the most fucked up thing someone ever did to me(must read)

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Is it a choice handgun like a Sig Sauer, or is it a POS Saturday Night Special?
im not sure what kind of gun it is. but its a 9mm. im just not sure what type of 9mm. im gunna see if i can google it later

lol shit... well i prb dont have the best storyy but its funny...
i had a 420 party at my crib. last year. we had a lil more than half a pound of some canadian dank and shit. all of my boys roll like 15 blunts, we had a nice fire out a few girls and started to smoke the funny thing was that my parents were at the house and i was 18 at the time stil in high school. there were about 20 dudes with a blunt in there hands smoking outside in my backyard, and my parents came out a few times but did not notice. couple of my freind took some pills in the house right as my dad came in, i almost shit my pants but he didnt even kno wtf was happening lol. but yeah evenatually around 3 a.m. all my buddies and a few ladies just passed out with a blunt in the hands and almost caught the house on fire. i had alot of explainig to do that morning but it was just another good day in the neighborhood!!!
lmao oh shit. thats crazy bruh.

who smokes 9 blunts. what a waste of good bud
what the fuck are you smoking? 9 blunts is a good night where i come from.

son this guy needs to move out of his neighborhood if he's about to involve police in his business... he's not street wise, he's never been involved in the streets or else that would have never shown up in his own post
its not like i wanna rat him out or put myself in a fucked up situation. if i was to hand it in i wouldnt even give it to them. id call from a pay phone and tell them where to pick it up. and its not like im bein a hotboy by postin this issue on a thread cuz its not like nypd is lookin at this and gettin ready to take everybody in. they have worse issues to take care of.

'Gangstas' who carry guns and play the 'game' smoke 9 blunts. It helps to flesh out their perception....unfortunately.
r u fuckin serious? i dont even know if i wanna respond to this.

I guess I am cut from a different cloth than some of you.

It is not unreasonable that someone would ditch a murder weapon / one that was used in a crime. I could not live with myself if I sold it or gave it back to my "friend" and they killed someone and I certainly would not keep it.

I am hoping that you didnt pick it up and start playing with it. Makes the whole thing a lot easier if your prints arent all over it.

Call 911: "can you please send an officer over here. I found a gun in my front yard."

Cop shows up:
"I found this in my front yard, (if you touched it) I thought it was a toy so I picked it up - realized it was real and picked it up with a ziplock and brought it inside cause there were kids playing outside." "I don't know anything about it."

They aren't going to arrest you. How many criminals have you ever heard of that have turned in a gun? They do stupid shit like the advice you are getting on here (sell it, throw it somewhere else, keep it). It is stupid to think that you would get in trouble for turning a gun in.
i kno what you mean. its just i was really stressin, and i wassnt sure what to do, iso i thought i could come on here and somebody would give me some good advice, but for the most part it didnt turn out that way. dont worry its not spending another night in my house. i got the cement mix and im gunna fill it in tomarrow morning and then im gunna take it upstate and bury it. or better yet, im either gunna bury it in the woods or im gunna throw it in the river. idk but im getting rid of it.

First off, If a supposed mate of mine did that shit I would teach him to show respect to me and my fam, no way in hell I would let that slide. Second I have a very bad past with cops, I've made mistakes and paid for it, but I would still turn in that gun. Don't let there be a chance that it will get into someones hands and be used for a murder, that blood will also be on your hands. Lastly, enough with the personal attacks people make, it's that type of attitude that keeps everyone from gathering together and pushing for at least legal medical marijuana in every state. Personally I am waiting for NY legislation on the medical marijuana bill, I would much rather get my script and grow legally.
hell yea, i feel u, he is gunna get the beating of a lifetime

well fair enough canna your a better man than i am! I wouldnt be handin in shit cause ive stayed away from shit like that and i wouldnt need some friend(fool) fool bringing shit like that around me when all i wana do is grow my herb!
its not that im better than you. and me and him are not friends anymore. its just i havent been able to punch him in the face and tell him because he is avoiding me.

reading this is a waste of time. the only reference to cannabis is i woke up after a 9 blunt session etc..
can we stop postin useless info??
well seeing as how this is the toke and talk section, and seeing as how im toking and talking, i do believe it shows relevance, ortherwise it would of been either moved to the proper spot or removed. and normally i dont agree with name calling, but your a fuckin dumbass..................

Do Americans often sleep with men then leave guns behind when they leave?
What an wild country!
Apart from the sleeping with other chaps, America sound jolly interesting.
Also I really like Hamburger Helper and Hershey Kisses, where does one apply for a green card?
...................we didnt sleep together, we were smoking in my room. most bedrooms dont have couches and shit in them. we were sitting on the bed listning to music playin nba live and shit. and he passed out, so we pretty much layed down the way we were sitting. he layed at the foot of the bed and i layed at the head of the bed. i have a king size bed, and we were nowhere near eachother. and obveously most of yall take pussy tokes cuz youve never smoked so much u just lamped out where ever u were? thoes who smoke alot of weed know exactly what im talkin about....................


Well-Known Member
yea. he is still avoiding me. and i kno ppl who have seen him and spoke to him, and he knows i've been looking for him. so i have a feeling he knows i know about the gun.


Active Member
I'd def fuck that man up thats sum dumb shit ta dump off on u...and some of yall are so damn quick ta judge calm the fuck down or stfu, fucking ignorant...


Well-Known Member
yea. he is still avoiding me. and i kno ppl who have seen him and spoke to him, and he knows i've been looking for him. so i have a feeling he knows i know about the gun.
Sounds like it. :evil: I wonder, though, did he leave it there on purpose or was it just an accident? Hard to tell if you can't fucking talk to him. At any rate, I hope things work out for ya.


Well-Known Member
Now thats a certified plan...:joint:

actually i like that plan. i was gunna fill it in today, but i smoked alot of bud last night so i didnt wake up untill, and also its raining outside. maybe i should do it now anyway, witht he rain going on that means that nobody is outside to see me do all this...............but yea thats a good idea, it saves me time and energy, but like i said the kid is avoiding me


Well-Known Member
i smoek a shit load canna! 9 blutns aint really nothing, unles your tight on money and or bud.
yea i am tight on money how'd you guess? lol na but seriously the weed that we was smoking was mad dank. i mean it was one of the best buds i've ever had. so 9 and a half blunts did me justice.


Well-Known Member
It'd probably be best if he doesn't take pictures of it, as tempting as that may be. Could come back to haunt him later on.


Well-Known Member
i finally met up with the kid. i seen him at micky d's and i grabed him and threw him out the doors and into the micky d's parking lot.and i start screaming at him. he told me that he was so high that he forgot it. and that he had it on him because he just started dealin heroin. im like heroin!? do u kno that a fuckin heroin charge is 25 to life? wtf u thinkin? he is all like, "you know how it is B, i need the money" and i tell him, you dont need the money that bad, your living pretty good. he said that the reason he never talked to me about the gun was because he thought there were a million places he could of left it. but i was a dick to him. he asked for the gun back and i told him i filled it with cement already, then he got pissed off at me. and was like you owe me 200 dollars. i was like r u fuckin serious i dont owe you shit. he swung at me and we got into a fight in the micky'd s parking lot. long story short were not friends anymore, and he said he gunna get some ppl to get his money, but im not worried about it. he is a fuckin asshole and risked my family. so i have every right to be pissed off. idk im just glad its over man, i've been pissed off about it for too long.


Well-Known Member
wait you were laying in bed.fuckin? regardless, eff the gun, go trade for some killer herb

na kid, we was smokin on my bed and he passed out, and i was too high to kick him off of my bed so i pushed him to the far end of my bed, and i slept on the opposite side.


Well-Known Member
Sorry it had to come to blows between you two... :(

I hope he doesn't send anyone after you. If he is dealing H, then he probably knows some desperate and stupid people who'll do anything for him. Be safe, dude. :peace:
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