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I'm confused with your statements. The definition now is very clear.

It's like trying to argue that the earth is flat. Things change, that's life.

i do not believe that simply because someone hates gays that they fear them, or are secretly one themselves. kinda the topic to all this, isn't it? to me "homophobia" means "a fear of". pretty simple, in my eyes.

it seems like a juvenile defense to me. "i hate gays, therefore i must be one."
i do not believe that simply because someone hates gays that they fear them, or are secretly one themselves. kinda the topic to all this, isn't it? to me "homophobia" means "a fear of". pretty simple, in my eyes.

it seems like a juvenile defense to me. "i hate gays, therefore i must be one."
Ok, I can understand that. But to say the meaning of a word is wrong just because you disagree with it doesn't seem right to me.

I really don't care about the gay part of this, I just don't like wrong information being spread.

IF its good enough for god its good enough for me........oh wait Im a fucking evil athiest....ooops
Furthermore you just said it urself! If there is "no preexisting word to define hatred of homo's" then how can that be homophobes definition. That's definately a preexisting word.
Not even reading your previous wall of anti-Oxford text, so I'll respond to this since you were bright enough to keep it short, also I'll respond as though the word phobia means what you think it means, then I'll shit on you. If you look at the etymology of the word homophobia, you'll see that it wasn't a word until hating on homo's became America's second favorite pastime. Since we needed a concise word to define hatred of homo's, homophobia seemed to fit pretty well.

Now that we're past that, let's look at the definition of phobia:


  1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
  2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

Please pay close attention to #2 as that's really what's relevant in this case. And trust me, the definition of phobia wasn't altered just to account for homophobia. Stay in school kid.

Cliffs: you can be homophobic without fearing homo's. Besides, who's afraid of homo's? Lesbians are awesome, and women hit harder than gays. Nothing to fear.
Not even reading your previous wall of anti-Oxford text, so I'll respond to this since you were bright enough to keep it short, also I'll respond as though the word phobia means what you think it means, then I'll shit on you. If you look at the etymology of the word homophobia, you'll see that it wasn't a word until hating on homo's became America's second favorite pastime. Since we needed a concise word to define hatred of homo's, homophobia seemed to fit pretty well.

Now that we're past that, let's look at the definition of phobia:


  1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
  2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
Please pay close attention to #2 as that's really what's relevant in this case. And trust me, the definition of phobia wasn't altered just to account for homophobia. Stay in school kid.

Cliffs: you can be homophobic without fearing homo's. Besides, who's afraid of homo's? Lesbians are awesome, and women hit harder than gays. Nothing to fear.

Homophobia only fits well if ur a dumbass and don't know the def's of the 2 root words. Again, hate isn't in the def of either root word so why would it be a part of the compound word? And I'm so sorry ur not able to read full paragraphs yet. come back and join us when you graduate kindergarden. No wonder you are so ignorant about words and their meanings. You can't even fully read yet by ur own admition.
Ok, I can understand that. But to say the meaning of a word is wrong just because you disagree with it doesn't seem right to me.

I really don't care about the gay part of this, I just don't like wrong information being spread.

Well if u r saying that hate is part of homophobes def then u r definately spreading wrong information!
I'm confused with your statements. The definition now is very clear.

It's like trying to argue that the earth is flat. Things change, that's life.

The earth never changed. It was never flat! Just like the meaning of phobia never changed. It still simply means fear of. The people "back then" who believed the earth was flat were wrong just like anyone who believes that homophobia means a hate of homo's is wrong. Just cause you say or believe something that doesn't make it true.
The earth never changed. It was never flat! Just like the meaning of phobia never changed. It still simply means fear of. The people "back then" who believed the earth was flat were wrong just like anyone who believes that homophobia means a hate of homo's is wrong. Just cause you say or believe something that doesn't make it true.

Pay attention everyone. This is the response of someone who knows they have been beat and has nothing intelligent left to say. Maybe you should return to class with the other kindergardener.

Pay attention everyone. This is the response of someone who knows they have been beat and has nothing intelligent left to say. Maybe you should return to class with the other kindergardener.
Homophobia only fits well if ur a dumbass and don't know the def's of the 2 root words. Again, hate isn't in the def of either root word so why would it be a part of the compound word? And I'm so sorry ur not able to read full paragraphs yet. come back and join us when you graduate kindergarden. No wonder you are so ignorant about words and their meanings. You can't even fully read yet by ur own admition.
Since reading was never your strong point, I'll try to concisely simplify this. In the post you quoted, the definition of the root word "phobia" is right there, plain as day. I'll re-quote it so you can mull it over and argue with a dictionary.

2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

Even if you don't know what aversion means, I'm sure you know what dislike means. It's very similar to hate, just not as strong. That's where the word aversion comes into play, which is "a strong dislike," hey...a strong dislike, sounds like hate to me. You can hate homo's all you want, I wouldn't call you ignorant for it, but I sure will call you ignorant for vehemently arguing an incorrect, objective point.

You can't even fully read yet by ur own admition.

I sure can spell though!
I could care less about society's assumed definitions of words. What I'm talking about is the REAL meaning of the words.

yes, you do care about society's assumed definitions of words. earlier in this thread, you used the term 'fag' to disparage gays. well, since the "REAL" meaning of 'fag' had nothing to do with gays originally, i can only assume you used it in a newer version of society's assumed definition of the word.

unless of course you meant that damn fundamental algebraic geometry.

Not only is hate not in phobia's def


ə/ Show Spelled[foh-bee-uh] Show IPA
–noun a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

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1780–90; extracted from nouns ending in -phobia

aversion, hatred.

pho·bi·a (f
)n.1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

[From -phobia.]

boom, roasted. you should open mouth and insert foot.

why in the hell would it be part of the words def when you put them together. That's ridiculous!

rectum is not in the definition of ass or hole. so why, when you put together the words 'ass' and 'hole' into 'asshole', does asshole suddenly become a synonym for rectum?

that's ridiculous!

Another great example is the word "gay". It's def has always been happy till some homo comes along and just makes up a new meaning to suit their own purposes. Just cause you make something up in ur head that doesn't make it fact.

words only have meaning when we give them meaning. my new word, flapstroopy, is a synonym for a cat who persistently licks itself in the crotch. it only has shared meaning between my wife and i.

when shakespeare invented the word 'bump', it had no meaning until we gave it meaning. it is a made up word. it should refer to nothing, just like 'flapstroopy' should refer to nothing for anyone besides my wife and i. but 'bump' refers to something now, because we as a society gave meaning to the word.

english is an evolving language, you know.

I challenge someone to copy and paste any def of the words homo or phobia that has hate as part of it's description. You can't do it cause it doesn't exist. So y do you add it when you put the words together?

ummm, we did actually, so you should probably wipe the egg off your face.
since these are all made up words, masscom may not use any of them, as they are devoid of meaning to him because he does not care about society's assumed definition of words. since he only cares about the "REAL" meaning of words, and because these words are all invented and have no REAL meaning beyond the assumed definition that society gives them, they have no meaning to him and thus may not be used by him.

control (noun)

in fact, i have no idea how masscom even made it to a "website" on the "internet" since these words should also have no meaning to him, being that they are invented.

crazy shit, dude.
I Guess 'internet' isnt a word, neither is television, and I'll be damned if keyboard and mouse have anything to do with computers.

edit - damnit, unclebuck beat me to the punch
I Guess 'internet' isnt a word, neither is television, and I'll be damned if keyboard and mouse have anything to do with computers.

edit - damnit, unclebuck beat me to the punch

i got there first but you have better examples.

i bet masscom doesn't use a mouse. he uses a remote cursor translocator :razz:

where is he? i can't wait for him to come back. i hope he gets here before i have to go shopping for new boots
"i hate fags because i might turn into one."

you all still trying to prove that, eh?

"i defend homosexuality because i like to suck fat cock."

about as binding.

more weed please. bongsmilie
"I make all my replies in the form of questions, or single sentences, because I'm afraid if I type anymore people might realize I have no real input"

see how that sounds?