The Making Of A Monster!

me toooo.......

First off i have been treadin water for weeks now..............

my help returned yesterday....................

i am sure you can see the smile from there!

Bloodas for the days in i think they are 6-7 weeks or so
me toooo.......

First off i have been treadin water for weeks now..............

my help returned yesterday....................

i am sure you can see the smile from there!

Blood as for the days in i think they are 6-7 weeks or so

Cool....Its a shame you had to truge through all the work alone for the most part......Only to have your "helper" show back up around harvest time.

Figures. :mrgreen:

But Im sure you could use all the help you can get. Make him manicure ALL the plants to make up for lost time. :blsmoke:
I have an aerogarden and I noticed that a few people on this site had good success with it. I was hoping to get some advice as far as the changing of lighting and the nutes if somebody has done this before
A few questions if you get a chance to answer.

1. When you say you have a static garden do you mean that the environmental controls are on all the time? Fan blowing through vents always on, CO2 always on? Also are you using an Air conditioner?

2. What do you think about light movers? Ever used them think they are a good idea?.

3. What is your specific regimen when your plants become infected with spider mites and afids? How do you systematically rid your garden of them and how long does it take.

4. Can you specifically state any and all steps you take to make your plants shorter and bushier. I know you said you don't like to cut or bend. You use MH exclusively for veg to help with this? anything else?

5. Do you normally run your lights during the day or night time.

6. Do you ever foliage feeding where you spray the plants with nutrients? Would you reccommend this?

Thanks for taking the time to answer if you can get around to it. Last one. Did I read correctly that you are in Texas? I live in central Texas and love it here.
A few questions if you get a chance to answer.

1. When you say you have a static garden do you mean that the environmental controls are on all the time? Fan blowing through vents always on, CO2 always on? Also are you using an Air conditioner?

2. What do you think about light movers? Ever used them think they are a good idea?.

3. What is your specific regimen when your plants become infected with spider mites and afids? How do you systematically rid your garden of them and how long does it take.

4. Can you specifically state any and all steps you take to make your plants shorter and bushier. I know you said you don't like to cut or bend. You use MH exclusively for veg to help with this? anything else?

5. Do you normally run your lights during the day or night time.

6. Do you ever foliage feeding where you spray the plants with nutrients? Would you reccommend this?

Thanks for taking the time to answer if you can get around to it. Last one. Did I read correctly that you are in Texas? I live in central Texas and love it here.

I want to answer this one abud,

Ok, I'm the garden Noam over these little ladies, 1-Yes, 2- Yes they are nice, 3- plants get weak on the lower branches and they will move in there and take over. 4- we do a few things to keep them short and bushie "stacking the nodes", one way is bushmaster, another is keeping the light close and the natural genetics of the plant. abud runs night and day, i run at night. Yes foliage feeding is good for youngsters and early fruiting stag.:blsmoke::peace:
thanks token, if you would only update all these threads,

Token has really become a asset to my network, Thanks

lets hope he doesn't go disapperaing this time round...

good growin guys

his loss if so, we only live once and some times you got to do what you got to do, this man has a good heart, and he puts up with me, i hope he will replace me one day. reguardless he has a very important role with me.
We both have suffetred set backs, that was then, this is now
