Thank you for showing everyone that you are not only a homophobe but also a complete and udder fucking moron.
don't you mean "utter"? lol
Thank you for showing everyone that you are not only a homophobe but also a complete and udder fucking moron.
Yes, thank you for correcting me.don't you mean "utter"? lol
i'll second that.
i used to hate fags too when i was in the military. then i worked with a few. coolest dudes ever, changed my mind about gays. they're people, just like us. some of them are the funniest mofos ive ever met day masscom youre gonna be in trouble, and a fag is gonna help you out. then youre gonna feel like a royal douche for hating someone because of who they screw. do you hate white chicks that hook up with black guys?? i bet you do.
oh and i dont hate ya masscom. shit if you lived in my town id smoke you out, and kick you down some clones...but i would always bust your balls on your caveman is too short to hate. thats not what we're here to do.
I must politely disagree with you. No part of the suffix phobia's definition includes the word hate. Don't take my word for it, look it up like I did. The definition given for phobia is fear of. . . and nowhere in it's definition are the words hatred of.
It was not my intention to argue over this, so I looked up "Homophobia" and find this:
World English Dictionary
homophobia (ˌhəʊməʊˈfəʊbɪə![]()
— n intense hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality [C20: from homo ( sexual ) + -phobia ] 'homophobe — n homo'phobic — adj
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Cite This Source
I really don't know what else to's right there, in front of my eyes...HATRED!...... Hmmmm...maybe just close my eyes and it will go away?
they changed the meaning of marriage. might as well make up a bunch of other shit as well.![]()
dude youre comical. can you read? you must not be old enough to be on this site. stop regurgitating everything you've heard growing up. think for yourself. be original. that might be kinda hard with your mental capacity. maybe you should go read "highlights" or color..remember to stay in the lines and you'll get a shiny sticker!!removed
one more time from wiki:Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and in some cases transgender and intersex people. Definitions refer variably to antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and irrational fear.[1][2][3] Homophobia is observable in critical and hostile behavior such as discrimination[1][2] and violence on the basis of a perceived non-heterosexual orientation. In a 1998 address, author, activist, and civil rights leader Coretta Scott King stated that "Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood."[4]I challenge you to reread this entire thread and find where I ever said I hated anyone. I don't hate them as people, I only hate their actions. Huge difference! That's one reason I've been arguing the LITERAL definition of homophobe. By definition it doesn't describe me at all. I have no hatred or fear of fags, not that homophobe means hatred for queers. For the millionth time break the word down to find it's real meaning. Hate is not in the definition of homo or phobia so I wish all the ignorant queer-lovers would quit making shit up. Ur only showing how little you really know.
one more time from wiki:Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and in some cases transgender and intersex people. Definitions refer variably to antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and irrational fear.[1][2][3] Homophobia is observable in critical and hostile behavior such as discrimination[1][2] and violence on the basis of a perceived non-heterosexual orientation. In a 1998 address, author, activist, and civil rights leader Coretta Scott King stated that "Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood."[4]
just go ahead and read the first sentence a couple of times so you can grasp it. if you cant read it maybe google has a voice recorded definition for you to listen to..but listen to is slowly so you can understand what they are saying. i dont want you to get lost with words like "range" or "negative"
and with that said i cant argue with you anymore dude. you just dont have the capacity. and now youve been on your soap-box for too long now, if you retracted your view you would lose what lil pride you have. im not gonna jack this thread anymore to educate the feeble minded.
back to the gross shit
Mostly because there is no preexisting word to define hatred of homo's. Where would we be without that golden word?
Mostly because there is no preexisting word to define hatred of homo's. Where would we be without that golden word?
I have tolerated this as long as I can.
I have messeged the moderator an he has informed me that any more trolling and people will start getting infractions that will lead too less privliges and even ban if it continues.
Yes ...I have been hoping you would askSO can i be your dildo??
First you say you wont accept "society definition of a word" then you complain that people like you change the meaning of words and it confuse communication.
Dude your not making any sense anymore. So your not a homophobe you just hate gays, ok got it, why is it so important that others have the same opion as you??
I respect that you stand behind your opions i just wish you you were fighting for a good cause, not to try and create more haters. Seriously hating somoene because they love someone is pretty pathetic when you think about it
Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found. Such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony
So marriage is a legal contract between two people, has nothing to do with a penis or vagina unless your preaching religious views.
First you say you wont accept "society definition of a word" then you complain that people like you change the meaning of words and it confuse communication.
Dude your not making any sense anymore. So your not a homophobe you just hate gays, ok got it, why is it so important that others have the same opion as you??
I respect that you stand behind your opions i just wish you you were fighting for a good cause, not to try and create more haters. Seriously hating somoene because they love someone is pretty pathetic when you think about it
Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found. Such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony
So marriage is a legal contract between two people, has nothing to do with a penis or vagina unless your preaching religious views.