the nugg show


Well-Known Member
Bagseed Indica - Zero Veg Clone - Wet Weight 97Grams


Trimmed all of the Fan Leaves...

that's a standard size bic lighter by the way.... not a small one...:wink:

Full manicured Bud weighing in at 97.2 grams WET WEIGHT



Well-Known Member
fucking A bro...:clap:

some of those are really beautiful...:clap:

Thanks for sharing and for starting this thread!!!:razz:


Well-Known Member
had some time snapped some pics
this is how you know your flush is working

some blueberry at day 25ish
and iss at day 32

you can see shes got a touch of over fert.but she dont mind

some more random plants
c plus

bag seed

gola 3 more days left to flush

she got a couple of my grey ass hair 's caught in her mits



Well-Known Member
uh... mine do that... you've seen them... right...???

and I don't flush at all... not even for a minute...

the leaves will turn as the plant matures...

But I suppose you could introduce all kinds of deficiencies by flushing, causing the leaves to turn pre-maturely...

Can't sy for sure cause I'm just a newb.. but my leaves turn.. I know that much...


Well-Known Member
Those just window screens? Where is it located? I assume its dark, and what kind of ventilation? I assume a fan pointed directly up below the last screen? Those just clotheslines holding the screens? I love the simplicity. I'm harvesting in a week or 2 and am brainstorming ideas here. Looks good, I like it. I'd love to see more photos.


Well-Known Member
Those just window screens?
Yup... from HD...

Where is it located?
In an antique wardrobe...

I assume its dark,
Only when I close the doors...;-)

and what kind of ventilation?
6" little circulating fan... sitting on top of an oil filled heater...

The heater is necessary to hold it at 70F....

I assume a fan pointed directly up below the last screen?
No.. no fan pointed directly at the buds...

The fan blows the heat twds the floor... and it raises naturally

Those just clotheslines holding the screens?
Some string and those clothe pins... yup...

If I want to, I can just slide up or down... by moving the pins...

I love the simplicity.
It is pretty simple...

I'm harvesting in a week or 2 and am brainstorming ideas here.
The only downside so far is that one side of the bud is flat... no biggie for me...

Looks good, I like it.
Cool Thanks!

I'd love to see more photos.
That is just what it is...

some screens hanging from the rod in the closet...

A heater cause I live in "cold land" and a fan to keep things moving...

But there are many many shots of my harvests (and the screens) on my journal... if you care to dig...;-)

Cheers... and best of luck...



Well-Known Member
strawberry cough this is a cut from a friends 9 yr old mother plant bred by kyle kushman


ISS ( as usuall..... If i had a real; life ...I might not take so many pics :)


and of course some gola


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro...

I'm gonna miss having it like that all the time...

I like my daily harvest...

But ... gotta do what I gotta do...

The trees are starting to look pretty good too...

I just kinda dread having to deal with that much bud all at once...

My current 20 minute a day trim session will be missed...
