The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)

THIS IS MY KIND OF GAY....[video=youtube;w-CrNDaj3tk][/video]
It's funny how when people have made complete fools of themselves, and then been called on it, they switch to arguing semantics.
were you ever really that serious?

just breathe out and let it go. ;)

My breathing is steady and relaxed. And blind ignorant hatred is something that I'm very serious about.

That you chose defending this guy as your cause is telling and disheartening.

Oh well, it's the membership and not the management that make this place great.
My breathing is steady and relaxed. And blind ignorant hatred is something that I'm very serious about.

That you chose defending this guy as your cause is telling and disheartening.

Oh well, it's the membership and not the management that make this place great.

this is where you are mistaken. i was never defending the guy. i was simply stating that some of the logic presented was quite silly. i have not stated any true opinion about gays. i hope i wasn't misleading.

My breathing is steady and relaxed. And blind ignorant hatred is something that I'm very serious about.

That you chose defending this guy as your cause is telling and disheartening.

Oh well, it's the membership and not the management that make this place great.

Nah for real bro. I sorta took this thread serious yeturday then I was like "wait...I'm retarded". So I think you need to to do that.

Thanks everyone else for making this thread fucked up again! That gay guy with the muffins had me like O.o
this thread is so full of win and awesome and lulz, my thanks to everyone.

and now, a monkey raping a frog.

this is where you are mistaken. i was never defending the guy. i was simply stating that some of the logic presented was quite silly. i have not stated any true opinion about gays. i hope i wasn't misleading.

Bullshit. You made yourself quite clear. Mystic witty on-liners and all.
Bullshit. You made yourself quite clear. Mystic witty on-liners and all.

once again, you are mistaken. you missed my point apparently. again, i apologize if i mislead you.

i really have no reason to deny anything. so argue against yourself. it means nothing to me. :)
Now this thread is fucked up like its suppost to be....and fdd i like your one liners keep them cumming...i know someone that needs to smoke a bowl and chill..
monkey rape is fucked up, right?
