of a different color. This stuff actually pack more energy per liter than gasoline, (even though it burns cooler, it expands a hell of a lot more under pressure in the cylinder, pushing pistons harder) it burns cooler, can be extinguished with water, and is more stable in long term storage. The best part is, you make it from agricultural waste! corn stalks wood chips, lawn clippings and even old orange peels. You can run straight Methanol, and get better fuel mileage than gasoline, or mix it with gas if necessary with no problems. Methanol doesnt require any changes to the engine and you can switch back and forth all you like, and when it burns it makes carbon dioxide, and water. thats it. no NOX no CO no flourine, none of the bad shit.. The only downside to Methanol? The shit is poisonous. Course gasoline isnt a health tonic either.

Methanol aint new. it's the active ingredient in Sterno, it has been used to run cars in the past, and is a very cheap way for hillbillies to get drunk (it also makes them blind, or dead) Why not use it instead of gas? the big oil companies have a problem.

once you extract the most valuable parts of a barrel of oil, you are left with 3 things

Tar. thats the really heavy useless shit in oil. So much tar that we can make roads out of it. Asphalt road surfacing saves the oil companies the expense of dumping it, and puts a few pennies in their pocket.
Propane the super light useless shit in oil. it's expensive to store and transport, but it is a handy revenue enhancer. They have way more than they can sell and often have to burn it off cuz they cant just release it. (thats the big ass flame you see at refineries)
Gasoline. yeah its too light to make into plastics or industrial feeder hydrocarbons (the shit they use to make pharmaceuticals, dyes, semiconductor coatings, etc... where the real money in oil comes from.) so they sell it ass motor fuel. thats right, your car is a mobile waste storage and disposal system for an oil company's garbage. The first cars ran on natural gas, but that sucked. then some ran on coal, which also sucked. then came kerosene but that was more expensive cuz it was also lamp fuel.after that, for years cars were all about wood alcohol. Then along came the clever idea of burning these useless petroleum ethers. the shit was practically free, burned good, worked almost as well as wood alcohol and was already just lying around. Brilliant! For years this was groovy Then demographics changed, more factories, suburbs, long commutes air pollution acid rain, oil embargoes global climate change hucksterism etc... now gasoline doesnt seem like such a good idea, but the oil companies still have a shitton of the crap, and they have to get rid of it. if it were legal to run your car on Methanol, you would not want gasoline unless it was way cheaper than methanol, but since hillbillies can make the shit for pennies a gallon, fuck, oil companies would be stuck with gasoline coming out their asses.

and that boys and girls is why running your car on Methanol is illegal. SUPER ILLEGAL 25 to life Illegal. Running your car on methanol is 3 felonies, thats real butslammin prison time.

felony 1) modifying your car into an explosive device (lol, its true. a car running on methanol is considered a bomb)
felony 2) Illegal possession and operation of an unlicensed still, which is considered a bomb too.
felony 3) as soon as one wheel of your car touches any road which connects to the interstate highway system you are officially a bootlegger.

sorry bro. dont drop the soap.


Well-Known Member
Ahh the ethanol boondoggle. Did you know that the best way to make fuel from corn is to use the STALKS not the grain? Strange but true. When fermenting and distilling alcohol there are 2 main types. Ethanol, which is pretty much just moonshine, and Methanol, which is not.

Ethanol is made from fermenting the corn grain, and is drinkable. Moonshiners used to smuggle it into the city for sale, in their gas tanks. They would run their cars on the shit, with backseats replaced by barrels jerry cans and old beer kegs full of home made whiskey. if the revenuers got behind them, they could just run till they were out of gas, leaving no evidence. A car can run real good on corn whiskey, but you need to richen the mixture at the carburetor, advance the shit out of the ignition timing, add steel or lead seats to the valve surfaces, and when completed you cant run that thing on gasoline ever again. Unless you like catching on fire.

Methanol however, thats a horse of a different color. This stuff actually pack more energy per liter than gasoline, (even though it burns cooler, it expands a hell of a lot more under pressure in the cylinder, pushing pistons harder) it burns cooler, can be extinguished with water, and is more stable in long term storage. The best part is, you make it from agricultural waste! corn stalks wood chips, lawn clippings and even old orange peels. You can run straight Methanol, and get better fuel mileage than gasoline, or mix it with gas if necessary with no problems. Methanol doesnt require any changes to the engine and you can switch back and forth all you like, and when it burns it makes carbon dioxide, and water. thats it. no NOX no CO no flourine, none of the bad shit.. The only downside to Methanol? The shit is poisonous. Course gasoline isnt a health tonic either.

Methanol aint new. it's the active ingredient in Sterno, it has been used to run cars in the past, and is a very cheap way for hillbillies to get drunk (it also makes them blind, or dead) Why not use it instead of gas? the big oil companies have a problem.

once you extract the most valuable parts of a barrel of oil, you are left with 3 things

Tar. thats the really heavy useless shit in oil. So much tar that we can make roads out of it. Asphalt road surfacing saves the oil companies the expense of dumping it, and puts a few pennies in their pocket.
Propane the super light useless shit in oil. it's expensive to store and transport, but it is a handy revenue enhancer. They have way more than they can sell and often have to burn it off cuz they cant just release it. (thats the big ass flame you see at refineries)
Gasoline. yeah its too light to make into plastics or industrial feeder hydrocarbons (the shit they use to make pharmaceuticals, dyes, semiconductor coatings, etc... where the real money in oil comes from.) so they sell it ass motor fuel. thats right, your car is a mobile waste storage and disposal system for an oil company's garbage. The first cars ran on natural gas, but that sucked. then some ran on coal, which also sucked. then came kerosene but that was more expensive cuz it was also lamp fuel.after that, for years cars were all about wood alcohol. Then along came the clever idea of burning these useless petroleum ethers. the shit was practically free, burned good, worked almost as well as wood alcohol and was already just lying around. Brilliant! For years this was groovy Then demographics changed, more factories, suburbs, long commutes air pollution acid rain, oil embargoes global climate change hucksterism etc... now gasoline doesnt seem like such a good idea, but the oil companies still have a shitton of the crap, and they have to get rid of it. if it were legal to run your car on Methanol, you would not want gasoline unless it was way cheaper than methanol, but since hillbillies can make the shit for pennies a gallon, fuck, oil companies would be stuck with gasoline coming out their asses.

and that boys and girls is why running your car on Methanol is illegal. SUPER ILLEGAL 25 to life Illegal. Running your car on methanol is 3 felonies, thats real butslammin prison time.

felony 1) modifying your car into an explosive device (lol, its true. a car running on methanol is considered a bomb)
felony 2) Illegal possession and operation of an unlicensed still, which is considered a bomb too.
felony 3) as soon as one wheel of your car touches any road which connects to the interstate highway system you are officially a bootlegger.

sorry bro. dont drop the soap.
What's most of that have to do with subsidising corn?
Who said anything about methanol?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What's most of that have to do with subsidising corn?
Who said anything about methanol?
It has everything to do with corn subsidies. E85 flexfuel was made from ethanol, corn whiskey. the subsidy you mentioned was specifically to increase corn production, for more ethanol. my point is, ethanol is the worst choice for a renewable fuel source, while methanol is one of the best.

the wacky machinations the oil industry and ADM used to keep your car running on gasoline resulted in the current problems with air pollution and all that rot. most people dont know how good methanol is as a motor fuel, nor that its so easy to make, you can do it in your garage with grass clippings or straw. thats my point.


Well-Known Member
It has everything to do with corn subsidies. E85 flexfuel was made from ethanol, corn whiskey. the subsidy you mentioned was specifically to increase corn production, for more ethanol. my point is, ethanol is the worst choice for a renewable fuel source, while methanol is one of the best.

the wacky machinations the oil industry and ADM used to keep your car running on gasoline resulted in the current problems with air pollution and all that rot. most people dont know how good methanol is as a motor fuel, nor that its so easy to make, you can do it in your garage with grass clippings or straw. thats my point.
I'm sorry. In my baked stupor earlier I thought you were ripping on me. LOL!
Yeah, It doesn't make much sense.


Well-Known Member
In Minnesota E85 is/was the next big thing. Corn fuel. Not only did the farmers receive subsidies to grow corn, but it artifically drove up the price of corn. Win/Win for the farmer.

Do most people buy E85? NO! The shit sucks. For roughly 10% savings in fuel price, I lost 33% in gas mileage. It costs MORE per mile than gasoline.

This is of course only after you were charged extra for the truck with the E85 engine.

Some politicians have plans of totally switching over to E85.

God I love government intervention.
It's worse than you think. Production of ethanol uses more oil based energy (fuel,fertilizer,etc) than contained in the ethanol.