The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

Any of you guys watch weeds?I was hoping to learn how to grow 50lbs a week like the kid in weeds in a van parked outside my house.
Any of you guys watch weeds?I was hoping to learn how to grow 50lbs a week like the kid in weeds in a van parked outside my house.

anybody see the thread where the guy wanted to grow in his parents RV over winter with solar panels?

god i wish i could find it. it was good for at least two times wiping coffee off the monitor.
Hey everyone, im intrested in getting a strain that is rare but that is available to get of some sites everytime I watch pineapple express I think man I want a strain like that haha cause when I hear man its sooo rare its almost a sin to smoke her im the only guy in the city with it its gets me thinking lmao but serioulsy if there are any you know of but that are available but not even so much rare just less of other strains you know what I mean lol

because i want to be a weed barron

it's a movie buddy...

no I know it is im not talking about actual pineapple express dude im just saying it there anything that is less available you know

if it's sold online it's not gonna be a rare strain


yeah I agree with you dude what im looking for a strain the looks great and is a HIGH yielder but not tooooooooooo tall lol and obv smokes really good know any lol

and a partridge in a pear tree.

its like killing a unicorn...with a bomb

whats like a unicorn with a bomb what is the strain like?

THAT made me straight-up pee my pants. Comedy GOLD!

its a long quote, but the end is worth it.

i cant believe he said "whats the strain like?"

heres another one, today is a great day -

I have grown outdoors (guerrilla) before and it didn't come out very successful (partially because the were found). I'm now growing my first time indoors (3 plants from bag seeds). I'm curious if I had a female plant sitting near a male plant indoors, would the female grow faster or produce more yield? When a female begins to flower it is trying to attract the pollen from the male. Would the pheromone from the male plant increase flowering on a female?

fucking know, gettin them "in the mood"
hehe.. pheromones, yeah take some DHEA from walgreens, and pour it into your watering supply.. lol.
Pure entertainment.

I read trashy romance novels to my girls, gets them all worked up and I can actually see the buds swelling like a heaving bosom. :wink:
i question whether that nike guy actually did watch pineapple express. i kept sending quotes at him and he never noticed them.
Pure entertainment.

I read trashy romance novels to my girls, gets them all worked up and I can actually see the buds swelling like a heaving bosom. :wink:

"And when I had excised my pantaloons, I had noticed my maidens calyx's swell like billowing bosoms ...and I knew that my swollen loins need seek comfort in them."

Haha!!!!! 8============>
I still haven't seen that movie, it's been a long wait on netflix since it came out. I think the stoners are hogging it.

Send your netflix back dammit, some of us are still waiting.....

i question whether that nike guy actually did watch pineapple express. i kept sending quotes at him and he never noticed them.
its good. not great. im kinda tired of seth rogan. my favorites are 40 year old virgin and superbad.

but on that nike situation. in his thread he specifically talks about that exact scene i quoted, and he still didnt notice it. oo well:-P