The Molasses Debate Thread.

Good points man! it sounds like soil growers could use any quantity of molasses they would like, and if the roots get oxygen deprived a perfect solution would be a hydrogen peroxide/ water mix as it really oxidizes the roots.

If one were to use this molasses/water/h2o2 method then they could use a greater quantity of molasses which makes me wonder if the higher molasses content would make denser/ sweeter buds?

or is there a platoe for the levels and what would that be? hmmm its good to wonder

Not a good idea because H202 kills what it is you're trying to feed.
No you moron (sorry I can't use more eloquent words to describe your foolish self ATM); this has only to do with the fact that you're going on about shit you know nothing about, and belittling others for using horticultural products. Hello! How are you going to talk about a product (or anything, really) or regard it the way you do when you don't really know what it is and haven't used it?
This is what I am getting from you: OMG it costs $30 and I don't know what it is nor have I used it but I am going to tell everyone it is "sugar water\tea concentrate" or "molasses broken down into the form of simple sugars" or some other bullshit that makes my cheap ignorant ass smell dandy even though LK has very little to do with molasses. And you get to talk this crap but "I" am rambling and "I" think "I" am so smart and blah blah blah. Get real bro.

Look the little cyber bully is still crying! hahaha you’re totally classic dullis, keep on dulling us with your retardation, with all the swearing and carrying on I think you probably have the I.Q. similar to that of jellyfish, Do you ever feel out of breath? I’m curious because I don’t understand how you can breathe with your pants so low to your face. Honestly if you had one less chromosome you’d be a plant and somebody would have to water you to keep you a live. Now run along little fella…back to your mom’s basement where I’m sure you spend countless hours manually copulating yourself
yeah the 1 tablespoon per gallon mix seems to be the general recommendation

I'm wondering if there would be any negative effects of using too much molasses in the mix
I usually fill up a water jug then pour some molasses in no idea what the ratio is haha

nice buds by the way cooter!

Thanks Man! PM me if you ever get out this way! I'll share with you!
You should have a good look in the mirror. Interestingly enough though you're still wrong. And it's all because Liquid Karma isn't about molasses, doesn't contain molasses, and generally isn't what you assume it to be... but you can't admit that, so keep rambling. It amuses me for about ten seconds at a time. If my "swearing" is what you take issue with... look at where the fuck you're at. We grow mother fucking illegal flowers, here. Leave your fucking manners at the door (or at least don't fucking expect any if you're just going to start spreading bullshit misinformation).

People like you are just so godfucking damned irritating (not so much but hey its online!). Big motherfucking deal if a person wants to purchase a god damned gardening product from a fucking hydrogarden\horticulture oriented company that has been developing plant products for just about 20 years. The price of LK is nothing: it lasts plenty long, serves multiple functions, and is a single product (as opposed to the 6+ some other companies would like you to buy). LK doesn't necessarily replace blackstrap, and blackstrap can't replace it. You can certainly use them both at the same time. But you assume you know exactly what it is... so you accuse me of having some financial interest in a plant food company because I expose you talking bullshit about one of their products- since you obviously know nothing about it. Are you not realizing this or do you just keep forgetting?

You're seriously making yourself look like a jackass (oh no! not the J word!). You could be explaining how you can make Liquid Karma at home for $3, but instead you're still talking useless shit. If only you could get past the swears and see the logic in what I am saying, maybe you wouldn't be such a piece of crap... And I have to roll my eyes here because if me calling you that or a "jackass" or a "moron", et al. offends you; and it obviously does by the looks of how you respond like the bigger child: get over yourself. At least my 'insults' (if you can call them that) still revolve around a logical premise, in contrast to your comments which are a clear diversion from the topic at hand (all provided by your previous diversion from the topic at hand).
Well... you know what? People talking bullshit when they are ignorant is a primary issue around here. This is why we have people thinking they can use a shit load of molasses to make their buds "dense and sweet". I try to correct this bastard about something he knows nothing about and the rest follows. He can't come down off his "$30 sugar/tea water concentrate" trip long enough to just go "oh, I didn't know that" or whatever; instead it must be that I have a vested interest in Botanicare. So I call him ignorant, a moron, a piece of shit and a jackass because hey! it pertains to his pig headed ignorant bullshit comment (and he could have not accused me of having a "capitol interest" in a company over this crap or maybe kept his mouth shut in the first place).
Good points man! it sounds like soil growers could use any quantity of molasses they would like, and if the roots get oxygen deprived a perfect solution would be a hydrogen peroxide/ water mix as it really oxidizes the roots.

If one were to use this molasses/water/h2o2 method then they could use a greater quantity of molasses which makes me wonder if the higher molasses content would make denser/ sweeter buds?

or is there a platoe for the levels and what would that be? hmmm its good to wonder

By adding H2o2 you are killing your microherd that you are then trying to feed with molasses, STOP USING H2o2 if you value the symbiotic relationship your plants have with the microherd enough to feed them molasses why are you murdering them with the H2o2 solution?

The dry varieties are just molasses added to an organic carrier (typically grain). I believe this is more for the convenience of applying outdoors (field applications) than anything.
The dry varieties are just molasses added to an organic carrier (typically grain). I believe this is more for the convenience of applying outdoors (field applications) than anything.

So basically there is no advantage or disadvantage in using the dry vs liquid i'm assuming.Okay then i think i'll scratch trying the dry.Unless i can purchase at a cheaper price vs the liquid.They need to make bigger jars of grandmas molasses.
Not that I am aware except it's easier to apply outside. Grandmas is alright but it isn't blackstrap, which you should get if you can (like Plantations brand). Usually blackstap is found in the health food section of the store. I have seen larger glass bottles of Plantation Blackstrap at a local health food store. Earth Juice also sells Hi-Brix in gallon+ quantities.
Not that I am aware except it's easier to apply outside. Grandmas is alright but it isn't blackstrap, which you should get if you can (like Plantations brand). Usually blackstap is found in the health food section of the store. I have seen larger glass bottles of Plantation Blackstrap at a local health food store. Earth Juice also sells Hi-Brix in gallon+ quantities.

I prefer to stay away from the weed shops so i stick to the grocery store.Grandmas is the only one carried around my parts that i have been able to find.Have not even thought about a "health food" store,good tip.Wonder about places like GNC an stuff.Think i'll bust out the phonebook and call around.
I use Tate&Lyles black treacle here in UK. Only 1 Tbsp/40 gals in my hydro system as i worry about clogging.
I can see how the sugars could feed the mycchorriza etc in a soil grow but this doesn't apply in hydro.
I think it is more of a chelating agent in this instance, probably by changing the properties of the electrolyte (water in our case) thus increasing the cation exchange rate.
Do any of you here use EM, i mix em with molasses cuz sometimes people have used molasses and not had the results they wanted mostly i think cuz the micro organisms there trying to feed were not there or were unbalanced, i think this is where molasses gets its bad press and myths, by introducing a balanced microorganism culture in your soil you multiply the effect of molasses .
^That's probably true. As you can see we have some people using molasses in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide, and no doubt bottled chemical nutrients as well or in media already doused with chemicals/lacking good microbes.
see like hydro peroxide will kill ur small little friend, sorry for not reading the whole thread cuz i missed that post but you can't mix those two together and expect good results
^ Right. The Tiger Bloom contains synthetic salts and chelating agents (EDTA) which are purported to negatively impact soil biota. Hydroponics pH Up products are also popular, and contraindicated; KOH (potassium hydroxide) is a common ingredient in detergents\soap and is known to reduce biological activity.
So something no one has mentioned on here is that sugars in the final product contribute to harshness of the smoke. It is my understanding that that is what curing is all about, breaking down chlorophyll and sugars. It made me question if using the molasses was negatively impacting my final product.
What do ya'all got to say about that?
I began using molasses after I realized what RC-Cola's secret ingredient was on the old cannabis culture website.... it was all in the name.
RC-Cola grew some gnarly buds....
I used Molasses on several grows and I believe it increased trichrome and resin production as well as improving the sweetness of my grapey purple strain.
Chlorophyll and plant carbs do break down during the cure; but research tends to indicate that plant roots don't absorb significant amounts of exogenous sucrose. The sugars\carbohydrates in the molasses are utilized by soil biota (primarily bacteria but fungi also at lower rates). However, the minerals blackstrap contains could potentially lend a harshness to your smoke if you use it excessively during the final weeks. Flavor\aroma arises due to the array of terpenoid and phenolic compounds the plant produces. Again, if the molasses is providing a previously limited nutrient (like K or some trace elements) then the health of the plant and quality of the final product should certainly improve as the plant can grow closer to full potential. Of course it can also help keep your soil happy which is always a good thing.