the men's rights movement in a nutshell


Well-Known Member

They are hyper passive aggressive, does that fit with the stereotypical neck bearded archetype men's rights activist? I get a more condescending feeling from the fedora wearers then undo passive aggressive.

Anyone have a better idea where the ideal location would be? Or is Seattle the right choice?

I submit San Diego as a better option, maybe a suburb of San Jose perhaps.

They are hyper passive aggressive, does that fit with the stereotypical neck bearded archetype men's rights activist? I get a more condescending feeling from the fedora wearers then undo passive aggressive.

Anyone have a better idea where the ideal location would be? Or is Seattle the right choice?

I submit San Diego as a better option, maybe a suburb of San Jose perhaps.
I think we should rename our cities with American names.
What's your issue with men's rights?

In most facets of society, men hold priority, no question, but there are also many things in society where men don't have equal rights. The mens rights movement, just like the feminist movement, attempts to illuminate these differences.

I think it should just be an all around humanist movement, forget about feminism or mens rights, equality shouldn't be gender based (nor sexual orientation, race, religion, or skin color based..)

These sort of petty pop shots at any movement is just childish and unproductive
These sort of petty pop shots at any movement is just childish and unproductive

Its ub, wtf did you expect? He's either apologizing for all the wrongs the whites done to the blacks, or blasting everything else that exists, including his own brain.
Funny how the equal rights movement was transformed into gay rights, men's rights, women's rights, blacks rights, etc

Congratulations, if you support any of the above then they've successfully divided the population again.

Let's fuck all the bullshit and just go back to the campaign for equal rights of the individual, mmkay?
Funny how the equal rights movement was transformed into gay rights, men's rights, women's rights, blacks rights, etc

Congratulations, if you support any of the above then they've successfully divided the population again.

Let's fuck all the bullshit and just go back to the campaign for equal rights of the individual, mmkay?

But, but, what would happen to all the race baiters then?