The Obama Doctrine

ViRedd, personally I think it's barbaric, but individuals must be free to make their own choices, even if we do find some of those choices distasteful.

Though, I am sure that there are some people who have had their mind changed on abortion after having under gone one, and others who thought they would get one, and didn't after giving it thought. I don't think there is any one (with the exception of the rare psychotic individual) that can say that it is an easy choice.

Of course there's probably others that didn't think they'd get one and did (for whatever reason).
Gee, thank you Mr. forum moderator who lives in his ivory tower. Please point out to me where I have mentioned the word "Christian" in any post in this thread. You won't find it. What you WILL find, if you read between the lines, is that I am Pro-Human.

I suspect that you're getting frustrated by the ban on personal attacks. May I suggest that you go bat the wife around a little bit, or go kick the cat to ease the tension? :blsmoke:

You may suggest all you want you old geezer (now that's not a personal attack because you are actually older than me). I'd swear there have been infractions pointed at me:


I guess ya have to roll with the punches ya old geezer. If I wanted to attack you, I'd just attack your stupid rascist anti Obama views. Oh, that's right I do and will continue to.
"I guess ya have to roll with the punches ya old geezer. If I wanted to attack you, I'd just attack your stupid racist anti Obama views. Oh, that's right I do and will continue to."

What racist attacks are you referring to? I've made no racist attacks on anyone. Bah ... humbug.

And, I'm older than you? Only in years, Med ... only in years. ~lol~
