The man code - extended

See that would be AGAINST our man code, it just some thing he did for the team , not for himself. So there is "no leg to stand on" to mock or take the piss. As "you didnt" take one "FOR THE TEAM" - now you could be considered coward, selfish etc.
It a team effort to "go out together"


ah but he went too far he did'nt have to mount the beast :bigjoint:
sometimes you do ;)
I remember being a young bloke, it didn't much matter back then.... these rules apply alot to growing up ....hehehe
I know I took a couple !
Sisters, best friends etc.... usually wont come home with out the other ;)

sometimes you do ;)
I remember being a young bloke, it didn't much matter back then.... these rules apply alot to growing up ....hehehe
I know I took a couple !
Sisters, best friends etc.... usually wont come home with out the other ;)


been there done that 20yrs ago lol
ok i will amend that one
different twist=10. “taking one for the team” (agreeing to distract the skanky friend of the hot babe he's trying to score) is your legal your duty. But should you get carried away with your good deed and end up getting on the beast/fatty, your pals are within there right's to mock and ridicule you as long as the said mounting, was not nessesary
OK that will fit :)

10. “taking one for the team PART 2” (agreeing to distract the skanky friend of the hot babe he's trying to score) is your legal your duty. But should you get carried away with your good deed and end up getting on the beast/fatty, your pals are within there right's to mock and ridicule you as long as the said mounting, was not nessesary
hahahaha I broke the shit out of number 1 like 100 times thats why im not friends with some people now.
im going to edit some of the bro code to fit the man code, Ill repost it if anyones intrested.
1. It is unacceptable for a man to spend more time "Getting ready" than his girlfriend.
2. When attempting to hook up with females, use your brain. If you attempt to fuck 2 girls who are best friends, they will undoubtedly tell each other. resulting in them both being pissed off at you, and you getting NOTHING.
3. At no time is it acceptable for a guy to give his buddy a massage of any type. even of his ego.
1. It is unacceptable for a man to spend more time &quot;Getting ready&quot; than his girlfriend.
2. When attempting to hook up with females, use your brain. If you attempt to fuck 2 girls who are best friends, they will undoubtedly tell each other. resulting in them both being pissed off at you, and you getting NOTHING.
3. At no time is it acceptable for a guy to give his buddy a massage of any type. even of his ego.

sorry but unless you intend to date one of the two girls, #2 is irrelevent. considering the possibility of a conflict due to sex would be very UNMANLY and will/should earn you the title of "princess". the bragging rights far outweigh any negetive results. especially if you have already dated one. having sex with a bitchy EX's best friend is perfectly acceptable and whatever happens afterwards is between the two women and thier female code. my friend had sex with a girl and then her best friend and he is now and forever "the man". hooking up with a girl and the brain do not go hand in hand.

am i right eza??

heres a good on for the list

-MEN get haircuts at BARBERS, salons/stylists are for WOMEN. if you're haircut costs more than 15$ including the tip and involves more than scissors and're name is princess.

sorry but unless you intend to date one of the two girls, #2 is irrelevent. considering the possibility of a conflict due to sex would be very UNMANLY and will/should earn you the title of "princess". the bragging rights far outweigh any negetive results. especially if you have already dated one. having sex with a bitchy EX's best friend is perfectly acceptable and whatever happens afterwards is between the two women and thier female code. my friend had sex with a girl and then her best friend and he is now and forever "the man". hooking up with a girl and the brain do not go hand in hand.

am i right eza??

heres a good on for the list
I just didnt want to say it ;)
-MEN get haircuts at BARBERS, salons/stylists are for WOMEN. if you're haircut costs more than 15$ including the tip and involves more than scissors and're name is princess.

Thats another cracker !
To be honest there are a lot of rules on here. It'd be much better if you stuck to just your top 20 or something.

over 50% of them I don't agree with. Like waiting for a woman for 100 minutes if she is a 10 on the scale?

If I were meeting a woman somewhere and she showed up more than 20 minutes late I'd just peace out.

Here's some real men rules.

Don't wait on women. Don't wait for women.

You are the prize, not them. If they are the prize, you'll never get it.
hhmmmm, I dont know how take the post, mixed messages.

The man code is what it is like it or lump it. ROFL
nah i didn't mean any offense by the post i was just stating my opinion

i could go through 1 by 1 and tell u why i disagree/agree but that wouldn't prove anything and would be a waste of time..

its ur list after all, i just suggest you compile a list of the best/most important ones