Those just window screens?
Yup... from HD...
In an antique wardrobe...
Only when I close the doors...
and what kind of ventilation?
6" little circulating fan... sitting on top of an oil filled heater...
The heater is necessary to hold it at 70F....
I assume a fan pointed directly up below the last screen?
No.. no fan pointed directly at the buds...
The fan blows the heat twds the floor... and it raises naturally
Those just clotheslines holding the screens?
Some string and those clothe pins... yup...
If I want to, I can just slide up or down... by moving the pins...
It is pretty simple...
I'm harvesting in a week or 2 and am brainstorming ideas here.
The only downside so far is that one side of the bud is flat... no biggie for me...
Cool Thanks!
I'd love to see more photos.
That is just what it is...
some screens hanging from the rod in the closet...
A heater cause I live in "cold land" and a fan to keep things moving...
But there are many many shots of my harvests (and the screens) on my journal... if you care to dig...
Cheers... and best of luck...