The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

Thank you I was ready to ream you a new azzhole, but seeing how honest you are and the hard time that you are overcoming with your family I will be gentle...First good job on stepping up and being a man...

Now by your own admission you have let me know that Obama has not taken anything from your person...sorry guy you don't make enough..not saying that in a bad way...its just a fact..right now you don't even have a job so what can he take..again the tax increase was for families making over 250,000 and individuals making 110, you bitching about something that does not affect you ....and you are receiving help from the GOV as you state by going to what you stated incorrectly was that the GOV is the only player out there for student loans.. dude wtf you can still get private loans. Private loans available from banks and other private lenders can cover any costs beyond what the government loans provide, but I would use it as a last resort do to the amount of the payback...again do your homework...and by the way when the economy tank it was Bush in office not back to my first is Obama taking from your family when in fact
1. you don't work
2. you use Gov loans for school.

So I shouldn’t open my mouth about things I consider unjust? Where is the logic in that?
I’ve told you twice what progressive policies have taken from me. PART OF MY LIFE. I’m not against helping those that need help but there are a lot of people who take advantage of the system. I’m against corporate and private citizen handouts. If that hand out helped a person actually improve their life but most are designed to hold people in poverty. We’ve had a war on poverty for 40 years and it’s still with us. It always will be because you can’t help those who won’t help themselves.

My wife still works and pays a shit load of taxes. I quit my job in summer of 2010. The first time I went to school I signed up for student loans and I received offers from 6 banks and I chose the best choice for me. Now I have one choice through the university, government. I don’t need nor want extra money; I just want a loan for the cost of my school.

The economic collapse started under Bush but Obama’s policies have made it worse. I think liberal policies played a large role in the collapse anyway but I know we disagree there and that horse has been beat to death.
So I shouldn’t open my mouth about things I consider unjust? Where is the logic in that?
I’ve told you twice what progressive policies have taken from me. PART OF MY LIFE. I’m not against helping those that need help but there are a lot of people who take advantage of the system. I’m against corporate and private citizen handouts. If that hand out helped a person actually improve their life but most are designed to hold people in poverty. We’ve had a war on poverty for 40 years and it’s still with us. It always will be because you can’t help those who won’t help themselves.

My wife still works and pays a shit load of taxes. I quit my job in summer of 2010. The first time I went to school I signed up for student loans and I received offers from 6 banks and I chose the best choice for me. Now I have one choice through the university, government. I don’t need nor want extra money; I just want a loan for the cost of my school.

The economic collapse started under Bush but Obama’s policies have made it worse. I think liberal policies played a large role in the collapse anyway but I know we disagree there and that horse has been beat to death.
again your wife taxes did not go up unless she makes 250,000 by her damn self ( seein how you don't have a job )..Bud you are one of those that I talk about...screaming Obama in my pockets when in fact Obama is helping you...If you so darn serious about not taking handouts..start by paying your own way through college..don't use the GOV you really see how you say one thing but your actions tell another....again your family is not affected by any tax got balls to say you don't have a job, but Obama taking from you...LOL and WTF

here you can pay you own way..don't need GOV
Nope, where are we guaranteed the right to the fruits of other's labor, even those of our parents?

You are reframing the context of my comment intentionally. Typical leftist tactics. Now if you want to debate whether the State trumps the will of the living then we can go there. But to imply I suggested we have the right to other's properties you have to be kidding.
so are you commenting on things when you don't know the full story ???? let me clue you in...a statement was made..."Almost anyone then Obama We need a normal person in office" post the question is what is normal....please read thread before posting against the question to you is what was meant by normal ????
I know exactly what "full story is". But I was making a entirely different point (which is normal in casual conversation) so if you wanted to know what he meant by normal you will have to ask him or just accuse him of being a bigot because you can read minds. I don't assume to know what others are thinking. unlike yourself I don't have the power to know what racist thought people have. I have to just take them at there word.
You know what guys.......whilst you all bicker about your home grown politics this is happening and it is far more important. YOUR FOREIGN POLICIES DICTATE THE REPERCUSSION EFFECTS YOU EXPERIENCE AT HOME.


You should be more focussed on this, this is what your government wants, you guys arguing over domestic issues whilst they further commit themselves and your futures.
again your wife taxes did not go up unless she makes 250,000 by her damn self ( seein how you don't have a job )..Bud you are one of those that I talk about...screaming Obama in my pockets when in fact Obama is helping you...If you so darn serious about not taking handouts..start by paying your own way through college..don't use the GOV you really see how you say one thing but your actions tell another....again your family is not affected by any tax got balls to say you don't have a job, but Obama taking from you...LOL and WTF

For the last time it’s not just Obama. You keep refusing to acknowledge that part of my statement. Progressive policies have been taking money from me for years. It’s not just federal, it’s state and local. Part of my property taxes goes to pay for public art while school systems continue to decline. Instead of cutting public art programs when times get tough they increase taxes. I’ve worked since I was 15 years old so I’ve had a rather large amount of my income go toward taxes. Again Obama is just one player in a whole line. So keep marginalizing my opinion I don’t care. At some point the country is going to have to face facts; that the wealthy can’t pay for all this shit alone, that we need to cut spending or start requiring a lot more people to put some skin in the game. I just hope it happens before it’s too late.
I know exactly what "full story is". But I was making a entirely different point (which is normal in casual conversation) so if you wanted to know what he meant by normal you will have to ask him or just accuse him of being a bigot because you can read minds. I don't assume to know what others are thinking. unlike yourself I don't have the power to know what racist thought people have. I have to just take them at there word.
by all accounts Obama is normal...the only thing that was not normal when he was chosen POTUS was the fact that he was the first black President which was not go ahead and try to hid behind BS words..we in fact will continue to rip that shit down
For the last time it’s not just Obama. You keep refusing to acknowledge that part of my statement. Progressive policies have been taking money from me for years. It’s not just federal, it’s state and local. Part of my property taxes goes to pay for public art while school systems continue to decline. Instead of cutting public art programs when times get tough they increase taxes. I’ve worked since I was 15 years old so I’ve had a rather large amount of my income go toward taxes. Again Obama is just one player in a whole line. So keep marginalizing my opinion I don’t care. At some point the country is going to have to face facts; that the wealthy can’t pay for all this shit alone, that we need to cut spending or start requiring a lot more people to put some skin in the game. I just hope it happens before it’s too late.
question which POTUS did you like ????
How is that the American Way? It might be the way of the European Aristrocratic system but it is not the American way. That's a leftist mythical narrative.

I was born poor as hell but I will be in the "top 1%" in 10 years because I decided to be, not because of a social or political construct predetermined that for me. Also, if I make 1 billion dollars and my children inherit that when I pass, they have the moral/ethical right to the fruits of my labor and it doesn't make anybody evil.
the wind blew blew and the shit flew...............
It’s not just about Obama. It’s the whole progressive movement. I told you what the progressive moment has taking from me, countless hours of my life to pay the tax burden of others. And you try to marginalize that. Now my freedom to live in this country has been compromised. They want to require every person in the country to have health insurance. What’s to stop them from requiring me to buy a new GM electric care all in the name of the general welfare of the country?

I seriously doubt you pay very much in taxes....
question which POTUS did you like ????

I haven’t really like many in my life time. I was born under Carter, I remember Reagan telling me to say no, that was a real world solution right there. Hahaha. Bush 41 took us to war in jr high and we all bought operation desert storm t shirts to show our support. Clinton was pretty good but we had a divided government for most of his term so I think it was both parties keep each other in check for the most part. Clinton was actually the first president I voted for. When Bush and Gore went at it I voted 3rd party. Bush and Kerry I went with Bush because Kerry looked and sounded like a used car salesman. Did I like Bush, no but I felt he was the lesser of 2 evils. No child left behind is a failure and we should drop that shit now.

So out of all Presidents in my life time I’d say Clinton has been my favorite. Defiantly the most entertaining. I remember watching him play the sax. on The Arsenio Hall Show. Reagan was good on something but he didn’t cut spending and he booted the illegal problem down the road.

I love to listen to JFK speeches, I like Lincoln, Jefferson, Adams, of course Washington. I think LBJ’s great society was bullshit. And FDR’s economic policy sucked balls. But I’m rambling again.
You are reframing the context of my comment intentionally. Typical leftist tactics. Now if you want to debate whether the State trumps the will of the living then we can go there. But to imply I suggested we have the right to other's properties you have to be kidding.

You said that your children have the moral right to your property did you not?
I haven’t really like many in my life time. I was born under Carter, I remember Reagan telling me to say no, that was a real world solution right there. Hahaha. Bush 41 took us to war in jr high and we all bought operation desert storm t shirts to show our support. Clinton was pretty good but we had a divided government for most of his term so I think it was both parties keep each other in check for the most part. Clinton was actually the first president I voted for. When Bush and Gore went at it I voted 3rd party. Bush and Kerry I went with Bush because Kerry looked and sounded like a used car salesman. Did I like Bush, no but I felt he was the lesser of 2 evils. No child left behind is a failure and we should drop that shit now.

So out of all Presidents in my life time I’d say Clinton has been my favorite. Defiantly the most entertaining. I remember watching him play the sax. on The Arsenio Hall Show. Reagan was good on something but he didn’t cut spending and he booted the illegal problem down the road.

I love to listen to JFK speeches, I like Lincoln, Jefferson, Adams, of course Washington. I think LBJ’s great society was bullshit. And FDR’s economic policy sucked balls. But I’m rambling again.

fair enough but I'm pissed @ Clinton for that NAFTA bullshit...
Reagan was good on something but he didn’t cut spending and he booted the illegal problem down the road.
And FDR’s economic policy sucked balls.
Pardon me, as I'm just trying to stimulate a more intelligent debate here....

What about Reagan did you like, and what policies of FDR's did you dislike? Also, if you are going to say something like "sucked balls" than I would greatly appreciate you back up your assertion with some evidence please.

The reason I ask, is that I've already defended FDR's new deal policies extensively and I would be happy to present undeniable evidence to support that assertion. It seems, however, that whenever I do this conservatives just stop posting. Is it because you have no evidence?
One the best speeches of all time.
Oh yea I like listening to Reagan give speeches as well.
I find it interesting both occur in Berlin and they are 2 of the best speeches I’ve ever heard. Very Powerful makes me thankful my country and my freedom.
Obama’s good but I think the other 2 have a more powerful delivery.