Well-Known Member
i own a shotgun! but everybody quit bashing canna!!!! he is doing the right thing nd he never claimed to be gangster.
u know what it is. sometimes people dont understand somthing, that try and relate it to the closest thing to fit that description. because i talk a certian way, because i used to own a gun,and ill even go as far as me selling drugs that makes me a gangster? lol around here thats the average 14 year old. its sad but its true. if i was to fall under a lable it wouldnt be gangster. i have never killed anybody, and i dont seek plesure out of hurting anyone. i sold drugs to keep the lights and the water on in my house, and i was too young at the time to get a real job. and the only reason i bought a gun was because men broke into the apartment next to mines and stole eveything and made my neighbors wife give the theiff head while my neighbor watched. i never used the gun in combination with the other. but um, i gotta go to work, but um. yea ppl say things like that only because they dont understand. no sense of getting bent out of shape because people are going to judge you everyday of your life. but thanks tho. im glad u see it for what it is and not for what people wanna make it out to be.