the nugg show


Well-Known Member
Back to the budshow.

Right after the chop. I was trying to filter out background shadow and accidentally cleared my selection to black. Then it just had to stay because it looked so rad.

After the cure.



Well-Known Member
G13 Labs Purple Lady. I snipped at about 40% amber trichs, 50 days flowering. High is racy in the head at first, head-rush fades a bit then a light body stone is felt. On this I'm prone to staring off into space with my headphones on my head without any music playing for the better part of an hour.


thanks bonghits. i tried to do that by posting them on photobucket but html doesn't work or i was just too lazy to figure it out. how'd you do it?


Well-Known Member
if you go back aways through the pages you will see a plant i called purple fire i dont know the name but she is fire shes cured and tastes candy store sweet

here she is


Well-Known Member

I am still in love with this Juicy fruit... :roll:

She's just ... so fucking pretty...!!!:hump: ... makes me wanna eat her...:lol: :weed:



Well-Known Member
1st THANKS TO ALL. for moving this thread along with the beautifull pics. 2nd gypsy i love your juicyfruit plant.
3rd more pics coming.. 1st 3 iss the rest are of my purple fire

now purple fire

shes worth the wait..................................

allmoast there

stay tuned..........