The New Trendy Drug of the Future?

Maybe the lack of LSD on the streets is due to a lack of ergot? Im pretty sure I read somewhere that the dramatic shift from MDMA to piperazine pills in the UK scene was brought on by a tighting of the controlls on safrole in Holland.

So you saying the decline is due to the restriction of ergot... I think not!
Not the restriction of ergot, just the lack of it. Maybe due to more efficent anti-fungal treatments or more resistant strains of grain. Im not sayin thats why just wondering. I know some ergot is grown on purpose but im sure a lot is introduced unknown to the farmer. Mind u is the convertion from LSA to LSD efficent? If so i guess there is no need for ergot as LSA containing seeds are easy enough to get a hold of.
Yes but that isn't what im talking about. It is possible to synthasize LSD from LSA but i don't know if it is efficient enough to be worthwhile

'Tis possible but it has nothing to do with the shortage of lack of manufacturing. I absolutely think it has to do with other mimicking chemicals that are much easier to produce and cost much less and has the foggy interpretation of being called legal.

Why risk it when there are easier routes?
Good point. This is exactly what has happened in the UK with MDMA but the drugs being sold as MDMA here are nothing like it. Are the drugs being sold as LSD where you are anything like the real thing? The reason I thought it was due to a lack of manufacturing as I find it hard to get LSD at all where I live.
Mind u is the convertion from LSA to LSD efficent? If so i guess there is no need for ergot as LSA containing seeds are easy enough to get a hold of.

The synthesis is not efficient.

You would be better off using Cafergot and seperating out the caffeine. Then you're good :-)

Are the drugs being sold as LSD where you are anything like the real thing?

You could try out 2C-E
You could try out 2C-E
I am going to order it in 2 weeks when I get paid. I am very experienced with 2C-I and while a giggle I find it rather empty, soulless even. I haven't really learned much about myself unlike I have with LSD or mushrooms. Do u think 2C-E will be different?
i think (real)LSD is getting harder and harder to find. it seems to come around when i least expect it

the pot of the future; JWH018

the cocaine of the future; mephedrone

who knows what the next mind altering drug will be though?
I have heard allot of people talking about mephedrone but really know nothing about it. You say it's the cocaine of the future? Is it really comparable to some good blow? If so I need to try it.
I haven't really learned much about myself unlike I have with LSD or mushrooms. Do u think 2C-E will be different?

You may find the mental exploration of 2c-e to be near par with psilocybe mushrooms or lsd, play around with the dosages. Somewhere around 20-25 (orally) is where most people see what 2c-e is all about.
I would have to take the other side of the coin on that statement. LSD will always be the new LSD. But from your stance of reclaiming the title of most usable, beneficial and easily accessible, correct? I would have to agree with one of the 2c's for sure, but from what I have read, i is more visual, while e is more empatheogenic.

While not having tried e, I would have to say e is the new e(MDMA). Where as i, is the new LSD. But there are many other candidates I haven't tried or am not even familiar with.

I really wish some lysergic analogs hit the RC market in the near future.

While not having tried e, I would have to say e is the new e(MDMA). Where as i, is the new LSD. But there are many other candidates I haven't tried or am not even familiar with.

I think from my experiences, from those of my friends, and from various trip reports.. that is backwards.

So I understand the comparison is as follows:

2C-E > LSD
personaly, I dont get how people compare 2c-i to mdma...To me its apples and orages. 2c-i is tripping, no mistake about it, not rolling.

However, the 2c-e - lsd comparison i can actualy understand. allthough my only 2c-e experience was a mostly a failed attempt( will be making a new thread about it today) , The come up on 2c-e was verry simialr to the come ups ive had on lad everytime I tried it( before the RC fakes were prevelant)
personaly, I dont get how people compare 2c-i to mdma...To me its apples and orages. 2c-i is tripping, no mistake about it, not rolling.

However, the 2c-e - lsd comparison i can actualy understand. allthough my only 2c-e experience was a mostly a failed attempt( will be making a new thread about it today) , The come up on 2c-e was verry simialr to the come ups ive had on lad everytime I tried it( before the RC fakes were prevelant)

I would only connote the body aspect of 2c-i to the likes of mdma. The headspace is totally different... but it felt very much like a classic hippy flip!