The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)

Amazing. I just smoked a bowl of my home grown low ryder and no anxiety! I'm very prone to panic attacks smoking pot. Even watching a guy get beat to death with a hammer im fine...that poor guy...
I hate gay people to.
The last thing I want to see when I go to the mall is 2 men kissing eachother.Take that shit in the house lol.What the fuck are kids supposed to think when they see that shit?
I swear this city is turning into fucking San Francisco.
I dont care how this goes as long as you dont get into Sheep Bashing................thier cute wooly butts.............and that soft nose that nuzzles you........uh......I said to much never mind........

ROFLMAO.....Now that's funny! +Rep Pony for your sense of humor.......BB
You will make the second person I have to teach the definition of homophobe. Please don't use words unless u know their meaning! To be a homophobe is to be afraid of homo's. Again, I'm not afraid of 'em I just don't like 'em.

Sorry Mass, most of the time I would agree with you, However, for the sake of accuracy, the definition of homophobia is fear or hatred of homosexuality. While I detect no fear on your part, the hatred is pretty obvious. For me, the sum total of my life experiences allows me to view homosexuality in a neutral way. I am neither attracted nor repelled by it. It has no bearing on my life. By all means, avoid gay people if they impact your life in some negative way, but don't waste your time on rant that accomplishes nothing.
Sincerely wishing you, Good luck & good grow.......BB
Sorry Mass, most of the time I would agree with you, However, for the sake of accuracy, the definition of homophobia is fear or hatred of homosexuality. While I detect no fear on your part, the hatred is pretty obvious. For me, the sum total of my life experiences allows me to view homosexuality in a neutral way. I am neither attracted nor repelled by it. It has no bearing on my life. By all means, avoid gay people if they impact your life in some negative way, but don't waste your time on rant that accomplishes nothing.
Sincerely wishing you, Good luck & good grow.......BB

I must politely disagree with you. No part of the suffix phobia's definition includes the word hate. Don't take my word for it, look it up like I did. The definition given for phobia is fear of. . . and nowhere in it's definition are the words hatred of.
I honestly could give a flying fuck about how you feel about yours or anyone elses sexuality buts the FACT that you keep getting the definition of homophobe wrong is just getting fucking annoying.

Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and in some cases transgender and intersex people. Definitions refer variably to antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and irrational fear.[1][2][3] Homophobia is observable in critical and hostile behavior such as discrimination[1][2] and violence on the basis of a perceived non-heterosexual orientation. In a 1998 address, author, activist, and civil rights leader Coretta Scott King stated that "Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood."[4]
I must politely disagree with you. No part of the suffix phobia's definition includes the word hate. Don't take my word for it, look it up like I did. The definition given for phobia is fear of. . . and nowhere in it's definition are the words hatred of.
dude....ive read you go on and on about this, and you are looking ridiculous. homophobia is the fear and HATRED of homos, how many definitions do you have to see?? youre a fuckin homophobe. DEAL WITH IT!

we are not defining the word "phobia" we are defining "homophobe" fear is gonna fall into the definition, because its part of the damn word..its funny you dont like someone based on what they're into sexually...i wouldnt give a fuck if you jacked off to small animals daily, and stuffed no.2 pencils in your ass while you do it!! so why should you care some dude likes suckin cock...more chicks for me!! thats what i figure. its none of your damn biz anyway. you probably have no life.

back to topic...

that 4 guy 1 hammer!! im trying to find a story on it to see why they decided to do that.