The No Fly List

I don't watch ISIS videos or Anwar videos or Taliban videos or anything like that. And I usually buy History books or Religious Books or Text books, so there really is no reason I would be on the list. I just know how people get on there.
You're on all kinds of lists Fin. Just Google your name...your shit's littered all over the net. You got some exposure out there man! Is that your real sister?

I know. A lot of people know who I am. I was a pretty well known part of the Colorado Marijuana community while I was there,like people in dispensaries knew who I was. And I started the #Fuckabee thing when Megyn Kelly said Fuck on Live TV. And I am one of very few people that shares History that you can enjoy reading, and I'm not one of few when it comes to Science but I also post a lot of Science that people are interested in.
I know. A lot of people know who I am. I was a pretty well known part of the Colorado Marijuana community while I was there,like people in dispensaries knew who I was. And I started the #Fuckabee thing when Megyn Kelly said Fuck on Live TV. And I am one of very few people that shares History that you can enjoy reading, and I'm not one of few when it comes to Science but I also post a lot of Science that people are interested in.
I still think you're half crazy...but in a good way...
For example, I teach a lot of people about things about their own History that they didn't know about. Everything from Black History to American History to Legal History to World History. And I can explain a 100,000 year period as if it all happened yesterday.
And a big part of it is that I am one of very very few Hindus that actually reads the Rig Veda and shares not just the Traditions that have been passed down, but the Origins of the Religion. For example, I hardly ever talk about Crystals, or Chakras, etc. because those are the Hindu equivalent of celebrating Christian Holidays but not reading the Bible, sometimes people talk about Crystals or Chakras and don't even know they are Hindu.

I have even talked to people from India who wanted me to teach them more because they were raised Hindu, but they never read any of the Vedas.
I've been studying Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry for at least 10 years now. And brain Chemistry for at least 5.
It didn't make a lot of sense to me when I started, but I wanted to learn it, and now I can explain all kinds of things. One time I was talking about a legal substance that the people I was with had not heard of, and one of them asked "What does it look like?" and I started describing the actual structure of the Molecule, and they said "No, like is it a powder or what?"
I make sure I know both sides of most things. Like with the Noah, Moses, Joseph thing in the other thread. I know exactly what a Christian will argue (Tutmoses, Mt Arrat, Imhotep, etc), and I know how to prove that they are wrong. Because they know all about the Bible and all that, but I know about the Bible and the Historical Records of Egypt, and a lot about Syrio-Palestinian History (which is where the Bible happened mostly). And I'm not Christian, I just know I will have to debate Christians.

But I can also debate Atheists. I can show them the flaws in Science, though I don't disagree with Science. I even made a Fossil Record. Because when they debate Christians they are always just like "Look at the Fossil Record" but there isn't like a Record that you can actually just go look at and see everything, so I made one.
And in regards to the Orlando shooting, how come when he kills people it is just pure evil, and could have no reason behind it. But when America Drones an American in Yemen it's justifiable?

If America is going to stop radicalization, they have to themselves stop radicalizing people.